Underdog Versus Boss - Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Feng Kai Ze filled out Da Tian Tings discharge form after breakfast. Then he returned to her hospital room. She was nowhere to be seen. He noticed a note on a table.

Mr Feng,

Bye. Lets not meet again. Im off to work. Take care of yourself. When youre free, get your head examined.

Feng Kai Ze couldnt believe Da Tian Ting went to work the day after she had a near death experience.

Da Tian Ting, lets see if you can go to work again, Feng Kai Ze said to the note.

Feng Kai Ze crumbled the note, tossed it in the bin and walked to the parking lot.

Feng Kai Ze drove straight to Tian Chens company. If Da Tian Ting didnt know how to value her life then he was going to help her value her life.

The employees at Tian Chens company were nervous to see a man who looked like he was on fire waltzed into their workplace.

Feng Kai Ze didnt want to search every office on Da Tian Tings floor. He spotted her friend from the cafe, and walked to her friends desk.

Wheres Da Tian Ting? Feng Kai Ze asked.

Sir, why are you looking for Tian Ting? Ding Xiao Ran asked.

Ding Xiao Ran thought the man on fire had a hot body. Too bad there was fire in his eyes.

Where is Da Tian Ting? Feng Kai Ze asked.

Ive met all of Tian Tings friends, Ding Xiao Ran said. Sir, youre not Tian Tings friend. Why are you looking for her?

Get to the point, Feng Kai Ze said. Where is Da Tian Ting?

She didnt come to work today, Ding Xiao Ran said. Shes not here.

Youre lying, Feng Kai Ze said.

If you dont believe me, check for yourself, Ding Xiao Ran said. Her desk is over there. Her manager, Miss Mas office is that way. You can ask Miss Ma if she came into work today.

Feng Kai Ze walked to Da Tian Tings tidy desk, and realised she played him. Where did she go if she wasnt at work?

Tian Ting, since you played me, wait and see how I like to play, Feng Kai Ze said to Da Tian Tings switched off laptop.

Feng Kai Ze strode out of Da Tian Tings workplace, and headed to her apartment.

Ding Xiao Ran called Da Tian Tings phone to warn her about the man on fire looking for her at work.