2000 Years Of Magic History In My Head - Chapter 25: The Wizard’s Role (1)

Chapter 25: The Wizard’s Role (1)

Chapter 25: The Wizards Role (1)

When the dungeon master, Kim Seong-ho mentioned that hed be recruiting a wizard, the younger brothers of the party complained.

Do we really need a wizard?

I agree with Yun-ho. Magic will be useful in the setting of a D-class dungeon, but 2nd circle magic has consequences. A few uses, and theyll be ruined! It will decrease our hunting speed.

Lim Yun-ho and Jung Min-Cheol looked angrily at their leader; the sharing of their frustration intensified the feelings for both.

In the face of the opinions of a pair of 20-year-olds, Kim Sung-ho responded calmly. Research verifies that the dungeon could be cleared safely with just the three of us. However, the information isnt always accurate. Unexpected variables could result in death it is good to have a safety net in these situations. You never know whats going to happen, and its much better to be prepared for the worst.


