Welcome To The Nightmare Live - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

third chapter

After revising the list, the old hag closed the crumpled little book and threw it to Wen Jianyan:

"Okay, send it, but you have to make a copy for me to keep."

The young man hurriedly caught the roster, helped up his crooked glasses legs, and replied embarrassingly:

"Ma, sorry for your trouble."

"Teacher intern...huh."

The old hag squinted her eyes, her gray eyeballs reflected a gloomy light behind the greasy lenses, and ordered arrogantly:

"It's almost time to count the number of people. It's just right. Come back after you send the roster. I'm short of manpower here."

"Damn it, every time a bunch of **** comes to me, a bunch of shameless things..."

The woman spat, cursed dirtyly, turned and walked outside, her tall and bloated figure disappeared outside the door.


The door of the duty room was slammed rudely.

Through the door, Wen Jianyan heard the strange singing sound again, accompanied by the woman's heavy footsteps, the humming gradually faded away, and was finally swallowed by the dark shadow.

It was obviously only a few tens of seconds, but it was as long as a century.

Finally, there was only a dead silence in my ears.

Almost immediately, the green and shy smile on the young man's face disappeared quickly like thin snow under the strong sunlight, but there was an expressionless silence underneath, without any emotion.

The barrage was also silent for a few seconds.

"The anchor's expression always feels like he's planning something..."

"Speaking of which, he felt quite familiar with the process from the very beginning. Is it some kind of boss' trumpet? After all, the anchor can exchange points for a cover."

"And if I remember correctly, this anchor got the initial survival time of **** difficulty in the first level. How can ordinary people be so unlucky? It must be a limitation imposed by the system?"

"Yes, yes, I agree, it's very likely that it's a trumpet."

"However, I follow most of the S-level anchors and grand guilds, but this live broadcast style... feels a bit out of place, doesn't it?"

At this moment, the anchor who was motionless just now stood up suddenly.

The audience watching the live broadcast seemed to be taken aback.

They held their breath subconsciously, staring at the young man on the screen, half surprised and half excitedly looking forward to his next move


Wen Jianyan rushed to the desk, leaned over the trash can and started to retch.

The slender fingers were firmly pressed against the edge of the desk, and the knuckles turned pale due to the force. Coupled with the retching sound that resounded through the room, it didn't look like a fake.

The barrage fell into a dead silence.

After a few seconds, rows of "?" appeared slowly.


"...The anchor showed such an inscrutable expression just now, and finally let me watch this?"

"So the anchor is really a newcomer, otherwise how could he have such a big reaction..."

"Maybe it's acting...? I'm not sure..."

Half a minute later, Wen Jianyan stood up while leaning on the table with a pale face.

I don't know if it's because he hasn't eaten for a long time, and he didn't spit out anything this time.

He wiped the corners of his mouth with a face of exhaustion, the corners of his eyes were wet and red, and his long eyelashes were covered with a layer of physiological mist.

Oh shit

Just now it was really...


The clothes on Wen Jianyan's back were tightly stuck to his skin with sweat, and his palms were also wet with sweat. The cold wind blew, making him shiver uncontrollably.


The scary smiling face just now is in the back of my head! Back of the head! so close! so close! I vomited in your mother's fright!

Wen Jianyan's expression twisted slightly.

Fortunately, the NPC who came in behind looked at least human-like, otherwise he suspected that he would die suddenly on the spot.

And, more importantly...

Although Wen Jianyan doesn't know how much time he has left to live! But I clearly know that it is estimated that it is very extreme now-I am afraid that it will be over in a few seconds!

The two billion he just got has not had time to spend it yet! He hasn't had time to enjoy the good life!

He was not imprisoned by a criminal group, but died for no apparent reason because he was pulled into a terrorist live broadcast software...

Don't do this kind of thing!

Wen Jianyan is very desperate now.

When he was in a panic, suddenly, there was a "ding" in his ear, and then the mechanical sound of the system sounded:

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking the new way to earn points!

[Story offset: 31% bonus points: 10000

As the offset increases, the reward points will also increase significantly

Note: The degree of plot modification increases, and the dungeon will undergo uncontrollable changes!

Please make persistent efforts to unlock the new plot of the dungeon!

[Live mission rewards are being calculated for you...

Dungeon Exploration Degree: 20% Bonus Points: 2000]

[Oops, the system has detected that the live broadcaster's remaining time will be less than one minute, and your live broadcast room will be closed soon! For the loyal fans who are waiting to be fed in your live broadcast room, would you exchange all the points in your account for the survival time?

Just waiting for your words!

Wen Jianyan almost cried with joy:


Ding! Your points have been redeemed, please open your ID card to check!

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath to calm down.

Then, he took out the identity card from his pocket, only to see that the writing on it had changed since then.

Identify card

Name: Cheng Wei (Changed: Xiao Wen)

Age: 16 (Changed: ???)

Occupation: First-year student of Decai Middle School (Changed: First-year trainee teacher of Decai High School)

Related plot: not yet unlocked (Changed: ???)

All the words behind "Changed" appear in a dull light gray color, faintly visible, almost hard to see in the dim light, as if they will disappear on the card in the next second.

Wen Jianyan looked at it thoughtfully for a few seconds, then turned the card over to the back.

Above is a blood red countdown.

The survival time has increased from a shocking single digit to 120 minutes.

Although it was only two hours, he could at least live to the first points settlement point.

Wen Jianyan took a long breath of relief.

He stared at the remaining survival time displayed on the card, lost in thought.

It seems that points and survival time are exchanged at a ratio of one hundred to one.

The rewards for exploring the dungeon are really too small, even if it is 100%, there are only 10,000 points.

Of course, more live broadcast tasks may be updated in the future, but whether he can live to that time is still uncertain.

Wen Jianyan touched his chin.

And the plot offset...

Although the points given are really a lot, but he did not forget the system's reminder just now, the follow-up risk of this method is too great.

Then, there is only one way to obtain points in the end

Wen Jianyan lowered his head to look for it, then tapped lightly in the void to re-release the live broadcast interface.

The bullet screen suddenly came alive.

"Oh oh oh! The anchor has opened the barrage!"

"At this time, I remembered to open the barrage, why? Finally found that the points are not enough to survive?"

Wen Jianyan glanced over the excited or malicious, eccentric or gloating bullet screens, and his eyes fell lightly on the upper right corner of the screen.

Online audience: 364

Although the single digits fluctuate non-stop, the changes are generally not large.

"Hello everyone."

The young man lowered his head slightly, and the half-blind light fell on his pale complexion, making his outline more profound and his face clear and handsome.

He smiled.

I don't know if it's because of his profession, but Wen Jianyan's lips are very beautiful. The lower lip is soft and plump, but the corners of the lips are narrow and sharp. When it is bent upwards, it can be easily manipulated to show various emotions, whether it is Whether to impose deterrence or express friendship, they can come at their fingertips without any obstacles.

"The situation was too urgent before, so I didn't have time to say hello to everyone. I'm sorry."

Wen Jianyan's eyelashes drooped slightly, and there was no haze in a pair of light amber eyes, which looked clear and sincere. Although his voice was slightly hoarse due to the retching just now, the apology in his voice was not mixed with water.

The barrage fell silent for a moment.

Indeed, the situation just now was so urgent that the anchor had no choice but to block the barrage.

He didn't mean it either!

Looking at the sincere and handsome face of the anchor, some viewers couldn't help but began to reflect on themselves, whether they were too harsh on this novice anchor before.

As a result, more friendly bullet screens appeared.

"It's okay, it's understandable."

"It's amazing that a rookie anchor can play like this for the first time."

Some people even threw some small gifts into the live broadcast room as comfort.

Watching the increase of points displayed on his background balance, Wen Jianyan rolled his eyes indiscriminately.

Next, he randomly picked a few questions from the barrage and answered them.

"Do you feel it? It's hard to describe. Of course I'm a little scared, but it's because you are here."

"Of course I hope to get out alive."

"Hahahaha, I'm single."

Finally, Wen Jianyan's gaze fell on one of the bullet screens, as if he subconsciously read out the contents:

"Is this really the first time the host is playing? It's really not someone's trumpet"

He snapped back.

The young man smiled at the screen, and said with a calm attitude as if no one else was there: "Ah, sorry, I stopped for too long, it's time to continue."

After finishing speaking, before the barrage could react, Wen Jianyan quickly blocked the live broadcast room again.

"Wait! I seem to have noticed something!"

"Who is going to see who the anchors above the B level of the major guilds are not broadcasting today!"

"The retching just now is definitely acting! Absolutely!"

The barrage was frantically posted, countless speculations emerged, and the number of people watching the live broadcast also soared. In the next few minutes, it rose from more than 300 to nearly 800, and it is still increasing.

Although Wen Jianyan blocked the barrage, he did not turn off the light screen.

Listening to the jingling sound effects of live broadcast gifts, he squinted his eyes, and a fleeting smile flashed across his lips.


They are all voyeuristic.

However, both the number of online users and the reward points are still too small, so they should be raised first, and then slaughtered after they are fattened up.

Suddenly, Wen Jianyan's gaze fell on a corner of the light screen, and he couldn't help but pause slightly.

There crouched a miniature version of the flowerpot icon.

It was the useless apple seedling sent by the system.

However, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt... the soil layer on the flowerpot seemed to bulge a little.

Wen Jianyan stared at it for a while, then frowned.

The icon is too small, maybe it's misreading.

He shook his head and turned off the light screen completely.

Wen Jianyan stood up. Although her legs were still a little weak, they were much better than before.

Before turning to leave, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the mirror.

Although the matter has passed, he still has lingering fears when he thinks of what happened just now.

In the half-broken mirror, the bluish-white smiling grimace just now had disappeared, leaving only the wardrobe half-open.


Wen Jianyan showed a thoughtful expression.

Speaking of which, the roster of this year's students was also dug out from here, so... Could there be any important clues here?

The heart is not as good as the action.

Wen Jianyan stepped forward and bent over to search for something in the messy closet.

Because his life was at stake just now, and he didn't have too much purpose, he only did some rough searching, and now he finally had the opportunity to search the entire wardrobe in detail.


There was a slight crisp sound.

A small hidden drawer pops open from the bottom of the wardrobe.


Wen Jianyan pursed her lips, not letting her excitement show, and lowered her head to inspect the odds and ends in the drawer.

The drawer was full of dust, piled up with useless items, yellowed old photos, some crumpled change, a red comb with half-broken teeth, scraps of paper, rags, and some small pieces of glass. Stuff, nothing special.


Wen Jianyan's eyes turned away, and his eyes stopped for a while on a corner of the drawer.

There lay a small bag wrapped in a red cloth.

Against the gray background, the blood-red little cloth bag looked too bright, almost to the point of dazzling, like a wound bubbling with blood.

He paused, and carefully reached out to pick up the small cloth bag.

The cloth bag was not big, only the size of a thumbnail, and the opening was tightly wrapped with a thin black thread, giving off a strange and ominous feeling inexplicably.

Wen Jianyan untied the cloth bag.

The blood-red cloth spread out silently, revealing a short section of dark light, hair tied with red string, and...

a molar.

The pale teeth are very glaring against the background of the red cloth, which looks very strange.

Wen Jianyan felt that the air around him seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant.

At this moment, a crisp "ding dong" sound came from my ear: "Congratulations to the anchor for obtaining the hidden props (difficult) in the dungeon!"

Collection degree 1/3

Wen Jianyan asked in his mind: "Is there any reward for finding the hidden item?"

For example, points that can be exchanged for survival time!

He waited with bated breath.

The calm female voice of the system replied: "More rewards are waiting to be unlocked."

Wen Jianyan: "..."


It seems that there are no points.

Forget it, it's better than nothing.

He sighed, rewrapped the red cloth and put it in his pocket, and reset the drawer.

In a place where the anchor can't see, the barrage has already chatted enthusiastically:

"In this novice dungeon, if I'm not wrong, among the four hidden items, there is one easy, one difficult, and one epic?"

"Fuck, the other anchors broke into the duty room with all their might, and the props that can only be obtained with a waste of old nose... Is it that easy to get it?"

"Good guy, the newcomer's first hidden item is the difficulty level, this anchor is not ordinary."

"The one in front just came in, right? This anchor can tell at a glance that he is not a newcomer, but he just doesn't know which big guy's alias it is."

Wen Jianyan left the duty room and walked towards the gate of the dormitory.

He took a deep breath, then carefully pushed the door open with his fingertips, and peeked out.

The sky was dark, and heavy shadows enveloped the campus in front of us.

As he expected, the school occupies a small area, and the teaching building not far away is only four stories high. From this angle, you can still vaguely see a crooked small playground not far away, and a small artificial playground. lake.

The lights in the teaching building were all dark.

Just as Wen Jianyan was about to look away, he suddenly discovered

In front of a window on the fourth floor, a shadow stood silently.

In the darkness, thicker shadows outlined the outline of a human figure.

The shadow stood fixedly in front of the window, standing there silently, motionless.

For some reason, Wen Jianyan just felt that it was watching him.

He suddenly felt a icy chill climb up the back of his neck, which instantly aroused goosebumps.

so permeable...

At this moment, the shadow raised his hand and lightly pressed it against the window, a pale and fuzzy face emerged from the darkness, slowly and tightly stuck to the window


The next second, there was a clear knock on the door without warning, and it almost exploded right in front of Wen Jianyan.

I'm so stupid!

Wen Jianyan's scalp tingled instantly, and his hair stood on end.

I saw that the door in front of me was pushed open vigorously, and opened under the darkness of night.

The old witch's tall and bloated figure appeared in the night. While wiping her hands on her greasy skirt, she looked at Wen Jianyan with some surprise: "Intern, have you sent the list?"

Wen Jianyan's heart was beating wildly, but a smile was already on his face reflexively:

"Yes, it is."

"So fast?"

"Because you need help..." The young man rubbed the back of his head shyly, "So I came back as fast as possible."

The old witch looked Wen Jianyan up and down for a few seconds, and finally let out a cold snort from her nostrils:

"Pretty clever."

She passed Wen Jianyan and walked forward: "Follow."

The door of the dormitory closed behind the old hag.

Wen Jianyan subconsciously looked in the direction just now - the window on the third floor of the teaching building was empty and there was nothing.

He swallowed.

It's not right to think so...but thank goodness it was this NPC.

At least he looks like a human being.

Wen Jianyan repeated the words "human looks like human" several times in his heart, finally mustered up the courage, turned around, and quickly followed the old witch's back.

The old hag stood at the stairs, looking up.

The narrow stairs extend into the deep shadows, and through the thin walls, you can faintly hear the noisy voices from upstairs:

"This freshman class really has no rules."

After finishing speaking, she giggled abruptly twice.

Her voice is rough, but the tone is as delicate as a girl's, and the malicious and happy light in the depths of her two small gray eyes is particularly creepy:

"You should take good care of it..."

The huge woman walked up the stairs step by step, humming a weird and pleasant tune.

After a bout of hysteria and denial, all novice streamers are temporarily forced to accept the status quotheir lives hang in the balance, with nothing to do but play by the rules.

Although he has no intention of helping his competitors, in order not to let novices get in the way, the experienced anchor will still inform the rules in the dungeon.

This D-level dungeon is not very difficult. As a novice with no audience base, the first thing the anchors should do is to unlock the hidden information on the identity card.

The more you know your identity in the dungeon, the better you will be able to deal with various emergencies, and the higher your survival rate will be.

Everyone was rummaging through the room in which they woke up, looking for all the personal information related to the ID card.

Su Cheng held his ID card tightly, lying on the ground, panting, struggling to pick up the sundries under the bed.

His survival time is only four hours, which is the shortest among these companions.

No matter how he spoke to the live broadcast area, the barrage and the number of viewers were all deserted, and there was no sign of growth at all.

So, if you don't succeed in finding something...

He won't survive tonight.

This feeling of being able to see the **** of death approaching made Su Cheng feel very panicked, and he could hardly breathe.

Beads of cold sweat ran across the hot and bloodshot cheeks, and landed on the dusty ground with a clatter.

The ground under your palms trembled.

"Boom, boom, boom."

It seemed that heavy footsteps were approaching.

A woman's humming followed.

The melody is cheerful and simple, intermittently and faintly hovering in the gloomy corridor, gradually becoming clearer with the sound of footsteps.

Su Cheng broke out in a cold sweat.

He stood up awkwardly, and subconsciously looked at the senior anchor in the opposite dormitory.

Obviously, the other party also heard the approaching ominous signal, and became vigilant as well.

Both the footsteps and the humming ceased.

"Cough, cough, cough." After deliberately clearing his throat, a malicious and rude voice suddenly sounded, echoing in the dark and narrow corridor: "Assemble!"

The dead silence after the noise became extremely unbearable.

The anchors looked at each other, standing still.

Finally, under the leadership of several experienced and senior anchors, the rest of the anchors were all dubious and left their dormitory step by step.

A tall and bloated woman stood at the end of the corridor, and the flickering lights above her head fell on her broad shoulders, illuminating her fleshy, crowded face.

She stared at the sparse "new students" in front of her with her small gray eyes, her eyes were vicious and sticky, like poisonous snakes winding up her calves:

"too slow."

A malicious smile squeezed out of that face full of flesh:

"It's your blessing to be able to enter Decai Middle School. One by one, you are still so lax and ignorant of good and evil."

"If you don't follow the rules, you will be punished."

Her voice gradually lowered and became more and more weird, and it was almost unbearable that the hairs stood on end, and her whole body felt cold.

Some anchors couldn't help but take a step back.

After seeing the NPC that appeared, the barrage in each anchor's live broadcast room became active.

"As expected of an old hag, she is still so intimidating!"

"Hee hee hee, I'm looking forward to it!"

"I don't know which anchor is the first to be punished this time!"

The old hag looked around with a gloomy gaze, and found that everyone was silent, and slowly showed a satisfied smile:

"However, this is the first time for you guys, and you don't know the school rules, so I won't do anything. I won't be so lucky next time, remember?"

She accentuated.

A panicked and powerless answer sounded, echoing unevenly in the corridor:

"Remember, remember..."

"Remember it!" the old hag raised her voice without warning.

All the anchors were excited, shouting in unison: "Remember!"

"very good."

The old hag nodded in satisfaction: "From today onwards, you can call me Teacher Yang."

"It's time for dinner soon. After counting the number of people, I'll show you the place."

Seeing the current situation, all the bullet screens in the live broadcast room of the anchors seemed a bit regretful.

"Ah, it seems that this time I'm not going to have an operation as soon as I come up..."

"Because the anchors this time are very obedient and not thorny."

"Well, and after all, it's a D-level dungeon, the difficulty is low, and it's understandable that there is no opening kill."

"Cut, it's boring, let's go."

While chatting hotly on the barrage, the old hag made a move they had never seen before.

She turned her head and shouted, "Little Wen!"

The barrage fell silent for a moment.

I saw a tall and handsome young man walking out from the shadow behind the old witch. His hair was disheveled. Even with those crooked glasses, he still couldn't conceal the superiority of his facial features. Sentimental bookishness.

His expression is shy and docile:

"Hey, Teacher Yang, tell me."

"Is the re-copied list in your place? Check the number of people."

The barrage area of each anchor exploded, with rows of question marks:

"Wait? I have seen the copy of Decai Middle School several times, but I have never seen this NPC!"

"Isn't this a D-level copy? Why is it temporarily modified?"

"Hahaha, I came from the next door and I'm glad to see you all covered up!"

"Hahahahahaha same, I'm from next door too!"

[The above user comments involve the host in the same hall, and will only be open to the audience]

"Wait, what the hell? I can't read it anymore..."

"Ask for directions!"

"Live broadcast room 789326qwk, after watching you will come back and thank me."

[The above user comments involve the host in the same hall, and will only be open to the audience]

When the live broadcast hall of [Decai Middle School] was in chaos, the sign outside the live broadcast hall did not know when a slight change occurred.

Hall Difficulty Rating: D

The highest unlock progress in history: 72%

Viewing value: E

The letter E flashed slowly, and then became D+.