Underdog Versus Boss - Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Hong Shi Na didnt want to see Feng Kai Ze look lovingly at Da Tian Ting. Da Tian Ting was the reason why Feng Kai Ze didnt want to marry her.

Hong Shi Na was the perfect princess in everyones eyes. Why did Feng Kai Ze hate her?

Feng Kai Ze didnt notice the weepy Hong Shi Na. He focused his attention on Da Tian Ting.

Looks good, Feng Kai Ze said. Ill take it too.

There wasnt one outfit you didnt like, Da Tian Ting said. Are you sure you didnt just say yes to all the outfits?

You have a beautiful body, Feng Kai Ze said. So you look beautiful in all the outfits you wore.

Are you telling the truth? Da Tian Ting asked.

Yes, Feng Kai Ze said. Wear this dress to dinner.

Da Tian Ting thought Feng Kai Ze was joking. Why would she wear a three hundred thousand dollar formal dress to a casual dinner?

Hong Shi Na wished she was Da Tian Ting, because she wanted Feng Kai Ze to pay attention to her.

Shi Na, did you find a dress you like? Hong Shi Nas friend asked.

Hong Shi Nas friend was startled to see her cry.

Shi Na, whats wrong? the friend asked.

Nothing, Hong Shi Na said.

Hong Shi Na noticed Feng Kai Zes attention was only focused on Da Tian Ting. What should she do to get him to love her? She wanted to marry him, but he rejected her.

Shi Na, do you like the dress that woman is wearing? the friend asked.

Hong Shi Na was envious Da Tian Ting could be herself in front of Feng Kai Ze. It meant he and Da Tian Ting must have a good relationship. She wanted to know how Da Tian Ting captured his heart.

Miss, my friend Hong Shi Na likes the dress youre wearing, the friend said to Da Tian Ting. I want you to take this dress off, and give it to Hong Shi Na.

Hong Shi Na? Da Tian Ting asked.

Da Tian Ting thought Hong Shi Nas name rang a bell.

Her name sounds familiar to me, Da Tian Ting said.

Hong Shi Na is the heiress of Hong Shis company, the friend said. Now do you understand?

Youre right, Da Tian Ting said. The heiress of Hong Shis company is named Hong Shi Na.

Da Tian Ting heard on the news that Fengs company helped make Hong Shis company successful, which meant offending Hong Shi Na was equivalent to offending an executive from Fengs company.

OK, Da Tian Ting said. Ill go change, and Ill give this dress to Miss Hong.

Feng Kai Ze wrapped an arm around Da Tian Tings waist.

This dress belongs to you, Feng Kai Ze said. Ignore them.

I havent paid for this dress yet so it doesnt belong to me, Da Tian Ting said. Let me go change.

No, Feng Kai Ze said. This dress is yours. You dont need to change.

Mr Feng, have you lost your brain? Da Tian Ting asked softly. We cant afford to buy this dress. Theres no reason for us to fight Miss Hong over this dress.

Im paying for it right now, Feng Kai Ze said. This dress is yours.

Feng Kai Ze gave the shop assistant the card he had wrote his address on while waiting.

Wrap up the outfits you chose for my girlfriend and deliver them to this address, Feng Kai Ze instructed. Keep this address confidential. If you dont this shop will be closed down.

Yes sir, the shop assistant said. Ill keep this address confidential.

Da Tian Ting didnt get to take a close look at Feng Kai Zes bank card.

Mr Feng, are you still looking for your brain? Da Tian Ting asked. We cant offend Miss Hong. Besides, youre jobless. Do you want to die from burning money?

Ive paid everything for you today, Feng Kai Ze said.

Lets not fight over a dress, Da Tian Ting said. Ill go change.

Youre wearing this dress to dinner, Feng Kai Ze said.

Were only going to dinner, Da Tian Ting said. I dont need to wear this dress.

Its yours, Feng Kai Ze said. You dont need to give it to someone else.

Da Tian Ting noticed Hong Shi Na crying. Why did Hong Shi Na cry over a dress?

Sir, here is your receipt, the shop assistant said.

Feng Kai Ze accepted the receipt, and took Da Tian Ting outside.

Da Tian Tings suspicions were confirmed, Feng Kai Ze must have triad connections. Why else could he afford to pay for her new wardrobe, and not be scared of offending Hong Shi Na?

Hong Shi Na didnt want Feng Kai Ze to leave with Da Tian Ting.

Shi Na, whos that man? the friend asked.

Feng Kai Ze, Hong Shi Na said.

What? the friend asked. Feng Kai Ze, your fiance?

Yes, Hong Shi Na said. Keep what you saw today a secret.

Hong Shi Na pretended she didnt see Feng Kai Ze with Da Tian Ting. She considered it as him sowing wild oats before their wedding. Thinking of ways to make him love her was her priority.