1001 Ways To Be Romantic - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 55

1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 55

975 More often.

Thousands of men in my Romance Classes have confided or complained that having their ladies wear lingerie more often is the one thing they want intensely that their women tend to resist.


976 Make love to her the way she wants to be made love to.

The secret to being a World-Class Lover is contained in one little word, guys: foreplay.


977 Buy camping equipment instead of going on an expensive vacation. A one-time outlay will assure you of years of inexpensive vacations. (You'll also be prepared for last-minute vacationing opportunities and quickie weekend getaways.) 978 Buy season tickets for shows and events that you attend. You'll save money in the long run, you'll get better seats, and you'll go out more! Box seats are great-whether they're at the ballgame or the ballet!

979 Many symphonies and theaters have discount tickets available on the day or evening of performances. If your partner doesn't mind a little uncertainty, this is a great way to save a few bucks and still enjoy an evening of culture and entertainment.

980 Where to get inexpensive flowers: supermarkets. Street vendors. Meadows. Your own garden. Your neighbor's garden. Outdoor markets. The side of the road.

981 Discover your local community theaters. They're fun, inexpensive, and entertaining. Many small cities and towns have truly excellent community theaters. Call them today for a schedule of upcoming shows. Don't forget to call a number of nearby towns, too!


982 Under the category of "Spending the Most Money on the Smallest Items," the hands-down winner is...Diamonds!

Under the category of "Extravagance in Times Square," the winner is...

Third row, center orchestra seats to whatever Broadway show is currently most popular. (Unless you have a cousin in the business; then you'll need to spring for over-priced-but worth it!-tickets from an exclusive ticket broker.) Under the category of "OH-MY-GOD-I didn't know it was possible," the winner is...

Hiring a big name rock band or comedian to entertain at your private anniversary party. This one will set you back a couple hundred thousand dollars (no joke!), but some Very Big Names are available for hire! Some that have performed for private parties include Prince, The Beach Boys, and Robin Williams.

983 Other good ways of spending lots of money on your lover: Caviar A Mont Blanc fountain pen A Rolex watch A Harley-Davidson Fat Boy FLSTF A full-length mink coat A Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

"The Eskimos have fifty-two words for snow because it is so special to them; there ought to be as many for love!"

-Margaret Atwood 984 Dinner at The Wild Boar Restaurant, in Nashville, Tennessee. A wine list that fills a hundred pages and includes three thousand selections, with a total inventory of 15,000 bottles. Eighteen-karat gold table settings. And a $2 million art collection. Oh, and good food, too. Call 615-329-1313.


985 Romance tips for business executives: For lawyers in love: Treat your guy or gal like an equal partner in the "firm" of your relationship.

For salesmen in love: Treat her better than your best customer.

For VPs in love: Prepare a "Relationship Annual Report" for your mate.

For advertising execs in love: Create an ad campaign that expresses your love.

For stockbrokers in love: If there were a "Dow Jones Romance Average," how well are your "relationship stocks" doing?

For PR execs in love: Create a love-related "PR stunt" for your partner.

For managers in love: Are you managing your relationship as well as you're managing your career?

For regional managers: If your partner were in charge of giving bonuses for your "performance" at home, how big would this quarter's bonus be?

For Junior VPs: Are you practicing your relationship skills as diligently as you're practicing your golf skills?

For CPAs in love: Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of love in your life.

For engineers in love: Increase your expression of affection by twenty-three percent.

For job hunters: Create a Relationship Resume that lists your qualifications.

For company presidents: Are you providing adequate leadership and inspiration at home?

Chapter Theme Song:.

"Lawyers in Love," Jackson Browne Your career may keep you away from one another for most of the day, but make the time you do have together count.


986 More romance tips for business executives: For CEOs in love: Are you keeping your most important "shareholder" happy?

For Big Shot Board Members: Are your daily activities in sync with your "Mission Statement"?

For CFOs in love: Review your emotional "investment" in your partner.

For marketing managers: Identify and meet the Strategic Objectives of your relationship.

For supervisors in love: Delegate more-and get home earlier.

For manufacturing execs: Do you have your suppliers of romantic gifts lined up?

For bankers in love: You don't give cheap toasters to your most important customers, do you? Well?

For sales managers in love: Focus 10 percent more effort on your most important customer-and watch your "bonus" increase proportionally.

For computer programmers: Work the "bugs" out of your relationship.

For quality assurance execs: Ensure the level of "quality time" spent at home.

For human resources managers in love: Administer to yourself and your mate one of your corporate "Personality Profiles." Then use the results time prove your relationship.

For entrepreneurs in love: You're creating something new and valuable. Go for it!

Chapter Theme Song:.

Back in Business," AC/DC For workaholics in all fields: It's a cliche, but it's true: no one, on his deathbed, ever said, "I wish I'd spent more time working."

HEARTS (#S 175)


Make a heart-shaped pizza.

Your initials in a heart-in skywriting.

Cut the kitchen sponges into heart shapes.

While out at a formal dinner, nonchalantly draw a heart on the back of his hand with a pen.

Have a heart-shaped pool built.

Your initials in a heart-on wet cement in a sidewalk.

Trace a heart shape in fogged-up windows.

Your initials in a twenty-foot heart in the snow.

A quilt with a heart motif.

Your initials in a heart-etched on a brick in your patio.

Place the pepperoni in the shape of a heart on the pizza.

Trace a fifty-foot heart in the sand on a beach.

Grill burgers in the shape of a heart.

Heart-shaped sandwiches.

For math nuts: r = a (1-cosA).

Use heart-shaped stickers.

Band-Aids with heart designs.