The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 179: My Name Is David

Chapter 179: My Name Is David

Chapter 179: My Name Is David

(Translator note: I will highlight Blue on the texts that go too deep into the lore rather than the main event in the hope to improve the reading experience.)

Are you some evil spirit possessing John?

Klaus found what Annan said believable.

Of course, Klaus was familiar with John.

It was a euphemism to describe John as a more insensitive and straightforward person.

John had no sense of pleasantries at all. Moreover, he was easily offended by a more direct approach. Probably, the only good aspect John had would be his firm loyalty to Don Juan. Other than that, his swordsmans.h.i.+p was mediocre. He was dim-witted, irritable, and seemingly didnt even have the qualifications to embark on the path of transcendence.

In short, he was the muscle brain that tends to offend many people.

Others might accept that John could be a spy, but it still didnt seem quite natural.

Not to mention, Johns att.i.tude to Klaus revealed a hint of arrogance. Moreover, he showed obvious signs of quick thinking, quick reaction and even knew how to modify the Trascendeds ritual.

Hence, the argument that Johns body was just an empty vessel seemed more probable to Klaus.

After all, most believers in false deities tend to end up in this fate.

These believers werent evil by nature, nor were they advocating the unholy.

They were tainted by darkness and continued with the flow.

Moreover, these believers were active and nomadic. After all, they were subjected to expulsion and surveillance wherever they went. Hence, they were much more unscrupulous, unlike upright deities.

After all, if they were to settle down in one place, they might be notified to leave the city or even the country within a month or two. With the protection of their deities, they didnt need to be too conscientious.

They always do whatever they want, completely ignoring local customs and laws.

They were known to be blamed for any Transcended deaths, especially unregistered Transcended to fulfill the material requirement of ritual.

Of course, there were some exceptions.

Some upright deities voted the false deities to be neutral and partial, enforcing the monitoring on them. Hence, when the false deities believers did evil deeds, it would eventually hurt those deities and the church. With that, they would be attributed to evil deity.

Every few years, there would be news of a particular deitys faction change.

It was also possible that a particular false deity was attributed as evil in religious countries, while they were labeled as false deities in the Noah Kingdom. Such a situation was also common.

After all, faith wasnt a requirement for some false deity.

They only need to collect curses, spread their ideas, and complete rituals.

In other words, the deities only need employees, not fans.

False deity itself couldnt recruit many employees. They often targeted egoistic bunch who preferred to do whatever they want. If the most capable and outstanding employees did a lot of evil deeds, many false deities would turn a blind eye to it. Only a minimal number of false deities having a high morality tackled these evildoers.

These false deities, who didnt want to stir up trouble, would eventually side with upright deities to become subordinate deities. It was just like the company chose to be acquired. It simply gave up thinking and became a subsidiary of the other party.

Some upright deities were relatively stingy and only shared some nightmares with the subordinate deities believers. Those who were favored by an upright deity might be granted an asylum day every year.

That was the reality of holidays in this world.

For example, every January 14th was the River Protection Day because it was the asylum day Bone Burying Grandma granted to Springs and Rivers Deity.

Also, May 4th was Journey Day. This was the asylum day that Silver Sire entrusted to the Transport Deity.

The deity who acquired an asylum day could also be regarded as a half upright deity. At least if they die, they would be resurrected again on the asylum day next year.

The Venerated Skeletons believers would claim that the Venerated Skeleton was Bone Burying Grandmas subordinate deity. Anyway, Bone Burying Grandmas beliefs were in far religious countries. Most local people lacked the intel about it.

But Klaus knew it.

The Venerated Skeleton wasnt subordinated to that upright deity at all.

The Elegant Elder had a pigeon as a holy symbol. He disliked the Venerated Skeleton, thought he was lazy. Unlike the Rotten Man, he didnt stir up trouble everywhere.

Of course, the Rotten Mans believers were digging their own grave, mainly because of their preference in cutting off male genitals.

Worse still, they always liked to trouble the king and provoke the kings authority.

I think that that master didnt have you descend into Johns body just to say h.e.l.lo, right? Klaus chuckled and whispered, Although you said that this topic has nothing to do with the deities, is that true?

What the Venerated Skeleton wants to know is about the Roseburg fellow. Did you guys partic.i.p.ate? Annans tone was soft and soothing, somewhat ethereal, The answer to this question will affect our next conversation.

Hearing this, Klauss forehead was sweating slightly.

He hesitated for a while, then asked, Who from Roseburg are you talking about?

Huh, the fish bite the bait.

Annan took a deep breath.

He stared at Klaus solemnly with a majestic demeanor, Naturally, the one who hasnt been born yet.

Klaus frowned, hesitating longer than just now. Is he connected to that master?

No. Annan said slowly, Just that Lets put it this way. The Venerated Skeleton is also preparing to conduct a ritual. So I want to ask if you do, what date will it be?

Annan looked at Klaus with a threatening expression on his face, Why dont you wait for the s.h.i.+p to dock and arrive at Freezing Water Port tomorrow? That way, you get to explain it personally to the Venerated Skeleton himself.

No, no, no Klaus quickly refused.

He quickly replied, Our plan is set on December 14. The future great prophet Michel Nottdamm will be born on this day. We plan to prevent his birth.

As for Master Viscount, he has nothing to do with our plan.

What a lie.

Annan realized this immediately.

To be accurate, Viscount Barber was related to this plan. But, he had failed the ritual and was unable to attain Transcendence.

Is it possible that the viscount needed the Book of Divine Transporter I retrieved?

Is it the ritual used to eradicate reincarnations? Annan asked calmly.

Hearing this, Klaus couldnt hold it anymore.

He had a murderous intent on Annan immediately, but he quickly realized that Annan was just a projection.

Killing John meant nothing to him but just proving Annans suspicion was correct.

Still, his reaction confirmed the matter

Klaus hesitated for a while and replied vaguely, I dont know what you are talking about.

Fortunately, John didnt ask further.

Fine. John nodded with a slight arrogance, Just in case, before I go up with you, you go to the deck first. You have to find a few people you can trust and let them search Don Juans room. Focus on looking for the doc.u.ments in Don Juans suitcase and the cotton wadding inside the quilt. Remember to ask them to close the door and seal the windows to find the items slowly. There will be surprises.

Of course, there was nothing there.

Annan intended to trick a few betrayers and get them to a safe place.

Backstabbing Klaus was still too dangerous for Annan.

After all, Klaus was also a Silver Rank Transcended.

Once Annan failed, he who couldnt use spells in this dungeon instance would end terribly.

So, Annan decided to change his approach.

He wanted to save game first. That was to ensure he wouldnt immediately exit the dungeon instance after killing Klaus. The current plan was to combine Benjamins power to kill Klaus without giving Klaus a chance to transform.

Seeing Johns serious expression, Klaus nodded delightfully.

If all goes well, Master Rotten Man will remember this kindness! He affirmed. How do I address you?

Annan was startled slightly, then he spoke gently.


Just call me David.