Underdog Versus Boss - Chapter 75

Chapter 75

The clients on the third floor were envious of Da Tian Ting for snagging a man like Feng Kai Ze.

Do you think so? Da Tian Ting asked.

Da Tian Ting didnt notice the clients envious looks. She was happy to hear Feng Kai Ze say he was satisfied with her new look. If what he said was true then she wanted to strut in front of Da Ming Sheng.

Yes, Feng Kai Ze said.

Da Tian Ting looked at her reflection in the full length mirror. She couldnt believe how smooth her skin looked after a facial, and the light makeup made her face look flawless.

Da Tian Ting liked the knee length lavender dress she wore with black heels. Her new hairstyle and jewellery matching the lavender dress made her look like an elegant young woman.

Da Tian Ting felt the waxing, plucking and pruning were worth it. She felt like a beautiful swan.

Keep your head high and be confident, Feng Kai Ze said. Then youll be even more beautiful.

I will, Da Tian Ting said.

Feng Kai Ze linked arms with Da Tian Ting.

What are you doing? Da Tian Ting asked.

Youre my girlfriend, Feng Kai Ze said. You need to stick close to me when were in public.

Oh, Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting believed Feng Kai Ze because she had seen Shang Duan Hua and Da Ming Sheng linked arms together on the streets like other young couples.

Da Tian Ting thought she and Feng Kai Ze looked like a beautiful couple.

Beautiful, Da Tian Ting said.

This is nothing, Feng Kai Ze said. Wait until their wedding. Ill help you look your best.

Is it possible for me to look more beautiful? Da Tian Ting asked.

Yes, Feng Kai Ze said. Lets go. I want to take you shopping.

OK, Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting thought Feng Kai Ze wanted to take her grocery shopping. She was wrong, he took her to an expensive womens clothing shop. The price tag of one lingerie was a four figure amount. He had spent a lot of money on her makeover. She didnt want him to become homeless if he bought her expensive outfits.

Mr Feng, lets leave, Da Tian Ting said.

Why? Feng Kai Ze asked.

Just buying one lingerie set here will make me bankrupt, Da Tian Ting said. Lets leave.

Da Tian Ting, this is my last warning, Feng Kai Ze said. If you mention money again, Im taking you to the sea right now and throw you over a ship.

A shop assistant greeted Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting.

Sir, Miss, how can I help you? the shop assistant asked.

I want you to choose ten casual outfits, ten formal dresses and ten lingerie sets of the best quality for my girlfriend, Feng Kai Ze instructed.

Yes sir, the shop assistant said.

The shop assistant was grateful toward Feng Kai Ze, she was going to receive a big sale commission. The cost of one outfit in the shop was a six figure amount. Most rich people could only afford to buy one outfit. But Feng Kai Ze wanted to buy twenty outfits and lingerie for Da Tian Ting.

Mr Feng, do I look like I can make money fall out of the sky? Da Tian Ting asked softly. Tomorrow Ill become a homeless beggar if I buy that many outfits here.

Da Tian Ting wanted to pay Feng Kai Ze back for her makeover and new outfits after she got a new job. If she bought even one outfit from the expensive shop, she would owe him money for the rest of her life.

I told you, Im paying for your new wardrobe, Feng Kai Ze said. Stop worrying about money.

I dont want to owe you a cent, Da Tian Ting said. Whatever you spent on me today, Ill pay you back in the future. I cant afford to shop here. Lets leave.

Feng Kai Ze held Da Tian Tings hand, and didnt let her leave the shop.

I changed my mind, Feng Kai Ze said to the shop assistant. I want you to choose fifteen casual outfits, fifteen formal dresses and fifteen lingerie sets for my girlfriend.

Da Tian Ting thought she was right about Feng Kai Ze being coo-coo. Why else would he burn money?

Sir, the sum of the outfits you want to buy your girlfriend is an eight figure amount, the shop assistant said. Sir, do you still want me to choose that many outfits for your girlfriend?

Feng Kai Ze took out his bank card and passed it to the shop assistant.

Miss, follow me to the change room, the shop assistant said.

Hey Da Tian Ting said.

The shop assistant whisked Da Tian Ting to the change room before she could ask Feng Kai Ze about the bank card he passed to the shop assistant. She wanted to know what was special about his bank card that made people dance to his tune.

Feng Kai Ze sat on a chair outside the change room, and read a magazine.

Da Tian Ting showed Feng Kai Ze the first outfit she changed into.

Not bad, Feng Kai Ze said. Ill take it.

Mr Feng, the outfit Im wearing, including heels, accessories and handbag is three hundred thousand dollars, Da Tian Ting said. Do you still want it?

Da Tian Ting wanted to give back the outfit she wore. Three hundred thousand dollars was worth more than the apartment she rented.

Three hundred thousand dollars is nothing, Feng Kai Ze said. Change into the next outfit.

The shop assistant suspected Feng Kai Ze was the heir of Fengs company, which meant three hundred thousand dollars was lunch money to him.

Miss, Ill help you choose your next outfit, the shop assistant said.

Da Tian Ting changed into the next outfit, and prepared herself to be embarrassed when Feng Kai Zes bank card was declined at the counter.

I like it, Feng Kai Ze said. Ill take this one too.

Da Tian Ting liked the formal dresses from the shop. If she wore one of the formal dresses to the wedding, it would make Shang Duan Hua and Da Ming Shengs eyes pop out. But before the formal dresses were paid, she didnt let herself get attached to the formal dresses.

One hour later, Da Tian Ting had changed into fifteen outfits and fourteen formal dresses. She didnt have much left in her tank. She told herself after she changed into one more formal dress, she could leave the shop.

Feng Kai Ze sat while Da Tian Ting changed into different outfits so he wasnt tired.

Kai Ze? Hong Shi Na asked. Why are you here?

Hong Shi Na didnt know why Feng Kai Ze was sitting outside the change room of a womens clothing shop.

None of your business, Feng Kai Ze said. And you dont have my permission to call me by my name.

Feng Kai Ze didnt know why Hong Shi Na had to show up when he was out with Da Tian Ting. He didnt know what to explain to Da Tian Ting if Hong Shi Na exposed his identity.

Mr Feng, what do you think of this last dress? Da Tian Ting asked.

Da Tian Ting noticed the beautiful woman standing next to Feng Kai Ze, and she smiled politely at the woman.

If youre satisfied with this dress then we can leave, Da Tian Ting said. Im hungry. I want to go eat dinner.