Underdog Versus Boss - Chapter 33

Chapter 33

After work Da Tian Ting took a taxi to the Shang family home.

Shang Ming waited in front of the apartment building for Da Tian Ting. He was sad to see her limping, and ran to help her walk.

Tian Ting, why are you limping? Shang Ming asked. How did you injure your legs?

Its nothing, Da Tian Ting said. I accidentally fell over, and scratched my knees.

Da Tian Ting put pressure on her knees to walk normally.

You should take better care of yourself, Shang Ming said. Come inside. Dinner will be ready soon.

Yes uncle Shang, Da Tian Ting said.

Lam Shu Pan opened the front door. She held Da Tian Tings hand, and helped Da Tian Ting walk to the dining room.

Tian Ting, how did you injure yourself? Lam Shu Pan asked.

I accidentally fell, Da Tian Ting said. Im OK now.

Da Tian Ting was regretful Shang Ming and Lam Shu Pan couldnt be her parents. She felt like they were having the last dinner together, because she didnt want to come to their home after she explained to them why she ended the engagement.

Da Tian Ting hated feeling disappointed she couldnt see Shang Duan Hua one last time. She knew it was better not to have another confrontation with him.

Lam Shu Pan knew who Da Tian Ting was looking for.

Tian Ting, aunty knows you broke off the engagement, Lam Shu Pan said. Tian Ting, you love Duan Hua but he doesnt love you. Youll be happier if you dont marry him. Aunty believes a good woman like you will find a good man. Aunty will always see you as my daughter. You cant forget aunty and uncle.

Aunty Lam, I wont forget you and uncle Shang, Da Tian Ting said. I came here today because Ive accepted the situation. I know Duan Tian hates me. I wont hold onto him, because its not good for me, him or Ming Sheng.

Tian Ting, youre a good woman, Shang Ming said. Its Duan Hua who is blind, and cant see the difference between a good woman and a bad woman.

Ill always love uncle Ming and aunty Lam, Da Tian Ting said. I believe Ill find my own happiness. Perhaps Ill bring my boyfriend to Duan Hua and Ming Shengs wedding.

Da Tian Ting leaned her head on Lam Shu Pans shoulder like how she used to lean on her mums shoulder when she was a little girl. She didnt understand why everything had to change.

Tian Ting, aunty wish youre my daughter, Lam Shu Pan said.

Aunty, in my heart Im your daughter, Da Tian Ting said.

Good, Lam Shu Pan said. Tian Ting is auntys daughter.

Shang Duan Hua brought Da Ming Sheng home for dinner. He was surprised to see Da Tian Ting in the dining room. If he knew Da Tian Ting visited his parents then he wouldnt have brought Da Ming Sheng home that evening.