The Grey Wizard Of Hogwarts - Chapter 75

Chapter 75

There is a super treasure in Anton's head, which is from the memory of the fairy Pedro, the ancient witch Vokanova and the ancient fairy Pedro discussed countless knowledge.

It's a pity, sitting on Baoshan, he can't get any treasure.

The topics discussed by these two are too high-end, and some superficial things will not be said at all. Most of Anton's hearing is vague.

He now seems to have a record hard drive where Einstein and Tesla have discussed scientific topics for hundreds of years, but because he only has the knowledge level of the first grade of elementary school, he can only understand a little bit of fur.

Oh, that's a little bit of content that was barely incorporated into his 'Bionic Spell'.


All right.

This is the class taught by Professor Voldemort. From the modern magic of 'Scarecrow Curse' to the ancient 'Scarecrow Spirit', which curses magical creatures that transform, it traces its origins and is coherent.

This kind of research method that completely sorts out the changes of the spell is simply the perfect way to interpret the treasure of memory!

It's just dazzling!

Lao Fu really is Lao Fu, he is a cow!

It was just a lesson, Anton really understood a lot.

Coupled with Snape's guidance, countless inspirations rushed out.

It was very late when he came back, and he still quickly ran out of the castle.

Walking through the secret passage that George and the others described, they soon came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. From a distance, Filch could be seen still sticking to the vicinity, and Anton cat sneaked to the back of the hut.

Elephant vine happily swayed its branches to welcome him, and opened a door from the wall to let him in.

This is the advantage of the living creature's house. He doesn't need to go through the main entrance. With him, every place can be the main entrance.

The vines twisted and pulled out a suitcase all the way up from the soil from the depths of the root system in the ground. Quickly opened, Anton jumped in, and the lights inside came on.

He strode to the bookshelf and found out those magical images belonging to werewolves.

The old wizard's paintings, his paintings, float in front of them one by one.

"Yes, yes, that's how it feels!"

He waved his magic wand, and these drawings changed rapidly, like a revolving lantern, and the changes of the magic images became animations.

"Hahaha, I finally understand!"

"Old wizard, you stupid teacher, I got it, you know?"


Following Lao Fu's movements, he raised his hand gracefully, fingertips pointing upwards.

Suddenly, the whole **** began to grow continuously.

The long wolf hair stretched out, and the werewolf had one more finger joint than humans. After being taut, it was a full foot long.

Sharp nails gleamed in the light like a dagger.

In an instant, it changed back again.

Before, he could also turn his arm into a werewolf arm, but that required a long forward swing, but now he doesn't!

From viper to werewolf, Anton can proudly say that he has spied into the realm of transformation!

"The whole body has changed, hahaha!"

Anton, who is alone, doesn't mind making himself smile magically, because he is so happy.

Life is already very difficult, he can't keep himself tight all the time, and he doesn't do anything like dancing in his own room.

"Barbara, your whole body has changed!"

Anton quickly took off the burden on his body. He had to wear it back to the dormitory later, but he couldn't let the werewolf form crack.

But just when he felt the breeze floating on his feet, he suddenly raised his head.


Countless heads looked inward from the opening of the Unmarked Stretch Charm in the suitcase.

"Wow~" George was amazed.

"Yeah~~~" Fred nodded with a mysterious expression that everyone knew.

In addition to these two goods, there are Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

Harry and Ron were both stunned, Hermione covered her face but didn't know how to retract her head.

"..." Anton wanted to say that I could explain.

At this moment, a translucent head suddenly fell from the opening, and a hand grabbed the hair and hung it in the air. "I heard you calling me, stupid apprentice, eh?"

"Bad day, **** day!" Anton walked up and down in front of the sofa angrily.

The five children huddled together on the sofa and pretended to be children. Anton looked at their pretence coldly, and was almost happy. Why, do you still want to give you a little red flower?

"That suitcase is my secret, as you all know, I let the ivy hide it in the ground, just to protect my secret!" Anton danced with anger, "But you, George Weasley, Frederick Red Weasley, you have betrayed my trust in you!"

"I would never go through your research. I am very curious about 'Fat Tongue Taffy'. Those materials are placed next to me, and there is not even a door in the middle. I didn't touch any of them. Pass!"

"But what about you?"

George said, "I was wrong!"

Fred said, "We really shouldn't be looking into your suitcase!"

Anton was still angrily, putting his hands on the table and staring down at their faces, "But you are holding back your laughter!"

"You guys are still laughing!"

"It didn't stop!"

Pfft~ Hermione laughed out loud. Seeing An Dong looking over, she quickly covered her mouth.

Harry Potter got angry again when he saw Anton, and quickly explained, "Anton, we didn't mean to watch it. George and the others told us not to watch it, but your laughter was so loud that we were curious..."

"Do you blame me?" Anton was speechless.

He pointed to this individual, "You are still snickering!"

"Quack quack!" The old wizard was not afraid of him, and laughed happily beside him.

Joy is contagious, and everyone else laughed.

"Hey, Anton, it's nothing, we only wore a pair of shorts when we went to the pool." George wrapped his arms around Anton's neck.

"That's Fred looked serious and bumped Anton's shoulder with his shoulder, "We all like to wear tight fittings. "

Now there is no way out if you are angry, what else can you do, you can only forgive them.

Anton looked unhappy.

Seeing the harmonious atmosphere, Harry Potter asked curiously, "What were you doing just now, an evil ritual?"

The child's thinking has always been strange.

Anton smiled, grinning wide open, revealing his white teeth, and in the dim light, he looked like an evil beast, "Yes, since you are so curious, I will show you!"

It was so abrupt, countless wolf hairs grew out of him, so frightened that both George and Fred were thrown aside.

"Oh, Merlin's bald head!" The old wizard screamed and approached quickly, "Have you researched it?"

"You have researched it!"

"Hehe." Anton smiled at the old wizard, and his head began to lengthen and grow rapidly.

At the same time, his entire body was rapidly elongated and enlarged. In less than ten seconds, a 9-foot-tall (2.7-meter) werewolf stood in front of him.

Huge, stout, long arms resting on the table.

The werewolf's mouth is big enough to swallow the three little kids in front of him.

Especially the sharp and barbed teeth, which clacked together, made Harry and Ron's faces turn white with fright.

"Werewolf!" Hermione screamed, and quickly took out her wand from her wizard's robe pocket.

"A werewolf?" Anton chuckled and rushed towards them suddenly.

Harry screamed, "Ah~~~"

Ron screamed, "Ah~~~"

Hermione screamed, "It's all petrified!"