1001 Ways To Be Romantic - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 45

1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 45

Give him a first-edition book by his favorite author.

Give her a book signed by her favorite author.

808 Write your own book!

A love story (nonfiction)-about the two of you.

A "Romance" novel-based loosely on the two of you.

A mystery, a science fiction saga, a Western.

A picturebook-with photos or sketches of your life together.

809 If he already has that special book in hand, and you'd like to make it even more special, you could have it bound in leather for him. Paperbacks can be made to look like family heirlooms, and old, ratty books can be beautifully restored. Call the Argosy Bookstore at 212-753-4455, or drop in at 116 East 59th Street, New York City 10022. Visit www.argosybooks.com.

810 For fans of Ernest Hemingway: Visit the Hemingway Museum in Piggott, Arkansas. Visit www.hemingway. astate.edu.

Visit Hemingway's birthplace, Oak Park, Illinois. Call 708-848-2222. Visit www. ehfop.org.

Attend the legendary "Hemingway Look-Alike Contest" at Sloppy Joe's Bar in Key West, Florida, in July. Call 305-296-2388 (ext. 21) or visit www.sloppyjoes.com.

Attend a book signing by his favorite author. Have the cover of her favorite book made into a poster. Have it framed for her office.

Buy him every book written by his favorite author. Visit the hometown of, or museum/library dedicated to, her favorite author.

Vacation at locations featured in his favorite books.

Chapter Theme Song:.

"Storybook Love," Willy DeVille (from The Princess Bride)


811a Humbly submitted for your perusal, some erotic fiction: Erotic Edge: 22 Stories for Couples, edited by Lonnie Barbach Taboo: Forbidden Fantasies for Lovers, edited by Violet Blue Little Birds, by Anais Nin Naughty Bedtime Stories, by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller Tropic of Capricorn, by Henry Miller Wolf Tales series, by Kate Douglas Caramel Flava: The eroticanoir.com Anthology, edited by Zane The Collected Erotica, edited by Charlotte Hill and William Wallace Herotica: A Collection of Women's Erotic Fiction, edited by Susie Bright See above, also available: Herotica 2 and Herotica 3.

If you and your partner are looking for some sexy stories to set the mood right now, read some erotic fiction online! The following sites should provide plenty of inspiration: www.eroticfiction.org www.pinkflamingo.com www.literotica.com 811b Modestly submitted for your perusal, some sexy nonfiction: The Pop-Up Book of Sex, by Melcher Media She Comes First, by Ian Kerner He Comes Next, by Ian Kerner The Kama Sutra The Art of Seduction, by Robert Greene Daily Sex, by Jane Seddon The Joy of Sex, by Alex Comfort Sex & The Perfect Lover: Tao, Tantra, and the Kama Sutra, by Mabel Iam The Sex Bible: The Complete Guide to Sexual Love, by Susan Crain Bakos The Couples' Guide to Erotic Games, by Gerald Schoenewolf


812 Guys: Give your wife a gift on your kids' birthdays. (Why should the kids get all the gifts? Your wife is the one who did all the work!) 813a Sometimes you really need to escape from the kids. Time alone together is required in order to build intimacy.

Hang a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign on your bedroom door when you want a little privacy. Enforce this directive strictly! (Teach your rug rats to read "Do not disturb," before "Once upon a time.") Declare every Wednesday to be Mom's and Dad's "date night." Just go off by yourselves for a couple of hours. Maybe just take a walk or go out for coffee. It makes a great, rejuvenating break in the middle of the week.

Chapter Theme Song:.

"Eyes of a Child," The Moody Blues "Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner."

-Amy Bloom 813b Sometimes it's great to include your children in your romantic adventures. (How else are they going to learn how loving adults are supposed tact?!) Take vacations at family-oriented resorts. When there are lots of things for the kids to do, it takes the pressure off you. The kids will have a better time and so will you.

Declare every Thursday to be "family night." Make a special point to have dinner together.

Play a board game. Pile onto the couch and watch a movie together. Take a walk together. Read aloud from a favorite book.


814 Instead of having the babysitter come in while the two of you go out, have the babysitter take the kids out-while you two stay home! Send all of them to a movie-a double feature. ("Now, what was it we used to do with all this peace and quiet? Oh, yes...!") 815 Send your kids to summer camp. It just might revitalize your marriage unlike any specific romantic gesture ever could! Some resources: American Camping Association: 800-428-CAMP, www.acacamps.org National Camp Association: 800-966-CAMP, www.summercamp.org Tips on Trips and Camps Service: 866-222-TIPS, www.tipsontripsand camps.com

Chapter Theme Song:.

"Young," Kenny Chesney 816 Guys: Add Mother's Day to your list of Obligatory Romance dates to observe. Mark it on your calendar now.

817 Make special "Love Coupons" to help each other deal with the kids: An "I'll get up in the middle of the night with the baby" coupon.

An "It's my turn to stay home with the next sick kid" coupon.

A coupon for "Five 'taxi trips': Hauling the kids to soccer practice."

An "I'll cook the kids' dinner" coupon.

True romantics retain a childlike mind-set. Therein lies wonder, joy, and a natural, uninhibited way of expressing love.


818 For your next anniversary: Write a short, sweet poem titled, "Another Wonderful Year with You." Then for the following year, write another poem (same title). This ritual gives you a built-in gift every year!

For your twenty-fifth or fiftieth anniversary you might collect the poems into a book, or have them all framed, or have them rendered in elegant calligraphy.

819 One couple in the Romance Class told us that they celebrate the changing of the seasons by taking a walk together on the first day of summer, autumn, winter, and spring-regardless of the weather.

820 Another couple plants a new rose bush on their anniversary to celebrate another year together.

821 One man brings his wife a cup of tea before bed every night-whether she wants one or not.

Rituals heighten the meaning of special events in our lives.

Surprise her with roses from your special garden-daily! Put them on her pillow, tape them to the bathroom mirror, arrange them in a vase on the table-the sky is the limit!


Write a toast, just for the two of you. Use it whenever having wine.

Write two toasts: One for private use, and one for public use.

Write a new toast once a year.

Write a toast that incorporates lyrics from her favorite love song.


823 Some couples have morning rituals: They spend ten minutes talking in bed before rising.

They read an affirmation aloud to one another.

They make a point of kissing before parting.

824 Some couples have evening rituals: They go for a walk after dinner together.

They meditate silently together.

They take turns every other night giving each other backrubs.

Chapter Theme Song:.

"The Things That We Do," Yolanda Adams 825 And, there are Sunday morning rituals: Attending a church service together.

Reading the Sunday funnies aloud to each other.

Sunday brunch.

826 My wife and I have a little "car ritual" we've performed for as long as we've known each other: I always open the car door for her (regardless of which one of us is driving), and she always leans over and unlocks my door from the inside. I never really thought of it as a "ritual" until recently. It's just a little thing we always do that helps us not take the other for granted.

Buy a wall calendar for your kitchen. Instead of penciling in doctor's appointments and meetings, use it to plan your romantic outings, movie nights, and vacations! The calendar will be a great keepsake to remind you of all the things you have done as a couple.


827 Romantic inspiration from the famous Burma Shave roadside ads. (Ask a senior citizen to explain it to you.) Hang a series of three brief-and-clever signs in your house.