Underdog Versus Boss - Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Feng Kai Ze took Da Tian Ting shopping for Da Qing Fengs birthday gift. They walked into a mens clothing shop, and browsed through mens winter clothes.

Da Tian Ting wanted to buy a winter coat for Da Qing Feng. Thinking about how Da Qing Feng wore the same old clothes to work while Da Ming Sheng had a full wardrobe made Da Tian Ting angry. How could Da Ming Sheng be such an unfilial daughter toward Da Qing Feng who made sacrifices to give Da Ming Sheng a comfortable life?

Brat! Da Tian Ting cursed.

Are you cursing me? Feng Kai Ze asked.

No, Da Tian Ting said.

Im cursing Da Ming Sheng, Da Tian Ting said. Ive lived in my uncles home since I was eighteen. Da Ming Sheng only cares about her looks. Shes an ungrateful daughter who spends uncles money to buy clothes and makeup for herself. She never once gave uncle a birthday gift. If uncle couldnt afford to buy her something, shed curse uncle. Thinking about what an unfilial daughter she is makes me angry.

Are you angry at her for being an unfilial daughter or because she stole your fiance? Feng Kai Ze asked.

Feng Kai Ze! Da Tian Ting said.

Feng Kai Ze smiled at Da Tian Ting.

Pretend I didnt say anything, Feng Kai Ze said.

If you think I have lingering feelings for the lowlife Shang Duan Hua then lets break up, Da Tian Ting said.

Tian Ting, Im a little jealous, Feng Kai Ze said. Dont be angry at me. Forget about the joke I made before.

I was joking too, Da Tian Ting said.

Lets not joke about breaking up again, Feng Kai Ze said.

We wont, Da Tian Ting said. Help me find a winter coat for uncle.

Doesnt your uncle own a coat? Feng Kai Ze asked.

Uncle has worn the same clothes for ten years, Da Tian Ting said. I want to buy uncle a winter coat, a sweater, a vest and other warm clothes. Since its uncles birthday, he has to accept my gifts.

Da Tian Ting chose the best quality warm clothes for Da Qing Feng.

Tian Ting, I know you have a good heart and you only want to buy warm clothes for you uncle, Feng Kai Ze said. But hes not your father. Da Ming Sheng will only resent you for making her look bad compared to you.

Da Ming Sheng said the same thing to me too, Da Tian Ting said. Ive considered her selfish feelings so Ive only bought uncle small gifts for his past birthdays. She had always forgotten uncles birthday, and she never gave uncle a birthday gift.

Is that why you want to buy your uncle the best quality clothes for his birthday this year? Feng Kai Ze asked.

The most important reason is uncles advanced age, Da Tian Ting said. Every year winter is getting colder, and uncles body isnt young as it used to be. I cant rely on Da Ming Sheng to be considerate enough to buy uncle warm clothes. I dont care about Da Ming Shengs selfish feelings anymore. Uncles health is more important.

OK, Feng Kai Ze said. Ill help you choose warm clothes for your uncle.

Feng Kai Ze picked up a thick winter coat, sweater and vest.

Tian Ting, what do you think about this winter coat, sweater and vest? Feng Kai Ze asked. Its thick and the style suits your uncles age. Its durable and itll keep your uncle warm during winter.

Da Tian Ting touched the winter coat, sweater and vest.

Wow, Da Tian Ting said. Youre right. The fabric is thick and soft. Itll keep uncle warm during winter.

Lets buy these warm clothes for your uncle, Feng Kai Ze said.

OK, Da Tian Ting said. I want to get two of this winter coat for uncle.

Later a shop assistant approached Da Tian Ting and Feng Kai Ze to help them carry the clothes.

Sir, madam, do you need my help? the shop assistant asked.

Yes, Da Tian Ting said. Can you wrap

Big sister, is that you? Da Ming Sheng interrupted. What a coincidence. Big sister, are you here to buy clothes for your boyfriend?

Da Ming Sheng checked out Feng Kai Ze. The last time she saw him was on her wedding day. On closer inspection, she thought he looked like a rich attractive man. If she was married to him instead of Shang Duan Hua, she would feel proud to show him off to her friends.

Feng Kai Ze ignoring Da Ming Sheng made her want to explode, but she acted civil because she was out in public.

What are you doing here? Da Tian Ting asked.

Big sister, this is a shopping mall, of course I came here to shop, Da Ming Sheng said.

Then dont shop in the same shop as me, Da Tian Ting said. Stay away from me, and stop scheming to harm to me.

Da Tian Ting ignored Da Ming Sheng, and passed the warm clothes to the shop assistant.

Can you wrap these clothes for me? Da Tian Ting asked the shop assistant.

Yes madam, the shop assistant said.

Da Ming Sheng snatched the two winter coats from the shop assistants hands.

The fabric of this winter coat is good quality, Da Ming Sheng said. Duan Hua will love this winter coat. Give me these two winter coats.

Miss, this lady asked me to wrap these two winter coats for her before you the shop assistant said.

These two winter coats havent been bought yet so no one owns them, Da Ming Sheng said. Give me these two winter coats.

Da Ming Sheng! Da Tian Ting called. Starting from today, I wont let you steal anything from me. These two winter coats belong to me. Give them back to me.

Big sister, you havent paid for them so you dont own them, Da Ming Sheng said. Im buying these two winter coats.

Da Ming Sheng, stop being shameless, Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting, everyone hates you, Da Ming Sheng said.

Da Ming Sheng and Da Tian Ting played tug of war with the two expensive winter coats.

Miss, madam, I can go get another two winter coats, the shop assistant said. There is no need to fight over these two winter coats.

No! Da Ming Sheng said. I want these two winter coats!

Da Ming Sheng! Da Tian Ting said. You always want to steal everything from me. Im not going to let you steal from me again. Give back my winter coats.

I always get what I want, Da Ming Sheng said. I want these two winter coats.

Da Ming Sheng tugged harder, the two winter coats ripped in half, Feng Kai Ze braced Da Tian Tings fall and Da Ming Sheng fell onto the floor.

Ah! Da Ming Sheng cried out.

Da Tian Ting saw Da Ming Sheng took a hard fall, and she remembered Da Ming Sheng told her that Da Ming Sheng was pregnant before the wedding.

Little monkey, call the ambulance, Da Tian Ting said.

Why? Feng Kai Ze asked. She only fell.

Da Ming Shengs pregnant, Da Tian Ting said. We need to help her save her baby. Little monkey, call the ambulance.

Da Tian Ting would never forgive herself if she caused Da Ming Sheng to miscarry because of two winter coats.

Feng Kai Ze would have called the ambulance if he didnt notice there was no blood on the floor where Da Ming Sheng was sitting.

Shes not pregnant, Feng Kai Ze said.

Da Ming Sheng took a hard fall. She would have miscarried if she was pregnant. But Feng Kai Ze suspected she faked a pregnancy, and at most would only have a twisted ankle.

Da Tian Ting noticed Da Ming Sheng wasnt acting like someone scared about having a miscarriage. Da Ming Sheng was looking at the damaged winter coats instead of checking if there was blood between her legs. Da Ming Sheng lied about being pregnant!

Da Ming Sheng, how can you lie to me about being pregnant? Da Tian Ting asked. Youre not pregnant.

Da Ming Sheng looked at the damaged winter coats then she looked at her swollen ankle. But she panicked after she realised Da Tian Ting found out the truth about her not being pregnant. She lied about being pregnant so she could steal Da Tian Tings wedding day and marry Shang Duan Hua. She regretted her fake pregnancy being exposed because of two winter coats.

Da Ming Sheng, arent you ashamed of your lies to get what you want? Da Tian Ting asked. You burned your own arm, you poured hot coffee on your body and lied about being pregnant just to steal everything from me.

Its you who is shameless! Da Ming Sheng said. If your dead father didnt force Duan Hua to be your fiance, Duan Hua wouldnt want to be engaged to you. You lived in my home for ten years, and you stole my fathers love.

If Da Tian Ting found out the truth then Da Ming Sheng wanted to humiliate Da Tian Ting.

Da Ming Sheng, youre not even worthy to say my fathers name, Da Tian Ting said. Without my father, Shangs company wouldnt exist and you wouldnt be the rich Mrs Shang junior right now. You say I stole your fathers love. But have you asked yourself if you care about your father? Youve burned your fathers money, graduated for three years but lived off your fathers money. Youve never once bought a gift for your father. You only know how to shop, look good and show off to your friends. Have you ever taken care of your father when hes sick? While your father worked to support you, you were busy sleeping with my ex-fiance. Can you say after youve become Mrs Shang junior that you returned to your fathers home to visit him?

Dont be deluded, Da Ming Sheng said. If your father is such a good man then why did your mother run off with another man? My relationship with my father is none of your business. My father isnt your father. Your father is dead.

Then you have no right to talk about my parents relationship, Da Tian Ting said. You only know how to criticize other people. You should reflect on your bad behavior, and how your lies affected the lives of people around you.

Ive done nothing wrong, Da Ming Sheng said. Its normal for a person to protect their happiness. Its your own fault for losing everything because you didnt protect your own happiness.

Da Min Sheng, this is your real self, Da Tian Ting said. You only know how to act innocent in front of Shang Duan Hua. Im warning you right now that Im not the same gullible Da Tian Ting in the past. If you do anything to harm me again, Ill make your life miserable.

Da Tian Ting, it doesnt matter if you expose the truth because no one will believe you over me, Da Ming Sheng said. Duan Hua will always believe me over you. Im going to go home and tell Duan Hua and his parents that you and your boyfriend ganged up on me, pushed me onto the floor, broke my ankle and made me have a miscarriage. Duan Hua and his parents will hate you even more. Theyll never find out I lied about being pregnant. Theres nothing you can do to make my life miserable.

Da Ming Sheng, have you forgotten youre at a shopping mall? Da Tian Ting asked. There are security cameras and witnesses here who saw and heard everything. What do you think will happen to you if I ask security to give me a copy of the footage of our confrontation to clear my name? Do you think the Shang family will still believe your lies?

You! Da Ming Sheng said.

Da Ming Sheng looked anxiously at the security cameras. She couldnt believe Da Tian Ting turned into a different person who wasnt easy to frame.

Even if you got rid of the footage, there are many witnesses here who can help me clear my name, Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting! Da Ming Sheng said.

Da Tian Ting ignored Da Ming Sheng. Da Tian Ting picked up the damaged winter coats and gave it to the shop assistant.

Miss, Im sorry for being a nuisance, Da Tian Ting said. Ill pay for these damaged coats. Can you get me another two winter coats?

Right away madam, the shop assistant said.

Tian Ting, Im proud of you for standing up for yourself, Feng Kai Ze said. If anyone frames you for something you didnt do, remember you have me. Ill always be here to support you.

I wouldnt waste my time to lecture someone who is deluded, Da Tian Ting said. But I wont allow anyone to soil my fathers name.

Tian Ting, dont be angry, Feng Kai Ze said. Youll scare people if they see youre angry.

Feng Kai Ze took out his wallet.

Little monkey, let me pay for uncles birthday gifts, Da Tian Ting said.

I understand, Feng Kai Ze said. Ill let you pay for your uncles birthday gifts.

Da Tian Ting and Feng Kai Ze ignored Da Ming Sheng. They walked to the counter and she paid for Da Qing Fengs birthday gifts. She wanted to thank Da Qing Feng for treating her like his daughter after her father died.

Da Ming Sheng got up from the floor. She was jealous of Da Tian Ting. It wasnt fair that Da Tian Ting found a better man than Shang Duan Hua.

Da Ming Sheng didnt care about her swollen ankle, and took a taxi home. She was going to convince Shang Duan Hua and his parents that Da Tian Ting made her miscarried before Da Tian Ting exposed the truth.