The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 709: Book Of Truth: Atonement

Chapter 709: Book Of Truth: Atonement

Chapter 709: Book Of Truth: Atonement

Elles emerald green pupils shrank slightly.

Appearing at her fingertips were two pages, intertwining and circulating like swimming fish.

It was mainly translucent white, tinted with a faint blood color as if it was watercolor bleeding in water, looking like two goldfish interweaving with each other. Dark red text was swimming above it that was a curse of utmost purity and sanct.i.ty.

In front of her, a glimmering panel that was somewhat familiar but slightly different appeared.

[Atonement. t.i.tle Page. Last Page.]

[Type: Book of Truth (2/5) (unlocked)]

[Remaining fragment holders: 1]


[Description: A newly born fragment of truth, recording the law of fulfillment for all sins and a thousand punishments in this world, has currently acquired the Betrayal chapter. Gather fragments of four sins to gain more authority; because the Redemption chapter has been obtained, this Book of Truth is now fully unlocked.]

[Atonement (2/5): It can only be used with a just heart or a pure kindness heart: the right to kill and seize the betrayer.]

She didnt just obtain the Truth Fragment, but the Book of Truth.

Since the most crucial final page has been obtained, is this book now complete

Annan looked thoughtfully at someone elses Book of Truth.

After taking a look at other peoples papers, he felt that he could do it.

Although all page fragments had not been collected yet, Elle had now obtained the Prototype of Truth and could already ascend to the deityhood.

So, the last page is the key, huh? Wait, no you need at least one of the other pages along with the last one to make the Book of Truth work. Just the last one on its own is useless.

Where is the last page of the Book of Divine Transporter?

Following the unique collection method of the Book of Divine Transporter

The seventh mirror was probably the ritual of obtaining a table of contents or a cover. In other words, as long as Annan knew who his sixth mirror corresponded to and defeated Ingrid, who was the seventh mirror, he would become a deity.

Since light is born from the mirror, the way to collect the Book of Divine Transporter was to find people who were similar but opposite to him. However, regarding the truth about crime and punishment, they surely wouldnt be like Annan.


[This is my Book of Truth!]

The giant gray hand shot up tightly grasping the Book of Truth in the air.

It was a gray demon that lived like a living tombstone.

He was pierced by chains before and fell to the ground However, He was just pretending to be dead. As Midas said, as long as He could achieve his goal, He would give up His dignity.

However, Annan didnt stop him at all.

The gray demons cracked hand was falling apart while it reached through thin air.

But He couldnt hold onto anything.

The demons movements were delayed for a moment.

[How come?]


. Annan couldnt help but laugh.

He looked at the gray demon who could barely speak and sighed.

Unfortunately, this is a truth that only [Justice] and [Pure Kindness] can use.

You may have met this condition once. Therefore, you were inspired by the Truth but you failed to resist the temptation and failed to control yourself. From that moment on, you have failed.

If he could just follow through the mistakes, he too would be a deity. But the Venerated Skeleton insisted on abandoning his skeletal form.

This was a tragedy caused by his overconfidence and his slow and rigid understanding of the world.

Now that Elle was born, He would not have a second chance to regain the truth of [Betrayal].

From the very beginning, you took the wrong direction, Eternal Duke.

He forgot, or deliberately ignored one thing deities were the living pillars of the world.

In other words

No matter the truth, its ultimate manifestation must be order. Even for evil deities such as Tragedy Writer and Black Widow, who killed people as a form of sacrifice, there existed some rules They all leaned toward the restraint of power and would not allow acts of ma.s.sacre, extermination, or breeding of plagues to occur.

Even the Tragedy Writer would be disgusted by the unsightly and crazy conspirators, and might even take action to clean up the pest himself. Even the Black Widows believers, who studied all kinds of poisons and tested them on humans, would craft antidotes with those same hands. Moreover, Black Widow was never a deity born from a human, to begin with, but the deity of spiders. From the perspective of spiders, or even other races that were friendly to the spider race, she was naturally not considered an evil deity.

Fundamentally, this was because a deity was the spokesperson of a [Truth].

Because an authority like truth couldnt think or act, it needed a proxy to personify itself and make its presence known.

Even the Book of Truth, which recorded the truth of death, would not choose a madman who wanted to destroy the world and kill everyone. Just like Red Knight as the War Deity, he would not start a war.

The deities might have different interests, personalities, and stances but they were ultimately protectors of something and someone.

So, if the truth of betrayal really existed in the world

It would never exist in a Book of Truth that recorded many evil deeds in the world and therefore could only be mastered by villains. At most, it would only choose people with the position of the protector of betrayers.

Whether it was the Eternal Duke or the Venerated Skeleton No matter how consistent he was with the truth of betrayal and how many people he had betrayed, he still did not meet this requirement.

He started in the wrong direction.

Conversely, someone betrayed by everyone might fit the need for a protector of the betrayers better. Therefore, the previous Venerated Skeleton, even though he forcibly obtained the [betrayal] truth through rituals, wouldnt have been acknowledged by the Book of Truth.

After he realized that he was also betrayed by the people and destroyed his tombstone, he came full circle and returned to the starting point. Thus, he was able to meet this condition.

But at that time, Elle was already further forward and delving deeper than him. It was the Venerated Skeleton who kicked Elle away

Annan might be the person who helped the most in the ascension process.

The internal combustion engine he invented in Annans first life seemed to have prompted someone in the Papal Kingdom to obtain the Book of Truth about the machine. In the future, the stranger would surely ascend into a deity. In this life, Annan would respectively send the Man in the Mirror and Angelo as the Angel of Betrayal to the Light Realm.

Even Annan himself was a compatible match for the Book of Truth and dueled with his mirrors to have the final Divine Transporter.

Although the Eternal Duke might have a deep understanding of ritual, his understanding of deity and the Book of Truth went awry.

From this point of view, Rotten Man was more like a deity than him Rotten Man would at least protect the immortal he created.

The Venerated Skeleton was just using his authority as a deity to create more betrayers and sneered at the tragedies caused by these betrayers Maybe he just hoped to get some comfort from it.

Thats why I said before did you really delve deeper than Elle?

Maybe Midas set off earlier than Elle.

But he was on a completely different path.

Just like Elle got Atonement instead.

Annan glanced at the system panel.

As expected, Elles [Pure Kindness] element had been awakened to 78%.

Perhaps it was because of her [Pure Kindness] element that exceeded 66% or 75% that allowed her to meet the final requirement for the manifestation of Truth.

What an irony.

What Eternal Duke did back then was the final blow that defeated him now; The useless and weak kindness that Elle held was an opportunity for her to win.

This drama about [Betrayal] should end now.

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