The Villainess Enjoys Her Seventh Life as a Free-Spirited Bride (hostage) in a Former Enemy Country - Chapter 1: Because this breaking off engagement scene is too tiring

Chapter 1: Because this breaking off engagement scene is too tiring

[Rishe Ilmgard Wertsner! Youre such a vicious woman to be this sovereign crown princes fiancee. Right this very minute, Im breaking off my engagement with you!]

[Okay, I understand.]


Despite the dismay of her former fiance, the Crown Prince, the young lady Rishe bowed.

Its a dignified and elegant salutation that fascinated the guests around them.

The Crown Prince was dumbfounded, but still shouted in haste.

[Wait, wait! You agree to calling off the engagement!? Are you not worried about how youll be treated after this!?]

[No, itll be fine.]

She knows very well how shell be treated when the word spreads out.

Various defamations will pile up on Rishes head and shed be sentenced to exile. Shed be cut off from her family and has to live alone.

(Because, this is the seventh time now.)

This was not the first time Rishe had gone through the same ordeal.

(Id better get busy now. If I dont pack my luggage up when the news reaches my mother and fathers ears, thered be no chance for me to get into the house. I failed to do so the first and third time, and ended up desperate in starting over again.)

[Oh, hey! Wait, listen up! Ill think for a week and the charges against you will be read out!]

(Oh, right! I need to pack up some dresses. I also need to bring some things related to my occupation in this life. I wonder if I still can do so by the time I get home from here. Oh no, time is running out! If only I could rewind time in any way, I hope theres still enough time left!)

[Hold on ~, wait~, Rishe!]

The guests around couldnt resist convulsing into laughter at the Crown Prince, who is on the verge of dissolving in tears.

Rishe was suddenly reminded of something and looked back.

[I forgot to tell you something important, Your Highness.]

[Uh-huh, yeah, that should be! If you have any words of regret]

[No, thats not the case.]

It was but a slip of the tongue, whatever. Having been abandoned the seventh time, theres no way Im going to have second thoughts.

And so, I smiled.

[Be happy with Marie. Have a good life together.]


Rishe started walking while flipping her ball gown.

[Huh, what, uhh, I havent said anything about it yet, my beloved woman is Marie!?]

Rishe ignored the shouting behind her, shes really busy now. She was so upset the first time that she launched objections to protect herself, but now, shes been schooled that shed only be getting ridiculous answers.

(More than that, Im so excited. I wonder what my life would be this time around.)

Looking back to her 6 past lives, Rishe laughed.

(Every life has been a lot of fun and fulfilling. but this time. In this lifetime, I want to live longer and live freely!)

To do that she must ensure that she wont be killed anymore.