Pirke Avot: The Sayings Of The Jewish Fathers - Part 2

Part 2

7. David Hoffmann, _Ma.s.seket Abot_, in _Mischnaiot Seder Nesikin_ (Berlin, 1899), pp. 327-367. Fully annotated, with a translation in German, and constant reference to Rabbinical sources. Excellent.

8. Hermann L. Strack, _Die Spruche der Vater_, ein ethischer Mischna-Traktat_, third edition (Leipzig, 1901). An excellent text with notes. Very valuable.

9. Lazarus Goldschmidt, in _Talmud Babli, Der Babylonische Talmud_ (Berline, 1903), vol. VII, p. 1151 _et seq_. Based on oldest texts of _Abot_. Textual variants and German translation with notes. Very valuable.

10. Simeon Singer, _Perke Abot, Ethics of the Fathers_, in _The Authorized Daily Prayer Book_. Eighth edition (London, 5668-1908), pp. 184-209. Hebrew text, with an excellent English translation, and a few notes.

11. Kaim Pollak, _Rabbi Nathans System der Ethik un Moral_ (Budapest, 1905). A translation in German, with notes, of _Abot de Rabbi Natan_ (Schechter's version A).

12. Paul Fiebig, _Pirque 'aboth, Der Mischnahtraktat Spruche der Vater_ (Tubingen, 1906). German translation and notes, with especial reference to the New Testament. The _Nachwort_, pp. 42-43, consists of a comparison of _Abot_ with the New Testament, pointing out the likenesses and differences.

13. Josef ibn Nachmia's, _Perush Pirke Abot, Commentar zu den Pirke Abot . . . nach der Parmaer Hadschrift De Rossi Nr_. 1402 . . . _mit Anmerkungen von_ M. L. Bamberger (Berlin, 1907).

14. M. Rawicz, _Der Commentar der Maimonides zu den Spruchen der Vater, zum ersten Male ins Deutsch ubertragen_ (Offenberg [Baden], 1910). Contains "The Eight Chapters" (25).

(25) The _Eight Chapters_ is the introduction of Maimonides to his commentary on _Abot_. Its Hebrew name is _Shemonah Perakim_. It is a remarkable instance of the harmonious welding of the ethical principles contained in _Abot_ with mediaeval Aristotelian philosophy.

15. _Sefer Musar, Kommentar zum Mischnatraktat Aboth von R. Joseph ben Jehudah. Zum ersten Male herausgegeben von_ Dr. Wilhelm Bacher. In the _Schriften des Vereins Makize Nirdamim_. 3. Folge, Nr. 6 (Berlin, 1910).

16. M. Lehmann, _Pirke Aboth, Spruche der Vater uberzetzt und erklart_ (Frankfurt a. M., 1909).

17. Jehudah Leb Gordon, _Perki Abot_, in _Siddur Bet Yehudah_ (New York, 5672, 1911-12), pp. 106-165. Prayer-book according to the Ashken.a.z.ic rite, with Yiddish translation and notes. Contains biographical sketches of all the authorities mentioned in _Abot_.

18. Jules Wolff, _Les Huit Chapitres de Maimonide, ou Introduction a la Mischna d'Aboth, Maximes des Peres_ (_de la Synagogue_). _Traduits de l'Arabe_ (Lausanne, Paris, 1912).

19. Joseph I. Gorfinkle, _The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics, Edited, Annotated, and Translated with an Introduction_ (New York, 1912). Columbia University Oriental Studies, vol. VII (26).

(26) A list of MSS., editions, translations, and commentaries of the _Eight Chapters_, some including _Abot_, is found on pp.27-33 of this work.

_Homiletical Works_

1. Lazarus Adler, _Spruche der Vater_ (Furth, 1851).

2. W. Aloys Meisel, _Homilien uber die Spruche der Vater_ (1885).

3. Alexander Kohut, _The Ethics of the Fathers_ (New York, 1885).

Translated from the German by Max Cohen.

_General Works_

Abelson, J. _The Immanence of G.o.d in Rabbinical Literature_ (London, 1912).

Bacher, Wilhelm, (1) _Die Agada der Tanaiten_, I, II, (Stra.s.sburg, 1884, 1890).

(2) _Zwei alte Abotkommentare, in Monatschrift fur Geschichte und Wiss. d. Judenthums_, 1095, pp. 637-666; 1906, pp. 248-248.

Brull, _Enstehung und ursprunglicher Inhalt des Traktates Abot_, in _Jahrbucher fur Jud. Geschichte und Lit._, VII (1885).

Danziger, _Jewish Forerunners of Christianity_ (New York, 1903).

Dukes, _Rabbinische Blumenlese_ (Leipzig, 1844), pp. 67-84.

Friedlander, M. _The Jewish Religion_ (London, 1902).

Friedlander, G., _The Jewish Sources of the Sermon on the Mount_ (London, 1911).

Geiger, _Judaism and its History_ (New York, 1911).

Graetz, _History of the Jews_.

Herford, _Pharasaism_ (London, 1912).

Hoffmann, _Die erste Mischna und die Contraversen der Tannaim_ (Berlin, 1882).

Isaacs, _Stories from the Rabbis_ (New York, 1893).

_Jewish Encyclopedia_.

Josephus, _Antiquities_.

Jung, _Kritik der samtlichen Bucher Aboth in der althebraischen Literatur_ (Leipzig, 1888).

Lazarus, _The Ethics of Judaism_ (Philadelphia, 1900).

Loeb, (1) _La Chaine de la Tradition dans le premier Chapitre des Pirke Abot_, in _Bibliotheque de l'ecole des hautes Etudes, Sciences religeuses_, vol. I, pp. 307-322 (Paris, 1889).

(2) _Notes sur le chapitre Ier des Perke Abot_, in _Revue des Etudes Juives_, Vol. XIX (1889), pp. 188-201.

Mielziner, (1) _Introduction to the Talmud_, second edition (New York, 1903).

(2) Articles _Abot_ and _Abot de-R. Natan_, in _Jewish Encyclopedia_.

Myers, _The Story of the Jewish People_, I (New York and London, 1909).

Schechter, _Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology_ (New York, 1909).

Schurer, _Some Aspects of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ_ (27) (New York, 1891), I, i, p. 124; I, ii, p. 353 _et seq_.; III, ii, p. 30 _et seq_.

(27) Contains very full bibliographies and has other excellent characteristics, but it is a work that must be used with caution. Its chief fault, according to Schechter, is that it is one of a cla.s.s of works in which "no attempt is made . . .

to gain acquaintance with the inner life of the Jewish nation"

(_Studies_, II, pp. 119-120).

Strack, _Einleitung in den Talmud_, fourth edition (Leipzig, 1908).

Zunz, (1) _Die Gottesdienstlichen Vortrage der Juden_ (Berlin, 1832), p. 101 _et seq_.

(2) _Die Ritus des Synagogalen Gottesdienstes_ (Berlin, 1859).