The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 668: Smile Slowing Fading.jpg

Chapter 668: Smile Slowing Fading.jpg

Chapter 668: Smile Slowing Fading.jpg

Typically speaking, the Joyful airs.h.i.+p wasnt available for rental. It had never been rented out even once in its history.

That was because the s.h.i.+p was actually the armed aerial fortress of the Grail-holding Church.

It was 160 meters long, with a maximum diameter and height of nearly 30 meters roughly as tall as a six-story bell tower. Because of this, it was honored as the Our Great Bell Tower and The Respectable Joyful by the Grail-holding Church.

Although it was unlike Red Knights airs.h.i.+p, carrying so many weapons and explosives it did not mean it would be inferior.

The most advanced technology on the Joyful was its shock absorption and soundproofing. The Joyful even had a dedicated restaurant, ballroom, study, bathhouse, and rec room to play cards, play chess, read books, and enjoy dances.

The Joyful airs.h.i.+p had two levels of cabins. Each room had a huge, soft double bed. Apart from not having a private bathroom and the rooms being a bit cramped, the airs.h.i.+p was no different from the most luxurious hotels.

The maximum flight speed of the Joyful would reach 80 kilometers per hour and if it entered the quiet mode, it would maintain a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

In the quiet mode, the Joyfuls stability even allowed for a game of pool in the rec room. The stability in this mode made it possible for the ritualist to use the ritual in the air.

Performing rituals was risky. If it failed, it could trigger an explosion. Certainly, conducting a ritual while on a turbulent flight was certainly not a safe course of action.

However, the challenge could be overcome.

The Joyful ritual room had a unique design it catered to the secret number 9 of the Grail-holding Lady and could accommodate up to nine ritualists to collaborate in large-scale joint rituals. Moreover, it could dissect some rituals into nine components.

In this way, everyone only needed to complete a part for the ritual to be carried out stably.

Thus, the possibility of ritual failure would be significantly reduced.

As long as every component was treated without issue, the ritual would generally not have problems in the end. It was like breaking down complex problems into smaller, verifiable steps and calculating each step separately.

Conversely, if the ritual failed, the ritualist only needed to bear one-ninth of the negative feedback. Generally, it posed no danger to the ritualists life.

The nine layers of ritual that split the ritual into smaller components was also a large-scale auxiliary ritual developed by the Grail-holding Church. It was called the Feast of All Love. Besides dissecting, it could also be used to amplify and project Grail-holding Ladys ritual.

This approach could only be used by the priests of the Grail-holding Church However, only the Grail-holding Church might need this kind of a.s.sistance.

According to a record, [The Secret About the Grail], the Grail-holding Lady was the only upright deity that required sacrifice to complete the ritual.

Just like praying for the power of the Purifying realm, one must sacrifice high-purity Gold similarly, carrying out the Grail-holding Ladys ritual, [Ritual: Roaring Heart] required self-sacrifice.

To hold an advanced ritual, it was easy to injure and disable yourself.

Of course, for some people, obtaining a large amount of high-purity gold might be more difficult than donating their blood and limbs.

This airs.h.i.+p allowed ritualists to hold rituals continuously at the lowest cost, the fastest speed, and the least risk.


A giant airs.h.i.+p glided over the Great Barrier at sixty kilometers per hoursince it was above the Great Barrier, this meant that almost all attacks from the ground would likely miss.

Meanwhile, it could continually exert influence on those directly below it.

As long as the Grail-holding Church held the Joyful, the church could intervene on the battlefield anytime.

Many of the divine arts in the Blood Realm had considerable lethality and interference in battles.

For example, it induced ma.s.s sleep, ma.s.s insomnia, ma.s.s hysteria, ma.s.s madnessor caused vines to grow from ones heart, turned the blood within the body putrid, or transformed the blood that left the body into scalding, strong acid to counterattack the enemies, and so on.

It was just like the air force bombing the infantry. The victims were left unable to resist and unable to counterattack They couldnt even dodge large-area ritual attacks. The only thing they could do was to escape as soon as possible.

However, this was an airs.h.i.+p with a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

If the airs.h.i.+p wanted to pursue its enemy, the infantry couldnt run away.

How could such a killing machine be borrowed casually?

Worse still, it was even lent to outsiders. The worst part was that the church didnt even leave a cardinal on the airs.h.i.+p to watch over it.

Only the four poor priests were on the airs.h.i.+p.

Their authority was too low even to know what behaviors were not allowed.

It must be a conspiracy.

The four priests thought sadly.

Fortunately, the church only lent their four priests onto the airs.h.i.+p instead of nine ritualists.

At least the current situation was not the worst scenario.

Just as this airs.h.i.+p had advanced weapons, at least no engineers could operate the weapons on board.

It wasnt too ridiculous, in a way.

If the church gave them the ritualists too, the four priests would have suspected that the Grail Holding Church was planning to bomb other countries with the excuse of lending airs.h.i.+ps to tourists for example, the capital of Denizoya.

It just so happened that the relations.h.i.+p between Denizoya and the Papal Kingdom was not good.

In that case, maybe the four priests were the unlucky ones who were used as p.a.w.ns to take the blame after the Grail-holding Church triggered the war.

But that isnt quite right either. One of us is a direct disciple. I havent offended anyone, and the teacher doted on me.

What is happening?

Who am I supposed to build rapport with? Where is this airs.h.i.+p going?

This airs.h.i.+p is the bombing airs.h.i.+p with the highest configuration in the world. Why is it driving toward the Elegy Dukedom? Are we going to bombard the grave of the Venerated Skeleton?

The four priests discussed it secretly but still couldnt figure it out. On the contrary, the four of them became more and more nervous.

Fortunately, one of them had become acquainted with Longjing Tea and successfully told her name.

Irene. Longjing Tea ordered, We are dropping here.

After the Joyful entered full speed, it took only eight hours for them to fly from the center of the Papal Kingdom to the sky above the Elegy Dukedom.

The priest with beautiful long brown hair, who had been standing beside them and listening to their chat, had a complicated complexion.

The more she listened, the heavier her heart became.

I dont think I can maintain this professional smile anymore

Smile Slowing Fading.jpg

Why are they talking about Austere-Winters Grand Duke and Noah Kingdoms royalty? Are their ident.i.ties really that high-ranking? Which country are they from, anyway? And theyre calling the Venerated Skeleton Old Bone, using such a familiar and almost audacious way of addressing him It seems like they also know Silver Sire.

The most outrageous thing was that she also heard this group of people discussing how to the Noah Kingdoms prince and how to rob the underground cities.

Why are these people chatting so unscrupulously?!

Who are these people, really? Where did these lawless rogues come from?

Will I end up being silenced for good?

Probably, yes

Irene s.h.i.+vered slightly, her expression growing increasingly fearful.

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