Underdog Versus Boss - Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Feng Kai Ze didnt care who witnessed him kissing Da Tian Ting. He wanted to declare to the world that he was her man. For sixteen years he didnt stop thinking about her. If that meant he loved her then he wanted to love her to the end of his life.

Da Tian Ting was the only woman who moved Feng Kai Zes heart.

Da Tian Ting regained her senses. She pulled away from Feng Kai Ze and punched his chest.

You Casanova, go to hell! Da Tian Ting said.

Feng Kai Ze held Da Tian Tings hands.

If you dont have a check-up, Ill Feng Kai Ze said.

Casanova! Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting suddenly had a brainstorm, and smiled at Mr Crazy.

OK, Da Tian Ting said. Ill have a check-up.

Feng Kai Ze had a feeling Da Tian Ting was too compliant.

Go with the nurse for your check-up, Feng Kai Ze said. Ill fill out your forms.

Thank you Mr Feng, Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting followed the nurse. Da Tian Ting planned to make Feng Kai Ze have a psychiatric check-up. After he was admitted to the psychiatric ward, he wont bother her again.

In the examination room, Da Tian Ting sat opposite the doctor.

Doctor, my boyfriend needs a psychiatric check-up, Da Tian Ting said. Nurse, my boyfriend is the man you saw kissing me outside. He lost his mind after years of buying non-winning lottery tickets. I tricked him to come to the hospital by lying to him that I need a check-up. The truth is I want him to have a psychiatric check-up.

The doctor didnt know if Da Tian Ting was telling the truth.

Doctor, my boyfriend looks like a normal person, Da Tian Ting said. But the smallest thing can set him off. Like if I dont call him Mr Feng. Doctor, you need to ask security guards to take him to the psychiatric ward. Any minute now, hell start destroying furniture and assaulting people.

Miss, why dont I give you a referral and you can make an appointment for your boyfriend? the doctor asked.

Doctor, my boyfriend wont admit hes crazy, Da Tian Ting said. Every time I took him to a psychiatrists clinic, he had a crazy episode. Doctor, I need your help.

Da Tian Tings sincere plea persuaded the doctor to believe her.

Miss, Ill help you, the doctor said. Ill ask security guards to take your boyfriend to the psychiatric ward.

Thank you doctor, Da Tian Ting said.