Welcome To The Nightmare Live - Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Even though they had already left the pirate ship, the few people still did not stop, but rushed forward in one breath, until they left the dark and crooked ship far behind and completely disappeared in the bushes, they finally stopped .

Exhausted, several people fell into the grass, panting out of breath.

The violent panting sound was stuffed inside the hood, and the hot sweat was trapped in the narrow space, which made people's blood rush to their faces, but they dared not take off the hood.

This place is still in the East District, so you can't take off your clothes.

Wen Jianyan slowly slowed down his pace.

The experience in the pirate ship was too depressing, unable to make a sound, unable to leave the team, unable to make mistakes, narrow, dark, cramped, and the air was filled with a disgusting sweet smell.

He held onto the tree trunk and vomited twice before walking over with his feet floating.

Next, Wen Jianyan shared the clues he found in the pirate ship.

"Wait...you mean, those syrups are made from frog eggs and dead frogs?"

Yun Bilan's face under the hood turned pale: "Including those ice creams?"

Wen Jianyan nodded.

Although the note said that "frogs are food", but thinking that the syrup they ate before was made from those sticky frog eggs and frog carcasses... it is still very challenging to people's physiological bottom line.

But...at least now I am not the only one who is nauseated.

"Don't vomit," Wen Jianyan reminded friendlyly, looking at the extremely painful partners in front of him, "It will be bad if you vomit into the hood, and you can't take it off."

The rest of the people: "..."

It's over, it's even more disgusting.

"By the way, there is this." Wen Jianyan took out the crumpled note from his pocket, and handed it to the few people in front of him.

After a brief circulation, everyone was stunned by the strange feeling seeping between the lines, and the air fell into a dead silence in an instant.

"Remember? We didn't find Lilith along the way."

Wen Jianyan broke the silence.

They went to the staff rest area first, but they couldn't find Lilith. According to the content in the staff handbook, she should have been called away by the copper bell.

After the brass bell rang, they followed the group of employees to the pirate ship and searched the cabin and deck, but they still couldn't find each other.

So, this leaves only one last possibility.

"Employees with low pollution levels will start the parade, and employees with high pollution levels will come to the pirate ship."

Wen Jianyan thoughtfully read a sentence on the note.

"So, you mean, the reason why Lilith is not on the pirate ship is because she has a lower pollution level, so she was sorted into the float parade?"

Wen Ya was startled, and confirmed.


Wen Jianyan lowered her eyes and pondered for a while, as if she suddenly thought of something, she turned her head to look at Wen Ya: "By the way, I sent you a message to ask you to find the map, did you find it?"

Wen Ya paused: "If I found it, I found it, but..."

Her tone gradually sank.

Although Wen Ya finally saw Huang Mao go to get the map, but before she could relax, the other party immediately dropped the chain and slapped her trust loudly.

After going through so many things after that, the possibility that the other party will not lose the chain... how should I put it, it is really not very great.

Huang Mao raised his hand weakly: "Yes, here I am."

Wen Ya was startled, and turned to look at Huang Mao.

No way, this guy is really not off the hook?

Huangmao stepped forward timidly.

Although he was timid, he knew the priorities. Although he fell, he took the opportunity to hide the map in the thick plush suit.

He took out the crumpled map from his clothes and handed it to Wen Jianyan.

"Thank you."

The handsome clown took the map.

The deep and focused gaze paused on the other party for a moment, and in the next second, a casual smile appeared on his lips: "Look, I said you can't do without you here."

Huang Mao's face, which was hidden in the hood, blushed completely, he murmured for a long while, and finally choked out a muffled "um", and then went back to the place as if fleeing.

[Integrity First] In the live broadcast room:

"It's over, another victim."

"It's over, another victim."

"Laughing to death! Huangmao, do you remember how you looked when you saw someone before! You were as scared as a mouse seeing a cat, why are you so useless now!"

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" wife..."

"Ah, I don't care! I'm the husband he admits himself!"

"Don't dream, my friend, how many dishes? There are a bunch of people hanging outside my wife, let's go to the back and take the number."

Wen Jianyan unfolded the map and smoothed out the wrinkles.

From the printing point of view, there is no difference between this map and the maps in the hands of tourists like them, the only difference is that there are many marks on it with a pen.

It is consistent with the original handwriting on that note.

On the east side of the food area, a small arrow was drawn, with the word "employee" scrawled beside it.

On the east side of the stimulation park, there is a symbol of a boat drawn with a stick figure, and then circled heavily, with two words written next to it: "Danger!"

This should refer to the pirate ship.

On the huge map, a zigzag curve is drawn, passing through all the parks, starting from the staff rest area and ending at the children's area, with four words marked beside it: "Float Parade".

A few words were written messily below

"It starts at 3:30 and ends at 5."

Wen Jianyan's fingertips slid across the route connecting the entire area: "This should be the route for the float parade."

His fingertips paused for a moment at the end of the route.

Children's Park.

Here, a smiling face is drawn with a stick figure, and a few words are written next to it: "Director's Office".

The word "Director's Office" was heavily circled, but the word "Danger" was not written, but there were several exclamation marks heavily drawn beside it.

Wen Jianyan narrowed her eyes slightly.

His intuition told him that this director's room was likely to be the core of the entire dungeon, and Wu Zhu's soul fragments might also be here.

"Three thirty to five?"

Yun Bilan watched and frowned in confusion: "Is there still a fixed time in this dungeon?"

She always thought that this dungeon had no specific time point. After all, since they came to this dungeon, they hadn't seen any time-calculating objects in the park.

"I thought it wasn't there before, but now it seems that there should be."

Wen Ya nodded thoughtfully:

"After all, it is clearly mentioned in the employee code we found that the closing time is six o'clock in the evening."

Wen Jianyan raised his head to observe the sky, nodded and said:

"Yes, the position of the sun has indeed changed."

He raised his hand, compared the position of the sun with his fingers, and his expression became slightly serious: "It should be around four o'clock in the afternoon."

"The float parade is coming to an end!" Wen Ya was surprised.

Yun Bilan frowned, and turned to look at Wen Jianyan: "Didn't it mean that the park will be closed after the float parade is over? Could it be that our action time is coming to an end soon?"

Wen Jianyan pondered for a few seconds before expressing his own judgment:

"I don't think so."

First of all, the word for the main mission of this dungeon is "one day". According to the rigor of the nightmare, "one day" is "one day".

What's more, according to the content of the cleaners' code, they will work until twelve o'clock in the evening.

That is to say, between 6:00 and 12:00, the project can still be played, but there is a high probability that the difficulty will soar and it will be easier to die.

After hearing Wen Jianyan's conjecture, everyone couldn't help but shudder.

Under the current situation, should we continue to increase the difficulty? !

Can the anchors still leave here alive?

Wen Jianyan folded the map and put it in his pocket, stood up: "Let's go, we are going to the children's area now."

Judging from the current time point, if Lilith is really in the float parade, she should be about to reach the children's area. Instead of following the winding route on the map, it is better to wait directly at the end.

And the director's room...

Must check out.

Several people got up from the ground, and before they took a step, they only heard Wen Jianyan say:

"But...before we do that, I'm afraid we'll have to make another trip to the food section."


"To be honest," Wen Jianyan narrowed his eyes: "Based on the information we have now, the true function of the syrup is still unknown."

In this case, it can be read in two ways.

It can be confirmed that it is made of frog eggs and frogs.

The note said that the frog will not harm you, the frog is food, and it can indeed alleviate the mental pollution of the anchors.

However, in terms of the process of converting employees into cleaners, it appears to be a source of contamination.

"In any case, Lilith is not considered an employee now, but an anchor. If you want to free her from the suit, you must have syrup."

Wen Jianyan blinked:

"The rules just don't allow us to take our purchases out of the food section, but as long as it's not a commodity, it doesn't matter?"

There is a syrup pipe attached to the back of the circus tent.

Judging from the situation in the pirate ship, the syrup that was used up before should have been replenished by now.

As long as you steal a little and take it out, isn't it not a commodity?


Wen Jianyan's face changed twice, his expression was slightly distorted, he gritted his teeth, and said with difficulty: "I'm going to drink again."

"Not only that, but the gift certificates may have to be redistributed."

North Plaza, gift shop.

I don't know if it's because of the price increase, or because the anchors realized that the gifts in the gift shop are full of pitfalls. Compared with the crowds last time, this place looks extraordinarily deserted now.

It didn't seem to make a difference to the feline staff standing at the front desk, though.

It was still patiently waiting for the guests to come to its door, its body shaking slightly with the music.

"jingle jingle."

With the sound of the bell on the door, the glass door of the gift shop was pushed open.

A group of anchors hurried in, and the sound of hurried footsteps easily broke the silence in the room.

A fluffy head sticks out from the counter, a pair of amber eyes are big and round, clear and bright, the soft white face is like a ball of snow, with a little bit of baby fat that is easy to pinch, looks innocent Naive, well-behaved and sensible.

He stared at the staff behind the counter and said in a childish voice:

"Hello, I am twelve years old, can I have a quack doll?"