Underdog Versus Boss - Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Da Tian Ting walked the streets aimlessly. She didnt know people were looking for her.

Da Tian Ting couldnt shake off Shang Duan Huas betrayal, Da Ming Shengs deceit and Shang Duan Huas parents gullibility.

Da Tian Ting walked into a corner liquor shop. She randomly picked up bottles of wine, and went to the counter.

At the counter Da Tian Ting took money out of her wallet and her ID dropped out.

Miss, you dropped your ID, the cashier said.

Thank you, Da Tian Ting said.

Wait, the cashier said. Miss, are you Da Tian Ting?

Yes, Da Tian Ting said. Why?

No reason, the cashier said.

The cashier gave back the ID to Da Tian Ting, and smiled at her like the cashier was about to receive one hundred thousand dollars.

Da Tian Ting carried the bottle of wines outside, and the cashier reported Da Tian Tings location to receive the one hundred thousand dollar reward.

Da Tian Ting walked to a bridge above a lake. She sat on the edge of the bridge, drank wine and looked at the city scenery to cheer herself up.

Da Tian Ting, why is your life such a failure? Da Tian Ting asked herself.

Da Tian Ting stood up on the bridge, and threw an empty bottle into the lake.

Shang Duan Hua, Da Ming Sheng, you MFs! Da Tian Ting said. I hate both of you!

The wind blew, Da Tian Ting lost her balance and fell into the lake.