One Piece Bounty System

State: Completed

Author: Unknown

Tags: #action #adventure #fantasy #harem #martialarts #mature #supernatural


Introduction to One Piece’s Bounty System: Tianlei crossed the One Piece World and become the nephew of the Navy Admiral ‘Sakazuki, ‘Akainu’, Tian Lei thought it was very outrageous until he found himself having a [bounty system] that can be exchanged for everything in the world of One Piece. As long as you kill or capture pirates, you can draw a Skills, weapons, and devil fruits. Such as ‘Navy Six-style’ ‘Overlord color Haki (Busoshoku Haki)’ ‘sense color Haki (Kenbunshoku Haki) ”armed color Haki’ ‘devil fruit’ ‘sword skills’ have everything!

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