The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought - Part 49

Part 49

46. Wer darf das Kind beim rechten Namen nennen? [Who dare give the child its right name?]--_Goethe_.

47. Whilst we converse with what is above us, we do not grow old but grow young.--_Emerson_.

48. Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of G.o.d as a little child, he shall not enter therein.--_Jesus_.

49. Ye are but children.--_Egyptian Priest (to Solon)_.



1. A child may have too much of its mother's blessing.

2. A kiss from my mother made me a painter.--_Benj. West._

3. Ama sinhesten, ezduenac, ain zuna. [Who does not follow his mother will follow his stepmother, i.e. who will not hear must feel.]--_Basque_.

4. A mother curses not her son.--_Sanskrit_.

5. An ounce o' mother-wit is worth a pound o' clergy.--_Scotch_.

6. As if he had fallen out of his mother's mouth (i.e. so like his mother).--_Low German_.

7. Barmherzige Mutter ziehen grindige Tochter. [Compa.s.sionate mothers bring up scabby daughters.]--_German_.

8. Choose cloth by its edge, a wife by her mother.--_Persian_.

9. Das Kind, das seine Mutter verachtet, hat einen stinkenden Atem. [The child that despises its mother has a fetid breath.]--_German_.

10. Das Kind fallt wieder in der Mutter Schooss. [The child falls back into its mother's bosom.]--_German_.

11. Das Kind folgt dem Busen. [The child follows the bosom.]--_German_.

12. Die Mutter eine Hexe, die Tochter auch eine Hexe. [Mother a witch, daughter also a witch.]--_German_.

13. Die Tochter ist wie die Mutter. [Like mother, like daughter.]--_German_.

14. Es meinet jede Frau, ihr Kind sei ein Pfau. [Every woman thinks her child a peac.o.c.k.]--_German_.

15. Es ist kein' so bose Mutter, sie zohe gern ein frommes Kind. [There is no mother so bad but that she will bring up a good child.]--_German_.

16. Fleissige Mutter hat faule Tochter. [A diligent mother has a lazy daughter.]--_German_.

17. G.o.d pardons like a mother who kisses the offence into everlasting forgetfulness.--_Henry Ward Beecher_.

18. Happy is the boy whose mother is tired of talking nonsense to him before he is old enough to know the sense of it.--_Hare_.

19. He deceives thee, who tells thee that he loves thee more than thy mother does.--_Russian_.

20. He has faut [i.e. need] o' a wife that marries mam's pet.


21. He that is born of a hen must for a living.

22. I have always found that the road to a woman's heart lies through her child.--_Haliburton_.

23. I would desire for a friend the son who never resisted the tears of his mother.--_Lacretelle_.

24. If the world were put into one scale and my mother into the other, the world would kick the beam.--_Lord Langdale_.

25. In a matter of life and death don't trust even your mother; she might mistake a black bean [nay] for a white one [yea].--_Alcibiades_.

26. lst eine Mutter noch so arm, so giebt sie ihrem Kinde warm. [However poor a mother is, she keeps her child warm.]--_German_.

27. It is not as thy mother says, but as thy neighbours say.


28. Jedes Mutterkind ist schon. [Every mother's child is beautiful.]--_German_.

29. Keine Mutter tragt einen Bastart. [No mother bears a b.a.s.t.a.r.d.]--_German_.

30. La madre pitiosa fa la figluola tignosa. [A merciful mother makes a scabby daughter.]--_Italian_.

31. Like mother, like daughter.

32. Mai agucosa, filha preguicosa. [Diligent mother, idle daughter.]--_Portuguese_.

33. Mere piteuse fait sa fille rogneuse. [A merciful mother makes her daughter scabby.]-_French_.

34. Milk with water is still milk [i.e. though, your mother is bad, she is nevertheless your mother].--_Badaga_.

35. Mothers' darlings are but milksop heroes.

36. Mothers' love is the cream of love.

37. Muttertreu wird taglich neu. [Mother's truth keeps constant youth.]--_German_.


Mysterious to all thought, A mother's prime of bliss, When to her eager lips is brought Her infant's thrilling kiss.--_Keble_.

39. Nature sent women into the world that they might be mothers and love children, to whom sacrifices must ever be offered, and from whom none can be obtained.--_Jean Paul_.

40. No bones are broken by a mother's fist.--_Russian_.

41. No hay tal madre come la que pare. [There is no mother like her who bears.]--_Spanish_.