Underdog Versus Boss - Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Feng Kai Ze drove Da Tian Ting home. She didnt know what to do with the box. She wanted to throw it out, but half of it belonged to her father.

Da Tian Ting put the box in a drawer. She took off the uncomfortable heels and dress. Then she showered, and returned to her usual country bumpkin self.

At seven oclock in the evening, Da Tian Ting lad in bed and received a text message from Shang Duan Hua, Meet me at the same restaurant at nine tonight.

It was the first time Shang Duan Hua asked to meet Da Tian Ting alone. What did he want? She couldnt sleep, because she was curious what he was scheming.

Da Tian Ting changed into a T-shirt and jeans. She didnt brush her hair, and took the bus to the restaurant.

At nine oclock at night, the restaurant was packed. Da Tian Ting remembered every time she made plans to go out with Shang Duan Hua, he would either show up hours later or stood her up.

Da Tian Ting sat at a table. She drank half a cup of tea while she waited an hour for Shang Duan Hua to show up. She laughed at herself for agreeing to meet him and turning up on time, because of one text message from him. When she stood to leave, he showed up.

Shang Duan Hua picked up the cup of tea from the table and threw it at Da Tian Tings face.

Da Tian Ting, this is payback for what you did to Ming Sheng, Shang Dua Hua said.

The customers stopped chatting, and looked at Da Tian Ting and Shang Duan Huas direction.

Da Tian Ting waited for the tea to drip down her face before she opened her eyes.

Shang Duan Hua, you have no right to insult me and throw tea at my face, Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting had agreed to meet Shang Duan Hua because she thought he would apologise for betraying her, and it would give her closure.

Im Ming Shengs fiance, Shang Duan Hua said. Since you keep following Ming Sheng around to assault her, I want to give you a taste.

When did I follow her around? Da Tian Ting asked.

Stop acting innocent, Shang Duan Hua said. You visited Ming Shengs home today. Its a good thing Ming Sheng was out with me. Who knows what you would have done to Ming Sheng if she was home.

My uncle asked me to come to his home to get something that belonged to me, Da Tian Ting said. Ming Sheng wasnt home, I didnt do anything to her.

You went to Ming Shengs home to destroy Ming Sheng and her fathers bond, Shang Duan Hua said. You make me sick.

Shang Duan Hua, dont accuse me of something I didnt do, Da Tian Ting said. What evidence do you have to prove I tried to destroy hers and my uncles bond?

The truth speaks for itself, Shang Duan Hua said. I dont need evidence.

Youre right, Da Tian Ting said. No one needs evidence to see the truth that youre a brainless AH.

Do you know how much everyone hates the tactless why you speak and act? Shang Duan Hua asked.

Shang Duan Hua that is something you should say to yourself, Da Tian Ting said. Youre a lowlife man. Im embarrassed I used to be your fiance.

I came here today to warn you to stay away from Ming Sheng, Shang Duan Hua said. If you hurt Ming Sheng again or destroy her bond with her father then youll have me to deal with.

I told you, I have done nothing to hurt Ming Sheng, Da Tian Ting said. I dont care if you believe me or not.

Ming Shengs father must be blind, Shang Duan Hua said. He cant see the real you. Uncle said you brought your boyfriend to see him. Why isnt your imaginary boyfriend here with you? Uncle said that youve become a beautiful woman. What beauty? Youre still ugly like the day I met you.

My boyfriend is real and a better man than you, Da Tian Ting said. I didnt bring my boyfriend here because I didnt want him to misunderstand I still care about my vile ex-fiance. I only want to look beautiful for my boyfriend. Youre not worthy to see my beauty. Im embarrassed to be seen in public with you.

You can look forward to a miserable lonely future, Shang Duan Hua said.

On your wedding day, youll see what a happy future I have with my boyfriend, Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting grabbed a glass of wine from the table next to her table, and threw it at Shang Duan Huas face.

Da Tian Ting! Shang Duan Hua called.

This is payback for the cup of tea you threw at my face earlier, Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting walked to the couple sitting at the table next to her table, and reimbursed them one hundred dollars.

Im sorry for wasting your glass of wine on a worthless mans face, Da Tian Ting said.

Shang Duan Hua glared at Da Tian Tings back until she walked out the door. He was lucky he didnt marry a vicious shrew like Da Tian Ting.

Outside the restaurant, Da Tian Ting walked toward a taxi. A familiar car stopped on the road beside her.

Its me, Feng Kai Ze said. Hop in. Ill take you home.

Feng Kai Ze opened the passenger door for Da Tian Ting, and she sat in his car.

Feng Kai Ze drove Da Tian Ting home. He didnt need to ask her what happened. He had followed her to the restaurant, because he was worried she would do something foolish after her confrontation with Ning Kan. When he saw her meet Shang Duan Hua at the restaurant he wanted to drag her home. But he was glad he didnt after he got to witness her fighting with Shang Duan Hua, and throwing wine at Shang Duan Huas face. It meant she didnt have any feelings toward Shang Duan Hua.

How did you know I was at the restaurant? Da Tian Ting asked.

I followed you to the restaurant, Feng Kai Ze said.

You followed me? Da Tian Ting asked.

Yes, Feng Kai Ze said. I was worried someone would take my future wife away from me so I followed you.

Thank you, Da Tian Ting said.

I dont want you to thank me, Feng Kai Ze said. I want you to give me your heart, and marry me.

Da Tian Ting chose selective hearing.

I want you to help me, Da Tian Ting said.

Of course Ill help my future wife, Feng Kai Ze said. Ill make them regret hurting you on their wedding day.