The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 170: Just Die, Thank You!

Chapter 170: Just Die, Thank You!

Chapter 170: Just Die, Thank You!

After the ray attack, Hunter Carneys upper body was directly burned out.

The scorching ray cut through his arms, chest, and abdomen.

But something unexpected had happened.

The seemingly fatal damage only cut Carneys arm to that point of having bones exposed.

Even if the flesh turned black, Carney did not faint, and he didnt die because of it. On the contrary, it was like he couldnt feel the pain at all.

Moreover, Carneys injuries were recovering in haste.

The incredible recovery speed could be seen with the naked eye!

Under Delicious Wind Gooses horrified gaze, he could see the burnt black scars on Carneys body had pinkish muscles squirming out like worms. The bizarre flesh waved fanatically in the air. Once the two bundles of flesh could touch each other, they would fuse and intertwine with each other.

After being hit by Annans ray cannon, Carneys attention s.h.i.+fted to Annan completely.

Moreover, for the first time, there was an expression on his face.

It was an expression of immense resentment.

The next moment, Delicious Wind Goose suddenly felt that his body was no longer under his control.

He immediately realized that he seemed to have entered a computer graphic (CG) scene.

Delicious Wind Goose looked back.

He saw Arthurs handsome and unrestrained face with disdainful pity.

Obviously, he could see Carney.

When Carney was almost cut in half by a ray, the crossbow around his waist, the reagent in the vest, and the hidden weapon were burned entirely.

After being hit by Scorching Sight, Carneys invisibility was broken.

Carney seemed to realize it himself.

After being hurt by it, Carney seemed to give up his intention to remain stealthy.

At the next moment, Carney spoke.

From his leaky throat, there was an intermittent voice, like a voice coming from the abyss, Kill me.

No, I wont kill you. Friend.

As Arthur said, he flicked his armband lightly and said in a relaxed tone, I stay not because Im planning to hunt you, nor am I angry. I have lived to this day, and I have long been accustomed to being pursued by So I will just stay because I dont like being threatened.

To Wandering Child, it felt familiar.

It was like some of his wealthy friends pretending to show off a new watch inadvertently.

Look, look at me, look at this thing. Its so valuable~

It was about such a silent cry.

Arthur opened his arms and said with a smile, Because our ident.i.ties, our lives, and the levels we pursue are different. The peak of your life is the Silver Rank. But Im different. I want to advance into Gold Rank.

You dare to murder because you have nothing. But Im different. I have to care about my reputation.

Just say it, my friend. I didnt want to hurt you because of how you have nothing to do with me. If you leave today, you will never see me for the second time in your life. I didnt kill you because I was cowardly stupid. Its because of the curse you carry; Im not interested in your curse at all. I have a strict plan. Otherwise, how can I advance to gold?

But if I leave you alone and dont absorb your curse, it will become a nightmare and pollute the environment. This is a serious sin.

So, if I kill you, you will become a stain on me. Your body will also be dug, made into specimens, and used as evidence. I dont think you can find big shots and have your dark histories erased by those advanced into Silver Rank. Friend No secret in this world can be hidden from those Prophet. Its just that they think there is no need to tell certain matters to others.

Arthur smiled, with the brilliance of lava flowing in his eyes, and smiled slyly, In other words, you are not worth the pricebut I am.

I dont want to chop up your corpse to feed the animals. I dont have time to cleanse your nightmare. Whether its burying you or throwing you into the sea, they will be able to find your corpse again. For G.o.ds sake, dont die. If you want to die, go to a quiet place and commit suicide. Dont cause trouble for me.

Arthur sighed and shook his head slowly.

Im telling the truth. Since I have opened up so blatantly, can you go now?

Arthur smiled graciously, If you are angry because your equipment is damaged, I can compensate you 50 pounds. Please take it as your medical expenses for me to increase my combat experience.

If you dont leave, I will dismember your limbs and send you back to the police station in the city, said Arthur softly.

There was no hatred in Arthurs eyes.

Even the anger coming from the attack had dissipated. For a Destruction Wizard, controlling his rage was undoubtedly hard.

Unless he wasnt angry in the first place.

Indeed, Arthur had not been provoked from the very beginning.

He didnt even ask Carneys name.

On Carneys side, his face became more and more distorted.

Anger, greed, jealousy, and hatred were mixed. The red flame burning on his body gradually turned black.

Kill me, Arthur! Do you think I will be grateful for your forgiveness?

I dont want to live in humiliation and an ordinary life!

Either you kill me or let me kill you!

It was a resentful and fanatical roar.

Carneys body began to swell. All the wounds in his body began to bleed at the same time.

The smile on Arthurs face gradually faded.

Because at this time, Annan gained back control over the wizards body.

Annan soon came to an understanding after listening to the CG scene.

Why was this nightmare not Carney hunting Wizard Arthur but Wizard Arthur against Carney?

Because Carneys resentment wasnt that he had failed to hunt Arthur.

But something more pathetic.

He couldnt even die.

He was not beaten to death by Arthur and then escaped in a sorry state.

Instead, Arthur repeatedly burned Carney and exhausted his regenerative power from the curse ultra-high-speed regeneration. In the end, Arthur spared him.

It could be even worse. His limbs were dismembered, and he was thrown back into the city.

After Carney died, he subconsciously didnt dare to challenge Arthur again.

As long as Arthur could kill him, it could be regarded as an end to his resentment.

He said that he definitely doesnt want to live in humiliation and an ordinary life!

Because he had lived like this once.

Arthur had beaten him to the point that he had utterly lost his courage.

He even began to fear failure. Even in the nightmare after death, he no longer dared to challenge Arthur.

He also stopped hunting afterward. This should be the reason.

But Arthur and I have different opinions. Annan said nonchalantly, I dont need to evade responsibility to kill trash like you. So what if I kill you?

You dont know what price I paid! You dont know what I sacrificed. Carney growled, his voice becoming more and more inhuman.

His spine grew slowly, and bat-like wings slowly grew behind him. His figure continued to enlarge.

Is this a demon?

Yiyi was in panic and wanted to raise her crossbow to shoot.

But Annan stopped her.

Dont move. Wait until he finishes transforming.

Annan said calmly, After defeating him like this, the curse you can choose will be stronger.

Boss, what we worry about is that we cant beat it!

The four players cried out from the bottom of their hearts.

But Annan didnt panic.

He took out a few silver coins from his arms, played with them in the palm of his hand, quietly watching the Carney transformation.

Dont you know that transformation is a death flag?

Bread Daryl once told me divine art has bonus damage to demon enemies.

Moreover, although Arthur was a Destruction Wizard, he did not advance to silver, so he didnt oppose a specific school of spells.

Annans breathing became slower. The ice-white mist slowly exuded out from his mouth and nose with his breathing. The faint blue brilliance also rose at the bottom of his eyes.

Almost done. Annan looked at the four agitated players and said suddenly, Stay away and retreat behind the carriage.

Since I can see him, you all arent needed. You can come back after I mutilate him.

Dont get in the way.

Just die, thank you.

The players clearly understood Annans intentions.

They looked at the muscular demon, who was nearly three meters high and burned with black flames. Then, they looked at Annan, who didnt even have a piece of leather armor.

It wasnt that Annan didnt have enough damage. After all, Annan killed Gerald in front of them.

But this distance is too close, right?

For a wizard, being within thirty meters of an enemy of this size doesnt seem okay.

If Annan still had the energy to read the bullet texts, he would complain.

What do you know? Dumbo.

I have to get closer so that my magic can hit.

And do you think Im here to deal with his nonsense?

Im charging my magic eye (ward)