The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 689: The Fear Of Being Chased By Nightmares

Chapter 689: The Fear Of Being Chased By Nightmares

Chapter 689: The Fear Of Being Chased By Nightmares

Annan Austere-Winter?

Hearing this familiar name, Celecias light blue pupils shrank slightly.

Of course, she recognized this name.

But that was a long time ago

Back then, Celecia was a young man named Th.o.r.eau Nick who followed Teacher Vladmir in Winters Hand. As a reserve member of Winters Hand, she had of course come into contact with the Grand Dukes son.

Of course considering her ident.i.ty back then, even if she did meet Annan, they definitely werent close.

Even so, she could still sense the captivating [magnetic allure] of Annan.

Annan had an alias at the time called the Silent One and the Monster That Leaves No Trace.

He was not called the Silent One because of the favor he received from the Silent Lady it was the opposite.

Th.o.r.eau Nick once handed young Annan evidence about a counts rebellion late at night.

Even Th.o.r.eau Nick himself had not read the content.

After getting the report, Annan just sat quietly in the study, jotting down notes seriously. When he sat in the chair at the study of Grand Dukes Residence, his feet didnt even reach the floor.

He was so young back then.

Even Th.o.r.eau Nick, who had a fanatical faith in Vladmir, couldnt help but voice his doubts.

Can such a young child recognize all the words in this letter?

[Can such a young child recognize all the words in this letter?] Thats what youre thinking, right?

Young Annan raised his head and stared at Th.o.r.eau Nick with his tired, calm, and mystical eyes.

It was an emotionless glance, like a gaze of a higher being.

I see, so thats the kind of person you are.

Those words struck Th.o.r.eau Nick like thunder.

Winters Hand was a tool that must be absolutely loyal to Austere-Winter just like how you would protect your heart with both hands even if it meant grabbing the sharp edge of a sword or catching a dagger with the back of your hand, you couldnt let anything get through that hurt the heart.

At that time, Th.o.r.eau Nick was overwhelmed with fear.

Young Annans devilish whispering did not stop there.

So, youre serving Vladmir instead of Austere-Winter? How interesting. I bet you want me dead right now. Id wager your skills are way beyond others in the Winters Hand. Couldnt undergo the Wolfs Kiss ritual? Maybe thats for the best; less of a ha.s.sle if you ever turn traitor, knowing too much.

Wait wait a minute!

The first bit sent chills down Th.o.r.eau Nicks spine, and the next part made Th.o.r.eau Nick blurt out, I swear I will never betray you

You will. With a more certain att.i.tude than Th.o.r.eau Nick, Annan said calmly, Because Vladmir will eventually betray me.


I know him better than you do. I also know you better than you know yourself. Naturally, I also know you better than him. Its so easy to read I can even see your future at a glance because I am on another level. I have seen stories similar to this in another history.

Young Annan said something that didnt make much sense, then tossed the response letter into the hands of a very confused Th.o.r.eau Nick.

Quite a complicated riddle, right? But youll figure it out sooner or later. Annan added.

After that, Annan fell silent again, turning the pages of the book without saying a word.

But at that moment, Th.o.r.eau Nick couldnt bear to listen to another word from Annan. He practically tripped over himself in his haste to flee the study.

For him, it was no longer a human world but an abyss inhabited by monsters.

After handing Annans reply to Vladmir with slightly trembling hands, Th.o.r.eau Nick couldnt help but ask, Teacherwill you betray Grand Duke?

He regretted it the moment he asked this question.

However, Vladmir just glanced at him and replied coolly, Dont tell others what you heard from His Highness Annan.

Then, do you mean

Of course, I will. Vladmir calmly said something that was beyond Th.o.r.eau Nicks understanding, Because betrayal sometimes has its meaning.

The meaning of betrayal?

Youre not the Grand Duke, so you cant understand it.

Then you

If the Grand Duke needs it, I can be the Grand Duke.

That was an equally absurd and treacherous statement.

Vladmir ended the conversation and disappeared for two days.

Celecia didnt fully understand Vladmirs words at that time.

However, she still remembered

A week had pa.s.sed since that day. The count who had attempted a rebellion seemed to have vanished. By the time people noticed, they found out that everyone in the counts mansion had committed suicide.

Everyone left a suicide note. There were no signs of anyone coming in or out of the counts mansion, no evidence of a fight. Even using prophecy magic, no traces of spells could be detected. So, it was concluded that they had all taken their own lives.

Counts relatives also happened to be seriously ill, bankrupt, or imprisoned for crimes.

The last person to inherit the counts.h.i.+p was a young man from Winters Hand. He was Th.o.r.eau Nicks senior brother, who also belonged to Vladmirs faction.

When the Icebreakers army was getting established, he was one of the n.o.bles who provided support. Later on, he and his family were naturally held accountable and were all enlisted into the Frostbeast army.

To this day, Celecia still couldnt figure out what happened that day.

All she knew was that it definitely had to do with whatever Annan decided and what her teacher did.

Therefore, after the teachers betrayal, the first thing she could do was to escape from Frostwhisper Province to a place where Annan could not find her.

Even to this day, she occasionally woke up from dreams about Annans gaze.

She had no fear of being caught or imprisoned. Whether she was imprisoned or executed, there was nothing to fear for her. As early as her teenage years, she had been prepared to die for her teacher.

However, if Annan were right there, merely giving her that silent stare it would shake her to her core.

And now

After Elle finished talking to Longjing Tea, she turned her head.

Elle clasped her hands together and smiled at Celecia with a strange yet familiar smile.

Long time no see, do you still remember me? She said softly, Mr. Th.o.r.eau Nick?

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