1001 Ways To Be Romantic - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 6

1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 6

Don't undermine your partner's authority with your kids.

Don't reveal the ending of a movie!

Don't spend your "Prime Time" watching TV.

Don't drink and drive-not ever.

Don't stop.

Don't be a "cover-stealer" in bed.

Don't interrupt when he or she is talking.

Don't wait-express your love right now.

Don't hold grudges.

Don't take one another for granted.

Don't go a single day without saying, "I love you."

Don't let your mind wander during conversations.

Don't wait for your partner to read your mind.

Don't just sign "Love" on your Valentine's Day card; be eloquent.

Don't be so judgmental.

Don't wait until the last minute to make Valentine's Day dinner reservations.

Don't even try to leave the house during a blizzard. Snuggle together for a romantic day off.

"Spoil your husband, but don't spoil your children."

-Louise Seier Giddings Currey.

Chapter Theme Song:.

"Don't Save it All for Christmas Day," Celine Dion.


92 Remember: Romance isn't barter!

You'll lose every time if you use romantic gestures to barter for favors or forgiveness. The following "unspoken agreements" may have had some validity in the past, but they don't cut it anymore: "I'll take you to a movie and dinner if you'll sleep with me," "I'll cook dinner for you if you'll let me nag you," "I'll give you flowers if you'll forgive me for being a jerk."

Romance is the expression of your love for that special person. It's not a bargaining chip. If you use it as one, you cheapen the gesture, devalue your relationship, and up the ante for the next round of bartering.


Start saving mementos of your life together. Create a "Memories Box."

Save movie stubs, theater programs, and restaurant receipts.

Save sand and seashells from your beach vacations.

Save labels from wine bottles and corks from champagne bottles.

Save restaurant menus and place mats.

Save maps from your road trips.

Save plane tickets, movie tickets, event tickets, theater tickets, etc.

Use these mementos to create a unique gift for a special anniversary. Make a collage, a scroll, a memory box, or a scrapbook.

You must remember-her birthday! Or your name is "Mud," bud!

You must remember-Valentine's Day! C'mon, spring for flowers and chocolates!

You must remember-your anniversary! Why not take a personal holiday?



Give her one Hershey's Kiss.

Give her one thousand Hershey's Kisses.

Remove all the little paper strips (that say "Kisses" on them) from a couple hundred Hershey's Kisses. Fill a little jewelry box with them. Wrap 'em up and present them to her.

Write a clever certificate explaining that the little paper slips are coupons redeemable for one kiss each.

95 Best movie kisses: The Notebook: When rain-drenched Noah and Allie can no longer deny their feelings and kiss in the rain.

Spider-Man: Mary Jane uncovers Spidey's mouth from beneath his mask and kisses him while he hangs upside-down.

Gone with the Wind: When Rhett steals a major kiss from Scarlett while he's helping her escape as Atlanta burns.

96 Best songs about kissing: "Kiss Me," Sixpence None the Richer "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me," U2 FYI-33,000,000 Hershey's Kisses are made daily.

FYI-For love letters and emails: X's symbolize kisses; O's symbolize hugs.

Use capital X's for smooches; lowercase x's for pecks.

Use capital O's for bear hugs; lowercase o's for squeezes.

"A Kiss to Build a Dream On," Louis Armstrong "Kissing You," Des'ree "Kiss Me Goodbye," Petula Clark "Let's Just Kiss," Harry Connick Jr.

"The Kiss," The Cure "This Kiss," Faith Hill "Haul Off and Kiss Me," Caroline Aiken "A Little Kiss Each Morning," Rudy Valee "Put That Kiss Back Where You Found It," Benny Goodman FYI-Thirty-four facial muscles are used when you kiss.


97 Spread rose petals all over the bedroom.

98 Do you think you're the only one who writes "mushy," exuberant poetry? Well, think again...

Miss you, miss you, miss you; Everything I do Echoes with the laughter And the voice of You.

You're on every corner, Every turn and twist, Every old familiar spot Whispers how you're missed.

Oh, I miss you, miss you!

God! I miss you, Girl!

There's a strange, sad silence 'Mid the busy whirl, Just as tho' the ordinary Daily things I do Wait with me, expectant For a word from You.

-David Cory, Selections from Miss You Write a "five-minute love poem." Set this book down-right now!-and spend the next five minutes writing a quick love poem. (Do this once a day for a week and you'll get pretty good at it!) 99 A well-crafted love letter will bring a sigh to your lover. Love letters also make treasured keepsakes. But many people tell me they feel uncomfortable or silly when attempting to write a real love letter. Some think it's not cool to express their true/passionate/insecure feelings.

Maybe you'd feel more comfortable if you could only see someone else's love letters, huh? How about a selection from an unabashed love letter from Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine De Beauharnais: "I wake filled with thoughts of you. Your portrait and the intoxicating evening which we spent yesterday have left my senses in turmoil. Sweet, incomparable Josephine, what a strange effect you have on my heart!"


100 Romantics have their priorities straight.

What are your priorities? What I mean is, what are your true priorities? In other words, how do you spend your time? How you spend your time reflects your true priorities. (Most people claim that home and family are most important to them, but their actions don't reflect this.) Living a life full of love is about getting your actions into alignment with your beliefs.

Make an honest appraisal of how you spend your time. Make a chart of how you spend an average week. You'll probably make some interesting discoveries!

Say to her, "Let's plan a special outing: A lunch-date, dinner-date, movie-whatever. You choose the time and place, and I'll be there-regardless of my previous plans." This shows that she has top priority-over work, friends, hobbies, etc.

You sometimes work overtime at work, right? Why not occasionally work "overtime" on your relationship?

"The secret to having a good marriage is to understand that marriage must be total, it must be permanent, and it must be equal."

-Frank Pittman You might also want to read a book called Love-The Course They Forgot To Teach You In School, by some guy named Godek.

101 Romantics know that love is a process.

While on the one hand romantics tend to live in the moment, we also expect to be around for awhile-so we don't fret too much about today's problems. We know that love, like life, is a process. Things change. Things grow. There is a future coming our way, and it's probably going to be pretty good!

Adjust your daily schedule in some small way to advance the process of love in your life.

Read a book to increase your understanding of the process of love. I suggest Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires, The Respect He Desperately Needs, by Emerson Eggerichs.


102 Love is timeless-and to prove it, cover up all the clocks in your house for the entire weekend. (Remember that one of the best things about being on vacation is the freedom from schedules and clocks and appointments. You can create a minivacation by freeing yourself from the tyranny of the clock for 48 hours.) 103 Get her a wristwatch. Inscribe it with: I always have time for you.

104 Get a little bottle. (Maybe an antique bottle or quirky jar.) Fill it with sand. Cork it. Label it: "Extra Time." Give it to your partner.

Inspired by Jim Croce's song "Time in a Bottle."

Chapter Theme Song:.