Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 579

Chapter 579

Published at 27th of April 2022 03:13:18 PM

579 Destruction of the World

Everyone present readies themselves against Gods Voice, who suddenly appeared. It seems that even Umukahime hadnt expected Gods Voice to come down personally. Glaring at the figure through narrowed eyes and clenched teeth, the impatience is clearly written on her face.

Please dont be so on guard. I wont be hurt or even annoyed no matter what any of you do, and in the first place, do you seriously believe you could possibly stand a chance against me merely by putting yourselves on guard?

Gods Voice gently raises a distorted and blurred arm.

Oh yes, thats right I wonder if the conversation would proceed more smoothly if I eliminated two or three of you? I know youre all simplistic fools, but surely you wont choose to be pointlessly massacred?

I dont think its a bluff. Theres no way Gods Voice could be weaker than me. Leaving out whether or not theyd actually do it, it wouldnt even be strange for all of us here to be wiped off the map along with the entire island. Looking around at Aro and the others, I indicate to them to take a step back.

Please stop. If you want to talk, then Ill listen. Ive been manipulated through and through by you after all. You can forgive a little disrespect.

Ah, Im glad youre so easy to control. You always back down quickly when the lives of others are at stake.

Are you the real thing? Or a fake or incarnation of some kind?

The only ones who can do something like thisare myself and Laplace.

A message directly resounds in my head, blending into the speech.

Im the real thing, but Im unable to deny that this isnt a clone body. You dont know anything about me, so theres no way for me to prove it to you. In the first place, would there be anything wrong with me being a clone body or an incarnation? Are you saying that youd try to kill me if you were sure this was my actual body?

With an expressionless gaze, Gods Voices mouth opens into a wide-mouthed grin.

No Im not going to do that..

Of course, Id want to do so if I could. Nothing good will come from Gods Voice being alive. I dont know anything about who they really are, but I know painfully well how dangerous and cruelly selfish they are. However, it doesnt seem like my current strength is up to the task at all.

Now then. Lets keep the teasing in moderation and get to the point. I dont want to be disliked by you too much after all. Ill be troubled if you stay stubborn, and we then both come out with losses.

With a clap of hands, Gods Voice directs the conversation back on track. Were those remarks intended as a joke? Having completely lost the initiative, I can only comply with wherever Gods Voice wants to lead the conversation.

Youve already heard all about it from Lilixira, yes? I dont exactly keep it a secret. My aim is to create a monster with the highest [Laplace Interference Authority], and set Foren free, the creature sealed by Laplace.

Gods Voice declares without hesitation. Foren. Something Ive heard of only in name, its a mysterious giant spherical monstrosity that was sealed away eons ago. Ive heard it called an evil god, but Gods Voice just called it a creature.

If that happens, this world will

Yup, itll be annihilated. The moment such a thing revives, this world will be doomed no doubt.

Gods Voice says in a light tone of voice, as if though it wasnt so insane. I cant believe what Im hearing. Aro and the others shuddered and showed signs of horror halfway through.

However, its not all bad for you. I can guarantee you that. Its because we stand to gain by cooperating that Im not taking underhanded means and am coming to you in this friendly manner.

W-what nonsense are you blabbering about! Such a thing, as if Id

You want to go back to being human, dont you?

Gods Voices irregular left arm points at me.

If you bring [Laplace Interference Authority] to its highest level, even your missing memories can be brought back. Its just a little bit complicated, so you might not be able to do it by yourself, but Ill even help you out there.

In the first place, it was weird that you possessed remnants of your memories from another world. Theres usually no way Laplace would let such a defect persist. Of course, theres no way Id be able to obtain the maximum level of [Laplace Interference Authority] without taking advantage of Laplaces mistakes, so hastily threw together plans for a HeroDemon Lord war, and made the [Skill Take] skill, which directly interfaces between the world and the system, in a slime. Those malformed memories of yours Theyre probably a bug with Lalplace from that slime extracting the [Asura Realm] skill that I implanted you. The divine skills, the skill to interfere with the system they shouldnt be in this world in the first place, so Laplace couldnt crush them like the usual bugs. The same trick probably wont work twice though.

Gods Voice prattles on, seemingly full of themself. Just where are they going with this?

I know more about you than you know yourself. You can feel at ease. Even if this worlds seal is undone and everything is annihilated, you would return to your original world. Thats what youve been longing for all this time: a peaceful life as a single human.

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I-I can return to my original world? Up till now, I havent considered such a thing, not even for a bit.

Fufu, its natural to be suspicious. I came from the same world as you, you know. You and I, we have the right to let this world come to an end and return to our own world.

The speech switches to direct messages.

I had intended for you to be just a data sample, but I can sense youre more valuable than that. Now, Im certain youll help bring this world to an end. How about it? Will you work under me, raising your levels and piling on evolutions, then put a final end to this world?

The direct communication might be to prevent Aro and the others from overhearing. To be frank, I cant wrap my head around this. Such things like the original world, Gods Voice being from the same world as me, letting this world be destroyed; the scale of it drives me to my knees.

How about it? If you accept my proposal, then show me your will and resolve. Reduce all those here to experience points. At any rate, theyll only become Forens prey sooner or later. You can kill them in an instant without them having to suffer.

However, whatever the scale of the conversation is, theres no way Id accept such a proposal. Theres no doubt much more about this world that I know too little about. However, even if I understood everything, theres no way I could even consider sacrificing everyone Ive ever met to return to a life I dont even remember.

I fix my eyes on Gods Voice and swing my foreleg. A scar from [Dimension Claw] cuts through the landscape.

My replys a NO! That goes without saying! Even if you meant it as negotiation trick dont ever utter such bullshit again!

Miias stone slab crumbles, and Gods Voice descends from their perch.

Do you know just who youre doing this to? Even though I didnt think that youd be this thickheaded.

I should have dealt it a direct hit with my claw attack. However, theres not so much as a graze.

Thats fine. I had been thinking that Id need to show you what happens if you oppose me. Well then, whose life shall I take first?

Gods Voice blurry left arm extends a finger at Aro, then moves to treant.

Just try laying a finger on one of them. From this point on, I dont have plan on listening to you at all. Ill fight to take your damn head until the end.

I bare my fangs and growl with a rumble.

Troubled, arent you? That Im going to die a pointless death after you took so much pains to raise me.

Gods Voice finger stops in its tracks. Their brow furrows deeply in clear aggravation. For the first time, Im seeing something that isnt a carefree expression.

Lilixira told me to never go along with Gods Voices wishes. Ill do it. Ill fight Gods Voice head on. Theres no way Im going to let it do as it pleases. I wont allow such a thing to destroy our world either. And of course, most of all, I wont let it harm a hair of my companions either.