I Might Be A Fake Cultivator - Chapter 2211 - Trainee Liu Dabao

Chapter 2211 - Trainee Liu Dabao

Chapter 2211: Trainee Liu Dabao

Music started to play.

This was extremely lively and dynamic music.

Meanwhile, An Lin also started to wield his frying pan as he started to perform his cooking dance.

The eyes of the tutors lit up when they saw An Lins smooth movements, indescribable demeanor, and waltzing frying pan.

It was as if there were some delicacy being tossed around inside the frying pan as it danced about in the air. However, this was a delicacy that was seemingly unreachable. This feeling whetted the tutors appetite. Meanwhile, An Lins graceful movements also caused them to exclaim in admiration. It could be said that they were stuck between a sense of enjoyment and not daring to enjoy. The tutors found this extremely delightful.

At this moment, An Lin suddenly tossed his frying pan into the air.

The rhythm and mood of the music also changed drastically.

Only because youre too fragrant!

Only because youre too fragrant!

An Lin started to sing as he danced.

As if they had been struck by lightning, the gold medal tutors were transfixed to the spot in astonishment.

What the hell is this?!

Only because youre too fragrant! Bilibili Bilibali!

Only because youre too fragrant! Bilibili Bilibali!

An Lins movements started to become extremely coquettish.

The gold medal tutors were dumbfounded, yet they finally started to understand the beauty of An Lins performance.

This voice This rhythm This is a true cooking dance! a male True Demon who had demonic horns on his head said in astonishment.

Only because youre too fragrant sounds extremely similar to Chicken, youre too fragrant'[1]. Perhaps there was genuinely a chicken in the frying pan that he tossed away just then? Chicken, youre too fragrant, only because youre too fragrant. However, it was because of this inseparable attachment that he could only toss it away These lyrics actually contain a deep philosophy regarding the Dao Realm a human tutor murmured.

I dont know why, but I was instantly intoxicated upon hearing Liu Dabaos singing and seeing his dancing. In fact, Im even starting to feel a little hungry This is definitely a top-notch performance! a beautiful woman from the Light Wing Clan said. There was a sparkle in her eyes, and her voice was filled with enthusiasm.

Only because youre too fragrant! Bilibili Bilibali!

Following the last note of music, An Lin struck his final pose.

There was a moment of tempo