Introduction to the Science of Sociology - Part 119

Part 119

(9) ----. _Modern Democracies_. 2 vols. New York, 1921.

(10) Lecky, W. E. H. _Democracy and Liberty_. New York, 1899.

(11) G.o.dkin, Edwin L. _Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy_. Boston, 1898.

(12) Sageret, J. "L'opinion," _Revue philosophique_, Lx.x.xVI (1918), 19-38.

(13) Bluntschli, Johann K. Article on "Public Opinion," _Lalor's Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy and of the Political History of the United States_. Vol. III, pp. 479-80.

(14) Lewis, George C. _An Essay on the Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion_. London, 1849.

(15) Jephson, Henry. _The Platform_. Its rise and progress. 2 vols.

London, 1892.

(16) Junius. (Pseud.) _The Letters of Junius_. Woodfall's ed., revised by John Wade. 2 vols. London, 1902.

(17) Woodbury, Margaret. _Public Opinion in Philadelphia, 1789-1801_.

"Smith College Studies in History." Vol. V. Northampton, Ma.s.s., 1920.

(18) Heaton, John L. _The Story of a Page_. Thirty years of public service and public discussion in the editorial columns of _The New York World_. New York, 1913.

(19) _Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers_. New York, 1906.

(20) Harrison, Shelby M. _Community Action through Surveys_. A paper describing the main features of the social survey. Russell Sage Foundation. New York, 1916.

(21) Millioud, Maurice. "La propagation des idees," _Revue philosophique_, LXIX (1910), 580-600; LXX (1910), 168-91.

(22) Scott, Walter D. _The Theory of Advertising_. Boston, 1903.

B. _The Newspaper as an Organ of Public Opinion_

(1) Dana, Charles A. _The Art of Newspaper Making_. New York, 1895.

(2) Irwin, Will. "The American Newspaper," _Colliers_, XLVI and XLVII (1911). [A series of fifteen articles beginning in the issue of January 21 and ending in the issue of July 29, 1911.]

(3) Park, Robert E. _The Immigrant Press and Its Control_. [In Press.]

New York, 1921.

(4) Stead, W. T. "Government by Journalism," _Contemporary Review_, XLIX (1886), 653-74.

(5) Blowitz, Henri G. S. A. O. de. _Memoirs of M. de Blowitz_. New York, 1903.

(6) Cook, Edward. _Delane of the Times_. New York, 1916.

(7) Trent, William P. _Daniel Defoe: How to Know Him_. Indianapolis, 1916.

(8) Oberholtzer, E. P. _Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Staat und der Zeitungspresse im Deutschen Reich_. Nebst einigen Umrissen fur die Wissenschaft der Journalistik. Berlin, 1895.

(9) Yarros, Victor S. "The Press and Public Opinion," _American Journal of Sociology_, V (1899-1900), 372-82.

(10) Macdonagh, Michael. _The Reporters' Gallery_. London, 1913.

(11) Lippmann, Walter. _Liberty and the News_. New York, 1920.

(12) O'Brien, Frank M. _The Story of the Sun, New York, 1833-1918_. With an introduction by Edward Page Mitch.e.l.l, editor of _The Sun_. New York, 1918.

(13) Hudson, Frederic. _Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872_. New York, 1873.

(14) Bourne, H. R. Fox. _English Newspapers_. London, 1887.

(15) Andrews, Alexander. _The History of British Journalism_. 2 vols.

London, 1859.

(16) Lee, James Melvin. _A History of American Journalism_. Boston, 1917.


A. _The Sociological Conception of Law_

(1) Post, Albert H. "Ethnological Jurisprudence." Translated from the German by Thomas J. McCormack. _Open Court_, XI (1897), 641-53, 718-32.

[Reprinted in _Evolution of Law_, II, 10-36.]

(2) Vaccaro, M. A. _Les Bases sociologiques_. Du droit et de l'etat.

Translated by J. Gaure. Paris, 1898.

(3) Duguit, Leon. _Law in the Modern State_. With introduction by Harold Laski. Translated from the French by Frida and Harold Laski. New York, 1919. [The inherent nature of law is to be found in the social needs of man.]

(4) Picard, Edmond. _Le Droit pur_. Secs. 140-54. Paris, 1908.

[Translated by John H. Wigmore, under the t.i.tle "Factors of Legal Evolution," in _Evolution of Law_, III, 163-81.]

(5) Laski, Harold J. _Studies in the Problem of Sovereignty_. New Haven, 1917.

(6) ----. _Authority in the Modern State_. New Haven, 1919.

(7) ----. _The Problem of Administrative Areas_. An essay in reconstruction. Northampton, Ma.s.s., 1918.

B. _Ancient and Primitive Law_

(1) Maine, Henry S. _Ancient Law_. 14th ed. London, 1891.

(2) Fustel de Coulanges. _The Ancient City_. A study on the religion, laws, and inst.i.tutions of Greece and Rome. Boston, 1894.

(3) Kocourek, Albert, and Wigmore, J. H., editors. _Sources of Ancient and Primitive Law_. "Evolution of Law Series." Vol. I. Boston, 1915.