1001 Ways To Be Romantic - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 52

1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 52


935 Make a "Just Married" sign. Tape it to the back windshield of your car before taking a Sunday afternoon drive. People will honk and wave. Pretend you're newlyweds! (Maybe even stay in the bridal suite of a local hotel!) While most people sign their letters with X's and O's, one man wrote a whole letter with X's and O's-with a secret message embedded among the kisses and hugs!


















937 Write a personal message somewhere on your body (with washable ink)-and let him discover it.

Chapter Theme Song:.

"A Message," Coldplay


938 Before you leave on a trip, leave a bottle of scented massage oil on the nightstand, along with a note saying, "I'm going to use this on you as soon as I return."

939 Massages come in two varieties: Sensual and sexual. Learn the subtle-but important-differences. A sensual massage is soothing, healing, and relaxing. It often lulls your partner to sleep. A sexual massage is stimulating and arousing. It often leads to lovemaking. True romantics know when each type of massage is appropriate.

940 Some recommended books on massage: The Tao of Sexual Massage, by Stephen Russell The Art of Sensual Massage, Gordon Inkeles Lovers' Massage: Soothing Touch for Two, by Darrin Zeer The Complete Guide to Massage, by Susan Mumford The Complete Idiot's Guide to Sensual Massage, by Patti Britton & Helen Hodgson Sensual Massage for Couples, by Gordon Inkeles & Greg Peterson Touch is healing.



A is for Attitude, Available, Accept, Ardor, Accolades, Admire, Aphrodisiacs, a la Mode, Anniversary, Ambrosia, Ardent, Athens, Australia B is for Boudoir, Bed & Breakfast, Buttercups, Beaches, Blue, Books, Boston, Balloons, Bicycling, Broadway, Brandy, Bubble baths, Bahamas C is for Champagne, Creativity, Candlelight, Candy, Chocolate, Convertibles, Casablanca, Cognac, Caviar, Chivalry, Crabtree & Evelyn D is for Diamonds, Dancing, Daffodils, Dating, Dolls, Dirty Dancing, Dinner, Divine, Dearest E is for Enthusiasm, Energy, Excitement, Emeralds, Earrings, Elvis, Erotic, Exotic, Expensive, Escapes F is for Flirting, Fantasies, Feminine, Faithful, France, Flowers, Fruits, French kissing, Foreplay G is for Garters, Gardenias, Godiva, Getaways, Gifts, Glenn Miller, Gourmet, Greece, Gondolas H is for Hearts, Humor, Hugs, Hideaways, Horses, Honeymoons, Hawaii, Hershey's Kisses, Hyatt, Holidays I is for Intimacy, Intrigue, Italy, Inns, Islands, Ingenuity, Ice Cream, Ice Skating, Interdependent, Imaginative, Invitation, Incense J is for Jewelry, Java, Jasmine, Jell-O, Jazz, Journey, Joyful, Jacuzzi K is for Kissing, Kinky, Kittens, Koala Bears, Kites L is for Love, Lingerie, Laughing, Love Letters, Lilacs, Lace, Leather, Leo Buscaglia, Lobsters, Lovemaking, Limousines, Love songs, London M is for Monogamy, Marriage, Masculine, M&M's, Massage, Movies, Mistletoe, Music, Mozart, Moonlight

Chapter Theme Song:.

"ABC," The Jackson Five N is for Negligee, Naughty, Nibble, Nighttime, Nubile, Novelty, Nurture, Nymph, Naples, Nightcap, Nape, Nepal, Necklace O is for Orgasm, Opera, Orchid, Outrageous, Outdoors P is for Passion, Perfume, Poppies, Poetry, Persimmons, Paris, Polkas, Panties, Pizza, Photos, Pearls, Picnics, Playfulness, Purple, Parking Q is for Quiet, Quaint, Quality, Queen, Quebec, Question, QE2, Quiche, Quiver, Quilts R is for Rendezvous, Roses, Rubies, Red, Reading, Rome, Rituals, Riviera, Restful, Rapture, Rings, Rio, Rainbows S is for Sex T is for Tea, Talking, Teasing, Tulips, Titillating, Theater, Tickets, Togetherness, Toasts, Toys, Trains, Trinidad, Travel, Tenderness U is for Umbrellas, Uxorious, Undress, Undulate, Urges, Unexpected, Union, Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree V is for Violets, Virgins, Vibrators, Venice, Venus, Valentines, Vegetables, Victoria's Secret W is for Wine, Wisteria, Walking hand-in-hand, Weddings X is for X-Rated, Xerographic, Xylophones, Xmas Y is for Yachts, Yes, Yellow, Yin & Yang, Young-at-heart Z is for Zany, Zanzibar, Zeal, Zodiac, Zurich "Do you know your ABCs?" Ask your partner to pick a letter. Then read the list of corresponding words. He or she has twenty-four hours in which to get a romantic gift or perform a romantic gesture based on any one of these key words.


942 Always kiss each other hello and goodbye. Be there for each other-always. Create an environment of love. Do it. Escape from the kids. Fight fair. Give of your time. Handle with care. Inspire your partner with your love. Judge not. Keep your good memories alive. Listen to her. Make love with your partner's needs foremost. Never go to bed angry. Offer to handle an unpleasant chore. Praise him. Quality time isn't just for the kids. Respect her feelings. Say what you feel when you feel it. Tell her you love her every day. Everyday. Understand your differences. Valentine's Day is every day. Walk together; talk together. EXcite your partner as only you know how. You can never say "I love you" too often. Zero in on his little passions.

943 Give your partner a "Romantic ABCs Coupon": Write the letters of the alphabet on twenty-six slips of paper. The coupon-holder picks one letter out of a hat. The coupon-giver will create a day of romance with gifts and gestures that all begin with that letter.

Choose a letter. Follow the corresponding piece of advice this week. Choose a different letter next week.


944 The song list from the best cassette tape of romantic music I've ever created: "I Won't Last a Day Without You," by Paul Williams "Coming Around Again," by Carly Simon "Closer to believing," by Greg Lake/Emerson, Lake & Palmer "Saving My Heart," by Yes "If I Had a Million Dollars," by Barenaked Ladies "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)," by The Proclaimers "Symphony No. 35, Haffner," by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "In the Mood," by Glenn Miller "Kalena Kai," by Keola Beamer "Crazy," by Patsy Cline 945 There are three kinds of people in the world: "Past-Oriented" people, "Now-Oriented" people," and "Future-Oriented" people. Your "romantic style" is often determined by your "time orientation."

Past-Oriented people tend toward the sentimental and nostalgic. They're into scrapbooks and saving things.

Now-Oriented people are spontaneous and often extremely creative. They're into last-minute activities and adventures.

Future-Oriented people are planners and listeners. They're into surprises and grand gestures.

FYI, romance is habit-forming.