The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 234: The Beginning Wish

Chapter 234: The Beginning Wish

Chapter 234: The Beginning Wish

Im more worried now because you have a gun.

When you reach the age when you dont need a gun, I will be at ease to have you carry me through the dungeon.

[TN: Carrying is a term used in team games where one person wins the match for everyone else.]

Annan stuffed the complaints down his throat and didnt voice it out blatantly.

Instead, he nodded slightly and held Benjamins sleeves. His reserved and weak act effectively induced Benjamins youthful desire to protect.

He felt Benjamins body flinch a little.

Having Evelyn holding his cuff, the youthful Benjamin didnt dare to move at all.

He was likely worried about accidentally throwing away Evelyns hand that was holding his cuff. Hence, his arm was hanging in the air, motionless.

What a fool.

Annan couldnt help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

This is a great opportunity. When a girl gently holds your cuffs or corners of your clothes and seemingly could let go at any second, its your opening to hold her hand.

If she can hold onto you tightly, would she still need you to hold her hand?

Benjamin didnt have the guts. Of course, it could also be because he was too innocent and couldnt read the signals.

What an innocent child

Annan sighed again.

However, this also revealed another clue for Annan at the same time.

Evelyn should be a person with low self-esteem.

It was understandable given that she was an outstanding teenage dancer, but her face and skin were ruined. Even though her future was gone, she didnt give up on her life. In some sense, that was commendable.

Annan could also feel it when he was controlling her body. Although she had left the stage, she had not neglected her daily practice.

Otherwise, her body wouldnt be so flexible, and her footsteps wouldnt be so light.

In this case, if Benjamin shook Evelyns hand away by accident, it might be a blow to her self-esteem.

Benjamins left arm was stiff. He didnt even dare to walk continuously but stopped for every two steps to make sure Annan could keep up.

Thats too much trouble.

Annan took the initiative and held Benjamins hand.

Facing Benjamins surprised gaze, Annan showed a soft and firm expression on his face, I want to take a look.

I think She should be here.

Alright. Benjamin hesitated as if he couldnt bear Evelyns troubled state.

However, he still took out his gun, held Annans hand tightly, and marched into the church ruin filled with cobwebs.

Annan keenly captured Benjamins fleeting emotions.

He quickly realized that Benjamin should have been to this place before.

Annan roughly sorted out the clues of the matter.

Evelyn might have lost her memory for a while.

Judging from Benjamins reaction, Evelyn should have met the Dancer Under the Moon. She then wanted to find the Pale Princess and discovered the location of the church ruin.

She told Benjamin about the incident, hoping that Benjamin would come with her.

Not surprisingly, Benjamin should have come to explore it by himself before she cameprobably with his parents and others. So, he should have known in advance that there should be no danger here, but the person or thing that Evelyn was searching for wasnt here either.

This should explain where Benjamin got the weapon and how his family could be a.s.sured to have a young man like him go out with a gun.

It was simply because his family had already accompanied Benjamin here once, knowing that this was only a ruin.

However, was there really nothing here?

Not really.

Annan heard the voice clearly.

Did you go to Her Highnesss ball last night?


Why not? Its such a grand ball.

It was as if one man and two women were chatting among themselves while pa.s.sing by Annan and Benjamin.

Annan looked at Benjamin subconsciously and realized that he was inching forward cautiously with his gun, which the safety pin hadnt yet been unlocked. Strangely enough, he didnt hear the conversation at all.

As he noticed Annans gaze, he turned his head curiously, Whats wrong?

Thank you so much. Annan naturally wouldnt reply, nope, nothing.

If he had done that, those voices would notice Annan could see them.

So Annan changed the subject and said casually, Thank you.




. Its okay. I just came to accompany you No, no. I mean, its not a big deal. Benjamin coughed a few times and replied incoherently.

He also sneaked a glance at Annan, obviously not knowing whether his answer would satisfy the girl.

Annan ignored him completely.

He just nodded, indicating that he heard it. At the same time, he was still listening intently to the voices around him.


, isnt that little girl


. I saw her yesterday.

What a pity

She is a good dancer. Her Highness will be fond of her.

Her Highness cares more about a pure and bright soul.

Lets not forget she also has a pure heart!

So what

In front of Annan, this was a half-collapsed ruin.

Some columns lay on the floor. The ground was covered with dust and gravel. All the decorations were taken away, and there was no light.

However, many voices could be heard discussing himor instead, commenting on Evelyn.

Annan didnt see anything.

Benjamin still did not hear these voices.

Are those voices from the Pale Princesss ghosts?

Annan seemed to realize something in his heart.

He had some speculations about the ending of Evelyn.

Did she get transformed into a Half-dead Enchantress in the end?

When Annan walked near the bas.e.m.e.nt, he subconsciously looked to the left.

The head of the soldier statue had gone missing. The soldier statue was also pushed to the ground, covered with dust.

That painting that blocked the entrance into the secret room wasnt here anymore either.

The path leading to the secret underground room was also opened up.

Do you want to explore the bas.e.m.e.nt? Benjamin spoke in a slightly hoa.r.s.e voice.

He hesitated for a while, then pulled out a palm-sized metal box from his pocket.

He opened the metal box and took out a hollow silver lantern about two fingers wide. After the lantern was unfolded, it was connected to the metal box with an iron chain, which looked like a pocket watch.

Benjamin vigorously rotated the lanterns head. After turning it for three complete circles, he finally ignited the flame in the lantern.

He carried the hollow lantern like a pocket watch. Although a green flame was burning inside, only bright yellowish brilliance shone from it.

Benjamin bragged, This is the Green Fire, Evelyn!

Its not the same as Black Fire It can be used as a stable light source.

I heard that Swamps Black Tower will soon spread the Green Fire Lamp to the public. In that case, we will no longer use candles at night!

Benjamins hoa.r.s.e voice during the teenage period revealed a trace of longing, I want to go to Black Tower too, Evelyn!

Did you know that the wizards who made the Green Fire were called alchemists in ancient times? They can even turn stones into gold! The ointment is also their work

I think I mean, if we cant find any clues here, dont worry too much.

Benjamin, who was walking down the stairs, said seriously, If I can enter the Black Tower, I will invent an ointment that can treat your injury!

When he said this, he held Annans hand tightly again.

Annan looked at Benjamin. His gaze was a little evasive at first, but he quickly became firm and looked back at Evelyn, who was suddenly silent.

He was a little nervous, waiting for Evelyns response.

Annan was in a trance, feeling the power of time.

It turns out that Benjamins motivation to become an Alteration Wizard is right here?

To become a Gold Rank, one must have a strong desire for it. Is this Benjamins desire?

Benjamin, at todays age, definitely can do so. Not to mention the scars left by the fire, even if the skin is peeled off, he should be able to heal it easily.


Where is Evelyn now?

Annan had a bad hunch because he suddenly remembered the keyword of this dungeon instance was dead.

So, who is dead?

Credits to MindMatrix for editing this chapter and improving the readability.