Introduction to the Science of Sociology - Part 87

Part 87

Paris, 1907.

(13) Fielding-Hall, H. _Nature of War and Its Causes._ London, 1917.

(14) Oliver, Frederick S. _Ordeal by Battle._ London, 1915.

3. War and Human Nature:

(1) Pet.i.t-Dutaillis, C. E. "L'Appel de guerre en Dauphine Ier 2 aot 1914," _Annales de l'Universite de Gren.o.ble_, XXVII (1915), 1-59.

[Doc.u.ments consisting of letters written by instructors and others describing the sentiments with which the declaration of war was received.]

(2) Wood, Walter, editor. _Soldiers' Stories of the War._ London, 1915.

(3) Buswell, Leslie. _Ambulance No. 10: Personal Letters from the Front._ Boston, 1916.

(4) Kilpatrick, James A. _Tommy Atkins at War as Told in His Own Letters._ New York, 1914.

(5) Fadl, Said Memun Abul. "Die Frauen des Islams und der Weltkrieg,"

_Nord und Sud_, CLV (Nov. 1915), 171-74. [Contains a letter from a Turkish mother to her son at the front.]

(6) Maublanc, Rene. "La guerre vue par des enfants (septembre, 1914)."

(Recits par des enfants de campagne.) _Revue de Paris_, XXII (septembre-octobre, 1915), 396-418.

(7) Daudet, Ernest, editor. "L'ame francaise et l'ame allemande."

Lettres de soldats. _Doc.u.ments pour l'histoire de la guerre._ Paris, 1915.

(8) "Heimatsbriefe an russische Soldaten." (Neue philologische Rundschau; hrsg. von dr. C. Wagener und dr. E. Ludwig in Bremen, jahrg.

1886-1908.) _Die neue Rundschau_, II (1915), 1673-83.

(9) "The Attack at Loos," by a French Lieutenant. "Under Sh.e.l.l-Fire at Dunkirk," by an American Nurse. "The Winter's War," by a British Captain. "The Bitter Experience of Lorraine," by the Prefect of Meurthe-et-Moselle. _Atlantic Monthly_, CXVI (1915), 688-711.

(10) Bohme, Margarete. _Kriegsbriefe der Familie Wimmel._ (Personal experiences in the Great War). Dresden, 1915.

(11) Chevillon, Andre. "Lettres d'un soldat," _Revue de Paris_, XXII (juillet-aot, 1915), 471-95.

(12) Boutroux, Pierre. "Les soldats allemands en campagne, d'apres leur correspondance," _Revue de Paris_, XXII (septembre-octobre, 1915), 323-43; 470-91

(13) West, Arthur Graeme. _The Diary of a Dead Officer._ Posthumous papers. London, 1918.

(14) Mayer, emile. "Emotions des chefs en campagne," _Bibliotheque universelle et Revue Suisse_, LXIX (1913), 98-131.

(15) Wehrhan, K. "Volksdichtung uber unsere gefallenen Helden," _Die Grenzboten_, LXXIV (No. 28, July 14, 1915), 58-64. [Calls attention to growth of a usage (anfangs, wagte sich der Brauch nur schuchtern, hier und da, hervor) of printing verses, some original, some quoted, in the death notices.]

(16) Naumann, Friedrich. "Der Kriegsglaube," _Die Hilfe_, XXI (No. 36, Sept. 9, 1915), 576. [Sketches the forces that have created a war creed, in which all confessions partic.i.p.ate, immediately and without formalities.]

(17) Roepke, Dr. Fritz. "Der Religiose Geist in deutschen Soldatenbriefen," _Die Grenzboten_, LXXIV (No. 30, July 28, 1915), 124-28. [An interesting a.n.a.lysis of letters which are not reproduced in full.]

(18) Wendland, Walter, "Krieg und Religion," _Die Grenzboten_, LXXIV (No. 33, Sept. 11, 1915), 212-19. [Reviews the literature of war and religion.]

(19) Bang, J. P. _Hurrah and Hallelujah._ The teaching of Germany's poets, prophets, professors, and preachers; a doc.u.mentation. From the Danish by Jessie Brochner. London and New York, 1917.

B. _Race Conflict_

1. Race Relations in General:

(1) Bryce, James. _The Relations of the Advanced and the Backward Races of Mankind._ Oxford, 1903.

(2) Simpson, Bertram L. _The Conflict of Colour._ The threatened upheaval throughout the world, by Weale, B. L. P. [_pseud._]. London, 1910.

(3) Steiner, Jesse F. _The j.a.panese Invasion._ A study in the psychology of inter-racial contacts. Chicago, 1917.

(4) Stoddard, T. Lothrop. _The Rising Tide of Color against White World-Supremacy._ New York, 1920.

(5) Blyden, Edward W. _Christianity, Islam, and the Negro Race._ London, 1888.

(6) Spiller, G., editor. _Papers on Inter-racial Problems._ Communicated to the First Universal Races Congress, London, 1911, pp. 463-77. Boston, 1911. [Bibliography on Race Problems.]

(7) Baker, Ray Stannard. _Following the Color Line._ An account of Negro citizenship in the American democracy. New York, 1908.

(8) Miller, Kelly. _Race Adjustment._ Essays on the Negro in America.

New York, 1908.

(9) Stephenson, Gilbert T. _Race Distinctions in American Law._ New York, 1910.

(10) Mecklin, John M. _Democracy and Race Friction._ A study in social ethics. New York, 1914.

(11) Evans, Maurice. _Black and White in South East Africa._ London, 1911.

(12) ----. _Black and White in the Southern States._ A study of the race problem in the United States from a South African point of view. London, 1915.

(13) Brailsford, H. N. _Macedonia: Its Races and Their Future._ London, 1906.

(14) Means, Philip A. _Racial Factors in Democracy._ Boston, 1918.

2. Race Prejudice:

(1) Crawley, Ernest. _The Mystic Rose._ A study of primitive marriage.

Pp. 33-58; 76-235. London, 1902. [Taboo as a mechanism for regulating contacts.]

(2) Thomas, W. I. "The Psychology of Race-Prejudice," _American Journal of Sociology_, IX (1903-4), 593-611.

(3) Finot, Jean. _Race Prejudice._ Translated from the French by Florence Wade-Evans. London, 1906.

(4) Pillsbury, W. B. _The Psychology of Nationality and Internationalism._ Chap. iii, "Hate as a Social Force," pp. 63-89. New York, 1919.

(5) Shaler, N. S. "Race Prejudices," _Atlantic Monthly_, LVIII (1886), 510-18.