The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria - Part 86

Part 86

Pinches, T. G.--The Religious Ideas of the Babylonians. JTVI XXVIII.


Pressense, E. de.--La Religion Chaldeo-a.s.syrienne. RHR XIV. 73-94.

Rawlinson, George.--The Religions of the Ancient World. (New York 1883.)

[Chapter II.--The Religion of the a.s.syrians and Babylonians.]

---- The Religion of a.s.syria in 'Religious Systems of the World.' (Swan Sonnenschein & Co. London 1896.) pp. 26-41.

Rawlinson, H. C.--The Religion of the Babylonians and a.s.syrians.

[In George Rawlinson's 'The History of Herodotus.' London 1859.

Vol. I. Essay X.]

Sayce, A. H.--The Origin and Growth of Religion as Ill.u.s.trated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians. (London 1887.)

[Brilliant and suggestive, but unreliable in details. The translations attached to the volume are to be accepted with caution. See Halevy's elaborate review, RHR XVII. 169-218.]

Strong, S. A.--Die Religion der Babylonier.

[Announced to appear.]

Schwally, F.--'Die Religion der Babylonier und a.s.syrier,' in Friedrich von h.e.l.lwald's 'Kulturgeschichte in ihrer naturlichen Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart.' (4th ed. Leipzig 1896.) I. 423-433.

Tiele, C. P.--Babylonisch-a.s.syrische Geschichte. (1886.) pp. 515-557.

Religion: Die Mythologie und Glaubenslehre.

---- Vergelijkende Geschiedenis der Aegyptische en Mesopotamische G.o.dsdiensten. (Amsterdam 1869.) pp. 282-413. De G.o.dsdienst van Babel en a.s.sur.

[French translation (abridged) by G. Collins, 'Histoire Comparee des Anciennes Religions de l'Egypte et des Peuples Semitiques.'

Paris 1882, pp. 145-255. La Religion de Babylonie et de l'a.s.syrie. Also English translation by J. Ballingue. 1882.]

---- Geschichte der Religion im Alterthum bis auf Alexander den Grossen.

(Gotha 1895.) I. 127-216. Die Religion in Babylonien und a.s.syrien.

[Also in Dutch. Amsterdam 1893.]


Pantheon, G.o.ds, Spirits, Heroes.

Ball, C. J.--Tammuz, the Swine-G.o.d. PSBA XVI. 195-200.

Barton, G. A.--The Semitic Ishtar Cult. H IX. 131-165; X. 1-73.

---- Was Ilu Ever a Distinct Deity in Babylonia? H X. 206, 207.

Bezold, C.--A Cuneiform List of G.o.ds. PSBA XI. 173, 174; see also IX.


---- Note on the G.o.d Addu or Daddu. _Ib._ p. 377.

---- Ueber Keilinschriftliche Babylonisch-a.s.syrische Gottertypen. ZA IX.

114-125, 405-409.

Chwolson, D. A.--Ueber Tammuz und die Menschenverehrung bei den alten Babyloniern. (St. Petersburg 1860.)

De Cara, Caesare.--Identificazione d'Iside e d'Osiride con Ishtar ed Ashur. 8th ICO, Section Semitique 2^me Fasc, 275-278.

Delitzche, Friedrich.--Article on 'Thammuz' in 'Calwer, Bibellexikon.'

(Calw und Stuttgart 1885.)

---- Articles on Dagon, Merodach, Nebo, Nergal, Nisroch, Rimmon. _Ib._

Eerdmans, B.--G.o.ddess a (or Malkatu) in 'Melekdienst en Vereering von Hemellichamen in Israel's a.s.syrische Periode.' (Leiden 1891.) pp. 73-82.

Guyard, S.--Le Dieu a.s.syrien Ninib. RC, 1879, 1^er Mars.

Hoffmann, G.--Neue und Alte Gotter (Nin-gal, Nusku, Ea, Nabu, Gibil, Ninib, Nergal, Sin). ZA XI. 258-292.

[Chiefly discussions of symbols of these deities found upon seal cylinders.]

Hommell, Fritz.--Die Ident.i.tat der altesten Babylonischen und Aegyptischen Gottergenealogie und der Babylonische Ursprung der Aegyptischen Kultur. 9th ICO II. 218-244.

---- Note on Ninib. PSBA XIX. 312-314.

Jastrow, Morris, Jr.--On the a.s.syrian Kuduru and the Ring of the Sun-G.o.d in the Abu-Habba Tablet. PAOS, Oct. 1888. XCV.-XCVIII.

Jensen, P.--Ueber einige Sumero-Akkadische und Babylonisch-a.s.syrische Gotternamen. ZA, 1886. I. 1-24.

[Anshar, Ashur, Igigi, Duzu, or Tammuz. _Cf._ Schrader's remarks, _ib._ pp. 209-217.]

---- Die Gotter Amurru und Ashratu. ZA XI. 302-305.

---- Nik(k)al-Sharratu; Sharratu in Harran. ZA XI. 293-301.

Jeremias, A.--Articles on Ashur, Marduk, Nebo, Nergal, Shamash, Sin, Tammuz in Roscher's 'Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der Griechischen und Romischen Mythologie.'

[Articles on Adar, Anu, Anunnaki, Ea, Etana announced to appear in the supplement to Roscher's 'Ausfuhrliches Lexikon,' etc.]

Lenormant, Francois.--Il mito di Adone-Tammuz nei doc.u.menti cuneiformi.

4th ICO, 1878. I. 143-173.

---- Sur le nom de Tammuz. 1st ICO II. 149-165.

---- Les Dieux de Babylone et de l'a.s.syrie. (Paris 1877.)