The Villainess Enjoys Her Seventh Life as a Free-Spirited Bride (hostage) in a Former Enemy Country - Chapter 46.1: Okay, let’s mix in here

Chapter 46.1: Okay, let’s mix in here

It wasnt the first time she had dressed as a man, when she was a knight.

In her merchant life, Rishe traveled the world peddling.

Although she had hired an escort everywhere she went, it was still dangerous for a woman to travel alone.

In order to reduce the risk as much as possible, she took on the guise of a boy while traveling in danger zones and when her escort was short-handed.

The reason she came to live as a man in her knights life was also due to being dressed as a man when she encountered the members of the Order.

The fake name Lucius used this time was also what she used to call herself.

So far, I seem to have gone unnoticed. The knights who know me dont participate in the training of the candidates.

Her coral hair was carefully tied up and held in place with pins and nets. This way, even if her hair was long, it could be bound up neatly.

On top was a high quality wig from the Aria Trading Company.

I tried all sorts of tricks, but its thanks to His Highness Theodore that people dont suspect my identity.

Theodore, the second prince of the Garkhain, scowled grandly when Rishe asked him to do this.

Arent you using me wrong?

That was yesterday. Theodore said it when she visited him in his office.

He fluffed his kinky black hair and bounced it up and down, rested his cheeks on his hands on his desk and continued to speak.

You want to be part of the knight-candidates training, and as a man? Im not sure if thats a good idea, but why should I help you?

Because you wrote to me the other day, that Your Highness Theodore would help me in my time of need.

I wrote it? I did write it!

Perhaps he didnt want the letter to be mentioned too much, Theodore raised his voice with a slight blush.

This boy, who was of the same age as Rishe, wore his expressions openly on his face unlike his brother Arnold.

You know, sister-in-law, I said that assuming that you wanted to take advantage of people in the underworld, or take advantage of the favelas, or something like that.

At the moment, what I need is physical strength. and by extension, save His Highness Arnolt! Not only that, its related to helping His Highness Arnold!

What to do, I have no idea what Sister-in-law is talking about

Theodore leaned back in the back of the big chair and looked into the distance.

First off, is there any need for Sister-in-law to blend in with the knight candidates? Why dont we just have a knight guard to coach you?

I cant ask you to devote that much manpower for my sake alone. Youd be worried if I were to associate with them normally, but I want to be trained mercilessly.

Wow, I cant believe it. I cant believe youd go out of your way to torture yourself.

Theodore oohed and ahhed and stuck his tongue out.

Rishe didnt particularly want to torture herself in any way, but right now, she wasnt strong enough.

I think well be training for 10 days, right? After that, Ill be able to train properly on my own. But since Ive come to this country, I want to experience the training of the Garkhain military.


Theodore listened with a cumbersome look on his face, but he suddenly looked like he had an inspiration.


The next moment.

The beautiful boy in front of her smiled like a flower blooming.

Uhm, Your Highness?

I think youre on to something good.

He had a girly, dainty smile, but it was strangely frightening.

Theodore stood up and plopped his hand into the office desk and looked into Rishes face.

All right, I will cooperate with beautiful Sister-in-law. Ill do my best to make your wishes come true.

What? Thank you, but why all of a sudden?

Because its going to be fun.

Theodore smirked, looking as if conniving an evil plot.

Im sure Brother never expected this either. His wife dresses up as a man and sneaks into the Order.

Im not so sure about that

Although she couldnt give an immediate answer, she didnt want to think that he could see through her actions that well.

Theodore, on the other hand, sat down in his chair again, in a jovial mood.

Lets do it, alright, lets do it! I dont believe this wont stun Brother. Theres no reason not to take advantage of this opportunity.

Im not trying to surprise His Highess Arnold, you know! I mean, Your Highness, havent you made up with your brother?

I-Hey, I want to see every expression on his face.

As usual, Theodore proudly crooned and sang his unusual yearning promptly.