Wu Dong Qian Kun - Chapter 1287: Alliance Between the Four Xuan Regions

Chapter 1287: Alliance Between the Four Xuan Regions

The alliance army had finally achieved victory in the Chaotic Demon Sea war. Although this was partly due to Lin Dong’s participation, a larger part of the reason was because the Devil Prison army did not obtain any reinforcements. In such a situation, the Yimo naturally did not have much of a  chance against the united Chaotic Demon Sea Alliance.

Despite this, the Chaotic Demon Sea Alliance still spent a full five days in order to eliminate these Yimo after the end of the war. Only then were the Yimo completely rooted from the Chaotic Demon Sea.

The war had ended. However, the sea regions which had been occupied by the Devil Prison army were terrible states. Demonic Qi had even seeped into the sea water, causing all life to die. Many sea regions were filled with various floating corpses, while a stench engulfed the entire place.

The eyes of everyone from the alliance army turned red upon seeing this tragedy. These Yimo were far too brutal and cruel. Peace would be impossible until these Yimo were completely eradicated. 

However, they clearly did not have much time to purify the sea regions that had been polluted...

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