Welcome To The Nightmare Live - Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

[Integrity First] Live Room:

"Hahahahahahahaha, luck, the anchor is over!"

"I'm dying of laughter, here and there are welfare checkpoints! This is Dujie, hahahahahaha!"

"Baby, back off quickly, don't lower the luck of your teammates!"

"Anyway, let's go around first?"

Yun Bilan said.

The game rules of this project are not too complicated, and there are no obstacles to understand. No matter what they plan to do next, they have to turn the turntable once to get the key before they can start to act.

She looked at Wen Jianyan: "Why don't you come"

Yun Bilan didn't finish her sentence, but Wen Jianyan trembled as if shocked, and took a step back suddenly: "I won't come!"

Since entering the dungeon, whether the other party is an adult or a juvenile, no matter how thrilling and dangerous the scene is, he seems to have never shown such strong emotions.

It's almost like being stepped on the tail.

Yun Bilan blinked, and some monk Zhang Er was puzzled.

She stared at Wen Jianyan who was inexplicably nervous in front of her, and asked with some doubts: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"...no, nothing."

Wen Jianyan cleared his throat, put away his overly strong resistance just now, and replied calmly: "I just don't like this way of fighting luck to pass the level. You can go around and don't let me do it."

Although he still thinks that his luck is probably...maybe...shouldn't be really that bad!

However, sometimes, it is better to avoid the dangerous option.

After all, this is about the safety of the entire team!

The rest of them looked at each other in bewilderment.

Although they were still very puzzled, they also respected Wen Jianyan's choice.

Elise stepped forward eagerly: "Let me try it!"

She raised her hand and pressed the button on the turntable.

Cheerful music rang in my ears, and the huge turntable in front of me began to spin, with colorful lights flashing on it, making it extraordinarily joyful.

Soon, the rotation speed of the turntable became slower and slower, until finally it stopped.

Wen Jianyan moved forward carefully and looked at the turntable.

The number of keys for the first round is displayed as 8.

The special effect of the second round is Clover.

A line of small characters is marked below.

[Clover: The next treasure chest to be opened must be a positive item]

Wen Jianyan breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm lucky!"

Yun Bilan whistled and looked at Alice.

Alice beamed with joy: "That's right, before I entered the nightmare, I was a loyal player of the card game, and I was given the nickname Goldfinger!"

[Integrity First] In the live broadcast room:

"Oh oh oh! Teammates are awesome!"

"Miss Sister is really lucky. The next item is 100% positive. This buff is really useful."

"Hahahahaha yes, I am not affected by the luck of the dog liar at all!"

"That's right, with this buff, at least the next treasure chest doesn't have to worry about being in danger!"

"Ding ding ding!"

The opening under the turntable slowly opened, and the silver metal key fell down with a clatter.

"There is no problem with the quantity, eight." Wen Ya went in, took out the keys and counted them, then looked up at Wen Jianyan:

"So, where do we go next?"

Wen Jianyan turned his head and looked out through the glass in the corridor, his eyes swept across the high and low corridors and the constantly changing stairs.

From the moment he entered the project, he began to observe, constructing the entire three-dimensional map bit by bit in his mind.

Whether it is each route or the changing corridors on each route, they are all regular, but when standing at this fixed point, it is difficult to completely outline the entire map.

If you want to have an advantage in this project, you must first know the map well.

That is, to touch more sides.

Wen Jianyan turned on the phone camera, took a few photos from different angles, and finally planned a few routes in his mind.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the room that Huangmao had just entered. According to this clue, he compared the several routes in his mind, and then chose the best one

"This direction."

Wen Jianyan pointed to a passage on the right.

Just after leaving the initial room, the door behind them closed automatically behind them. The door was locked and could not be pushed open, but there was a lock hole where a key could be inserted.

Obviously, although it is possible to go back, it still needs to consume keys.

Several people walked forward along the corridor.

Soon, the first room appeared in front of everyone.

Wen Ya took out a key and turned the door.

The walls of the room are painted with Halloween-themed patterns, a chandelier of stars and moons is hung above the head, and pumpkin decorations are placed around. Although the turntable is also hung on the wall, the keys are covered with transparent glass covers.

Please keep going

The room is empty without any treasure chests.

It's normal.

As mentioned in the rules of the initial room, there are vacant rooms here.

Several people continued to move forward along the corridor.

The decoration of the second room is exactly the same as the previous one, and the turntable is covered with a transparent glass cover:

Please keep going

Except for Wen Jianyan who stopped to take a few photos from time to time, the group rarely stopped along the way.

third, fourth...

When it was the fifth one, everyone finally realized that something seemed wrong.

Yun Bilan turned her head in confusion to look at the closed door behind her, stood there and looked around, then looked down at the key in her hand: "It's strange, is there something wrong with our operation? Although the rules say yes There will be vacant rooms, but isn't it a little bit wrong to have five empty rooms in a row?"


Wen Ya also frowned: "Could it be that the treasure chest is hidden somewhere in the room? Shall we look for it?"

Together, several people began to rummage through the room.

The room was not big, so it was quickly groped carefully.

Indeed nothing.

It was really empty.

Wen Jianyan looked away expressionlessly, pretending that he didn't hear anything, walked to the window step by step, and pretended to hold up his phone to take pictures.

[Integrity First] Live Room:

"Sorry, I was naive."

"I only know that the buff can guarantee that the item in the next treasure box will be a positive item. I never thought that... there will be a thing that does not meet the treasure box at all. I am silent."

"Hahahahahahahahahaha help me, I want to die from laughing!"

Finally, the sixth room finally changed.

The size of this room is obviously twice as large as before. There are three pumpkin boxes piled up in the corner of the room, and each pumpkin box has an exquisite keyhole.

"Treasure chest!"

Yun Bilan's eyes brightened.

The experience of the previous five empty rooms made her doubt whether the treasure chest existed, but this time she finally saw this legendary treasure chest with her own eyes, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "If I don't see it again, I really want to think it is Something went wrong."

Anyway, the props opened this time must be positive, so Elise simply walked up to it, picked out a pumpkin treasure chest, and opened the lock with a key.

At the bottom of the pumpkin box is a strawberry candy.

There is a line of small characters written on the candy paper:

[Strawberry Candy: You can reset the turntable task once]

Still very good.

At least it prevents the turntable from encountering a task that is too fatal to complete next time.

"Then, shall we continue to open the treasure chest, or continue to move forward?"

Alice turned her head to look at the crowd.

"Let's open it, after all, who knows when we'll meet the treasure chest again." Yun Bilan thought for a while and said.

Wen Ya shook her head: "Now there are three treasure chests, we have already opened a positive item, and the possibility of the next one showing a negative item is very high. I think it is better to move forward and open the next room."

The two looked at each other, then turned their heads to look at Wen Jianyan:

"what do you think?"

Wen Jianyan: "..."

He was a little reluctant to answer this question.

"Hmm..." Wen Jianyan pondered for a while, then said after deliberation: "I agree to move on."

Whether the treasure chest props are positive or not is not his concern, but they have used up seven keys now, and now they only have the last one left in their hands. If they are used in this room, the props will be negative. They have no choice but to deal with it head-on.

You can neither run nor retreat, so you can only bite the bullet.

Therefore, he thinks it's best to be conservative now, go to the next room to spin the turntable, and get more keys first.

This is indeed the truth.

The rest of the people nodded and gave up their plan to continue opening the box.

They left this room and walked towards the seventh room.

The silver key was inserted into the lock, and there was a light click, and the door was slowly pushed open.

In the next second, everyone was dazzled by the bright light inside.

The seventh room is completely different from the previous six rooms. The area has been enlarged several times. Countless mirrors form the walls and passages. The boundaries of the room cannot be seen at a glance. There are at least seven or eight pumpkin treasure boxes piled up all around. one up.

I saw that in the very center of the room, there was a big side.

It seems to know that the keys in the hands of everyone have been consumed. This time, the glass cover on the button disappeared, and a line of words was written below:

[Please complete the task to get the number of lucky draws]

Yun Bilan and the others took two steps forward, and suddenly realized that Wen Jianyan didn't seem to be following.

Wen Ya stopped her pace, subconsciously turned her head and looked behind her.

I saw the young man standing firmly outside the door, his face turning blue and white, no matter in his standing posture or his expression. It seems extremely stiff.

"What's wrong?"

Wen Ya looked into the room following his gaze, but did not find anything unusual, so she couldn't help asking in doubt: "Did you find anything unusual?"

No, nothing out of the ordinary.

Absolutely not.

He also didn't feel any malice from the copy.

Wen Jianyan slowly closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and ground her teeth uncontrollably.

He turned his head and looked behind him in despair.

The door of that room was locked just now, and he was not given any chance to choose again.

If he knew this would be the result, he shouldn't have said a word just now! ! !

Wen Jianyan regretted it.