The Trial of Charles Random de Berenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane - Part 95

Part 95

_A._ No; not that I heard.

_A Juryman._ Did it occupy any time?

_A._ No.

_Lord Ellenborough._ His Lordship did not make any observation upon reading it?

_A._ No; I think only that he said, Very well, Thomas.

_Mr. Bowering sworn._

_Examined by Mr. Brougham._

_Q._ What are you?

_A._ A clerk in the Adjutant General's office.

_Q._ Do you know whether Lord Cochrane's brother, Major Cochrane, was with the army in the south of France, at the beginning of this year?

_A._ He is so returned in the returns from the 15th hussars.

_Q._ About that time, do you also know, whether or not he was upon the sick list?

_A._ He is returned "sick present" on the 25th of January.

_Lord Ellenborough._ That return did not reach you on the 25th of January?

_A._ No.

_Lord Ellenborough._ When did it reach you?

_A._ I do not know; it was received in the regular course, but I cannot state the day.

_Mr. Brougham._ Over what s.p.a.ce of time did that return extend?

_A._ From the 24th of December to the 24th of January.

_Thomas Dewman sworn._

_Examined by Mr. Scarlett._

_Q._ Are you a servant of my Lord Cochrane's?

_A._ Yes.

_Q._ Have you been an old servant in the family?

_A._ I have been so for about seventeen years.

_Q._ Do you remember carrying his lordship a note any morning in February, to Mr. King's lamp manufactory?

_A._ Yes, I do, perfectly well.

_Q._ Do you remember a gentleman coming to Lord Cochrane's house in a hackney coach?

_A._ Yes.

_Q._ Did you know the gentleman?

_A._ I had never seen him in my life before that time, nor yet since.

_Q._ Did the gentleman send you with a note to my lord?

_A._ Yes, he did; he first asked me where he was gone to, and I told him, he was gone to c.u.mberland-street to breakfast, because his lordship told me so.

_Q._ That was to his uncle's?

_A._ It was.

_Q._ Did you go to c.u.mberland-street after him?

_A._ I did.

_Q._ Not finding him at c.u.mberland-street, where did you go to seek him?

_A._ I came back to our house in Green-street, with the note; I informed the gentleman who had written the note, that he was not there; and the gentleman said, Pray do you know where he is gone to, or where his lordship could be found? I told him, I thought I could find him, but I thought I might be too late; for when his lordship went out, he said to me, Thomas, after you have got your breakfast, follow me, with that globe gla.s.s, to Mr. King's; I had been there.

_Q._ You had been to Mr. King's before?

_A._ Yes; on I went with some things, and this globe gla.s.s I should have taken on, but I forgot it.

_Q._ His lordship having told you to follow him with this globe gla.s.s to Mr. King's, you supposed he might be there?

_A._ Yes.

_Q._ Was that the reason for taking the note to him there?

_A._ Yes; I told the gentleman that I most likely should find him at Mr. King's, as I was going to follow him there with this gla.s.s; whether this gentleman had come or not, I should have gone there with this gla.s.s.

_Q._ You took the note with you?

_A._ He took the note from me, and said, I will add two or three more lines to it.

_Q._ Did you take the note to his lordship at Mr. King's?

_A._ I did.