Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl? - Chapter 261 Miriel

Chapter 261 Miriel

Chapter 261 Miriel

Linking herself through a second channel that she created, she filtered through all of the useless information.

'Found it.' She thought with a smile.

In the royal family, excluding Lyrica, there are 4 princes and 2 princesses. The princes are gunning for the throne while the princesses are trying to get help from outside powers. There had been more princes in the past but they had been eliminated one after the other. Leaving them with the current line up.

Blythe was the current third prince and his power was in the middle. According to what she could find, it was rumoured that the highest level person in his faction was a powerhouse nearing the stage of Tier 5. However, that was just a rumour.

The 'first' prince, Neldor Valenstaine, has the most power among all the princes. He's being openly supported by the Rising Sun faction along with several high level powerhouses near the peak of tier 4.

Following behind the first prince was the second Prince, Elashor. While he doesn't have as many high level powerhouses like Neldor, Elashor has the back up of several high tier factions along with the top tier faction, God's Pantheon who is a direct contender against the Rising Sun faction.

The fourth prince, Lefyr Valenstaine, was definitely the weakest out of them all since he has no support whatsoever. However, he was the favourite candidate of the citizens since he focuses on the people rather than the power.

Publicly stating that he doesn't need to be king to help the people, he would rather not fight against his brothers despite not being born from the same mother.

There are several nobles who wish that Lefyr would take up the role as king but could only watch in pity.

As for the princesses, they were receiving training by the church so that they could take up the role of being the next saintess. Regardless of who takes the throne, they will support them after they ascend.

'With this being the case, the most dangerous is definitely the first and second brother. Blythe can be set aside for now since his support is still lacki