Wu Dong Qian Kun - Chapter 664: Monthly Competition

Chapter 664: Monthly Competition

Chapter 664: Monthly Competition

Within the mountain range that the Desolate Hall was located in, there was an especially vast and tall mountain peak. This mountain peak pierced through the clouds, which tumbles and twists around it, giving it an out-of-world feeling.

This mountain peak was the location of the Desolate Hall’s main hall. It could be counted as the head of the various halls within the Desolate Hall. The monthly competition was also held on this mountaintop.

The monthly competition was the most customary event held within Dao Sect and the four halls. This goal of this customary event was to observe the training progress of the disciples and use this event to stimulate their disciple’s desire to train, which would increase the overall strength of the halls.

Furthermore, in every monthly competition, there will be a few branch disciples who will be promoted to become full-fledged disciples due to their stellar performance. Therefore, even though this competition was held every month, this day was still the most lively day every month. That was because this was the only day whereby those branch disciples...

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