The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 433: The Late Salvatore

Chapter 433: The Late Salvatore

Chapter 433: The Late Salvatore

Victor? Annan muttered.

From the nightmares Danton constructed and the traps he set, Annan realized that Danton had been struggling with the matter of win or lose all his life.

Really, how boring! Annan murmured in a low voice.

Danton was filled with a pathological paranoia about victory.

There was an inexplicable sense of inferiority in his heart. He might have longed for the approval of others but could not, or he had fallen to the bottom after trying his best.

It was shown from Dantons fear fragments that having his power not working terrified him.

That showed that Danton knew precisely what he was doing.

But he still dared to carry out such a risky mission even though he knew this.

He worked on stealing the country for the sake of the deities.

He did not crave immortality, so he should not believe in the Rotten Man.

Or, his purpose is not to help the Rotten Man, but to control the royal family.

In this way, Annan started to understand why Danton controlled the Fourth Prince for so long, but he never found an opportunity to attack Henry VIII and directly modify the kings memory.

The reason was simple.

Danton did not come to the Noahs capital because he was a fanatic in pursuit of power. He did not want to take the throne deep down his heart. Instead, he desired to toy with the royal family in his palm with his power. The victory would only be meaningful to him if he won while following the rules.

It was not an attempt but lurking for more than ten years. It was like a game as he controlled the Fourth Prince to execute all his orders.

The plan was to follow the game rules and wait for Prince Philip to inherit the throne by official means.

The Rotten Man met the expectations of being the most casual deity for choosing His believers.

Even believers who did not believe in Him and used His power at will were acceptable as long as they were useful.

Or, He was as expected of a deity who even dared to offend the Old Grandmother.

Anyway, the Rotten Man had not even completed the ascendancy ritual. As a result, He became a deity without weakness. His unique characteristic was that His vitality was tenacious. However, He was the weakest and even lost to the mighty Gold Rank transcenders. At the same time, He did not care much about threats from other deities.

The advantage of being comparatively tenacious put Him at ease.

For example, the Venerated Skeletons ritual area could be brought into ruins if you could venture deep into the Gray Mists and break through the many traps and barriers the Venerated Skeleton installed. On the other hand, the Man in the Mirrors ritual could be interrupted if you could travel to the past.

The Rotten Man was different.

His ritual had not been completed yet, so there was no way of disrupting it.

Therefore, He was also the weakest of all deities only one-seventh of the divine power.

The ascendancy ritual the Rotten Man constructed was initially intended for His monarch. After the monarch backstabbed Him, He altered the ritual to ascend himself.

This outcome was that His ascendancy was not perfect.

He had to make the royal heirs of the seven countries complete the Immortal ritual, and he had to become the last survivor among the seven immortals to become a true deity.

Before that, he was only one-seventh of a deity.

By the way, the one out of seven immortal included him.

Philips plan was to become an Immortal like the Rotten Man. If he did not master any transcended power before, he could instantly become a high-ranking existence among the Silver Rank transcenders with the power he was given.

Immortal was not just a measure of immortality.

They were candidates for deityhood, after all.

Except for not completing four rotating wheels and not getting perfected element essence, other aspects were completed. The Rotten Man had only two advantages over them.

Once becoming an immortal, the vitality would be far beyond that of ordinary deities; only other immortals who also hold the truth of Immortality could kill the target.

In other words, taking away the power of immortality that belonged to the other party.

Only a tyrant determined to cut off the royal familys blood and abandon his blood and kins.h.i.+p could become immortal. Therefore, the final winner would be called the King of the Immortals.

Annan did not know what Philip wanted to do previously.

However, he caught some ideas about it at this instance.

Judging from the situation on Dantons side, Philip should be trying to kill Rotten Man.

However, Annan did not know where his confidence came from.

But if it was understood in this way, it could explain why Rotten Man decisively gave up a Gold Rank believer and a royal heir. That also explained why Philip knew the Rotten Mans ritual but did not resist at all.

The reason being Prince Philip was taking advantage of Rotten Man at the same time.

As expected of the most disdainful deity, even his believers were more despicable than others.

The Venerated Skeleton even called Him the insiders of his [Betrayal] realm.

What is this all about Annan sighed and took away the quilt to get out of bed.

Just then, the door of his room was slammed open.

Salvatore, who had an anxious face, and Alexander Captain, who had a calm face and a burly figure, rushed in.

They froze when they saw Annan, who was about to get up.

Alexander glanced at Annan carefully, then shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

Salvatore was frozen in place, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

Annan raised an eyebrow and chuckled, Are you here to save me, senior?

Its a pity. Youre late.

Im late? Salvatore repeated.

Yes, said Annan. He glanced at the bottle of pills by the bed and threw it to Salvatore.

Ive solved the problem myself. He said, Youre not quite a reliable doctor.

Salvatore, embarra.s.sed and clumsy, grabbed the bottle and took a closer look.

Only then did he notice that the pills in the bottle had lost their eerily dull l.u.s.ter, like ordinary pills. Each piece was exactly cut into two pieces right in the middle.

Did you cleanse the curse? Salvatore muttered.

He stood on the spot, thinking for a moment. Then, he suddenly trotted to Annans side, held his head, and carefully looked at Annans expression.

Stop looking. The Shadow replied in his heart, Its Annan.

Cant you see? Hes even more confident than before. Im afraid he had consumed Danton. What a terrifying man.

Sorry, I couldnt see anything.

Salvatore murmured in his heart.

After all, he did not have the skills to peek into others hearts.

But from the looks of it, Annan was in a good mood.

After inspecting for a long time, he sighed and moved his hand away, I dont even know whether to congratulate you on your safe return or punch you. Ive been worrying about you for so long.

Congratulate me then. Annan laughed, Its your fault after all, isnt it?


yes. Salvatore sighed reluctantly and admitted: Im sorry, Annan.

No apologies needed. Just congratulate me! Annan laughed and said, At least in terms of outcome, its not bad!

His pupils were as bright as stars, and his smile was brighter than Salvatore had ever seen.

Only then did he believe that Annan was alright, and he was relieved.

He was taken aback and was anxious about it as he brought along a mighty rescuer. At the same time, he also worked hard to make a pill that could enter other peoples nightmare. However, all his efforts werent of help.

But Salvatore still believed from the bottom of his heart that something like medicine the fewer people use it, the more worthy it was to be a celebration.

As the medicine producer, if no one had to use his pills anymore, he should be happy but not sad.