Yama Rising - Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Clap clap clap… Before he could consider the matter in greater detail, a resounding applause erupted, interrupting his thoughts.

The third row was already filled with approximately twenty people. He looked up at the main stage and noticed that eight people had already taken centerstage. Each of them were at least in their fifties, and none of them smiled. Instead, they simply nodded to acknowledge the uproarious applause before taking their seats.

“Hello, S9527.” Just then, a hand stretched into Qin Ye’s field of vision.

It was a young man dressed in a ramrod straight suit with a rather elegant disposition. He sported a trendy side parting, and also wore a pair of black-framed glasses. There was a presentable smile on his face.

“S2328?” Qin Ye shook his hand, “You’re different from what I’d expected…”

“...” S2328 didn’t quite know how to respond to that.

“Su Feng.” He pushed up his glasses and he squinted at Qin Ye for a moment before changing the topic, “Did you feel that earlier?”

Qin Ye looked him straight in the eye for several seconds, and then he closed his eyes once more before muttering softly, “That time… had somewhat been erased?”

“You’re steadier than I’d thought you’d be.” Su Feng smiled faintly as he leaned back into his chair, “You’re hardly anything like the Muscular Pretty Boy that you portray yourself to be online… I might have found myself a decent research subject.”

“You’re more unrestrained than I’d expected too.” Qin Ye chuckled as he leaned back on his chair as well. Then, Qin Ye added with a voice that was audible to only the two of them, “Is there any danger?”

Su Feng muttered, “Naturally… A few days ago, we investigated the anomalous Yin energy fluctuations that were emitted that night. As it turns out, Styx’s records show that the Yin energy fluctuations lasted only 0.001 seconds long. And this burst of Yin energy has never appeared at any other time in the history of the City of Salvation spanning close to two thousand years.”

“Furthemore, we haven’t been able to find the source of the burst of Yin energy to date. But…” He lifted his eyes and suddenly changed the topic, “Do you see that man seated in the center? That’s the esteemed Mr Zhou, Deputy Chief Investigator of the entire Special Investigations Department. Next to him is the Provincial Governor, the Deputy Provincial Governor, the Mayor of the city, the Deputy Mayor of the city, and the last three are the two major directors of the Special Investigations Department - the Director of Finance and Political Affairs, and the Director of Operations…”

Qin Ye heaved a sigh of relief, “I feel much more assured seeing such esteemed members of the organization here.”

In other words, even if the sky collapses, he wouldn’t be the one bearing the brunt of the burden on his own.

Then again, the fact that these esteemed people are present further confirms his earlier suspicions.

The source of that anomalous burst of Yin energy was not in an active state.

“Cough.” Just then, a majestic wave of true energy swept across the entire plaza. The Deputy Chief Investigator was a plump man with a mix of black and white hair. He appeared genial and kind. That said, the entire venue was silenced in that moment!

Whoosh… It was as though an invisible hand had swept gently across the entire venue, and even the birds of the sky and the winds had ceased completely.

“A peak Judge-class entity…” Arthis muttered softly, “He’s one level stronger than I am… By way of extrapolation, I think it’s safe to say that there must be a Prefect-class entity within the Special Investigations Department’s forces. Kid, now that you’ve infiltrated their organisation, it might be prudent to remain cautious in your future dealings with them.”

The plump man didn’t immediately speak up. After that single cough, he looked around at the audience and nodded meaningfully. Then, he smiled genially.

“Let us begin.”

Three simple words. No unnecessary rambling.

Almost everyone in the audience drew a deep breath and sat up straight.

It has begun…

Today, the world of cultivation of the mortal realm and the world of ghosts and spirits of the netherworld would be publicly revealed to the 3.2 million citizens residing in the City of Salvation!

9.10 a.m. Not a single person was on the streets. The citizens of the City of Salvation were all at their own homes.

A woman in trendy clothes sat in front of her computer while holding a drink. However, she didn’t drink from it. Her eyes were transfixed on her computer screen.

Three middle school students in school uniforms sat together, breathing faintly as they stared intently at the television screen.

Another family was eating breakfast together. But as soon as the broadcast began, they increased the volume of their television to the maximum and waited with bated breaths.

The entire city - countless streets and countless homes - had stopped entirely as they turned their attention to the nearest LED screens around them, watching the very same historic moment unfold before their very eyes.

“Perhaps some of the civil servants among you might have heard of us, the Special Investigations Department. Let me make some formal introductions. I’m the Deputy Chief Investigator of the Special Investigations Department, Zhou Xianlong.” The plump man was incredibly commanding