The Grey Wizard Of Hogwarts - Chapter 67

Chapter 67

"Lupin!" Hagrid's eyes lit up, "How is he now?"

"I live at No. 11 Grimmauld Place. You can go and have a look when you have time." As if thinking of something, Anton looked for it in his messenger bag, took out a business card and handed it to him.

The small business card is like a postage stamp in Hagrid's huge fingers, which is quite joyful.

"Lupin-Ilsa Information Consulting Company?" Hagrid blinked, looking confused, "Weird name."

He carefully put the business card into the inner pocket of his coat, and patted Anton's shoulder happily, "When you sold that brain to Professor Snape, I thought you were some kind of evil dark wizard, but Since you live with Lupin, I think you are a good person."

"Uncle Lupin is indeed a good person."

Hagrid was obviously satisfied with what Anton said, "You don't have classes on Friday afternoon. If you want, you can come and sit in my hut, next to the forbidden forest."

After speaking, he couldn't wait to look at the bird on the shelf on the wall, "Oh, although it looks a little ugly now, it's a Yalong species."


Uh, well, Hagrid's aesthetic has always been a little different from that of humans.

"This is the latest hybrid of the Romanian dragon farm. It is said to be a combination of the Hungarian Horntail and the Unicorn. It has a miraculously atavistic behavior and grows fluffy feathers."

"Hungarian Horntail and Unicorn?" Anton had a lot of question marks.

Mixed blood in the wizarding world is outrageous enough. Can different species interbreed? Oh, he finally remembered that Hagrid had miraculously cultivated the fried tail snails from a 5X dangerous creature, a man-headed manticore, and 60 fire crabs.

What kind of terrifying level is 5X, Dumbledore's Phoenix Phoenix is only 4X.

Similar crossbreeds are the Gryphon and the common horse, which can breed a 3x Dangerous Hippogryph.

Hagrid's hybrid technology is the most amazing ability in the entire Harry Potter story.

"Research on fire dragons should be left to Dumbledore. You must know that he has researched twelve uses for fire dragon blood." Hagrid bent down to look at the small animals, turned his head and said seriously.

"It's a pity that he's too busy now, not only in school, but he's also the president of the International Federation of Wizards and the chief wizard of Wizengamore."

"Otherwise, this kind of research would fall on Snape."

There is a saying that if you speak ill of others behind your back, there is a high chance that you will turn your head and see that this person is staring at you.

Hagrid noticed the clue from Anton's strange expression, and turned his body stiffly and slowly, "Oh, I mean, Professor Snape, of course, you are a very good potions master, of course, of course, raising Longchang asked you to help with research, too..."

Snape looked at Hagrid with the eyes of a dead man, and managed to make him shrink back his words.

His eyes moved to An Dong, "Why are you still here?"

The little wizard blinked innocently, "I saw that you left in a hurry, I thought you were going to pee, and you will be back soon."

Hagrid chuckled, and seeing Snape's stern expression, he quickly tightened his face again.

"Really?" Snape approached slowly, clasping the little wizard's shoulders to face the fat bird.

"In that case, stay and help me with something."

"Kill it and take out the blood. There's only one pint of blood in this one. Don't spill a drop on me, or you know."

"Professor Snape!" Hagrid exclaimed, "How could you let a student do such a cruel thing!"

He turned to look at the fat bird lovingly, "Why did you kill it!"

An Dong nodded again and again. He belongs to the Yan Zhi Association. If this thing looks ugly, he will definitely not feel cruel.

Snape sneered and patted Anton's shoulder, "This student has always wanted to learn Potions with me, but now the opportunity has come, and taking blood from medicinal materials is an exquisite knowledge, and it is not like cutting a knife and finishing it. Simple."

"Then, Anton, do you want to learn?"

And such a good thing?

An Dong's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly, "I'm happy to help."

Hagrid couldn't stand it any longer, he raised his chest and looked at Snape seriously, "The first-year students are still too young, you can't treat them like this, bloodletting will have a psychological shadow on the little wizard, you are simply It's the devil."

"Demon?" Snape sneered, "I think it's more disgusting that you force two different species to mate than bloodletting."

He stared blankly at Hagrid's face full of disbelief, and continued to utter a soul-shattering mockery in a long voice, "This is obviously because some people have been influenced by their background and have distorted their character."

"S! N! P!" Snape's harsh words obviously hurt Hagrid badly. He roared and threw himself up, punching Snape in the head.

A fist the size of a sand bowl, oh no, have you ever seen a fist the size of a tire?

Anton has seen it now. His fist bigger than Snape's head came with hatred. That scene was absolutely hot.

In the end, Snape's private teaching class of bloodletting the textbook failed.

Anton watched a wonderful wizard fighting class with relish.

In the beginning, it was turn-based, and Snape still had some ability to cast spells without a staff. However, the power of spellcasting without a staff was too limited. Hagrid's giant blood was naturally high in magic resistance.

Snape's originally tall body was set off by Hagrid, and he looked like a skinny chick.

Pressed under his butt, punched punch after punch.

"You despicable person, how dare you call me a bastard!" Hagrid was out of anger. He had always been very sensitive, worried that someone would talk about his origin, oh, look, that's the blood of a giant.

Hagrid didn't like Snape, especially when he was fighting against Voldemort. God knows how he can put up with Voldemort's number one Death Eater in a school now.

"I think you are a bastard!"

Oh hoo!

A certain half-blood prince was also hit in the heart, shhhhhhh, one after another magic spell hit the thick-skinned giant, but obviously, it was so powerless.

Snape's only effective damage to Hagrid is to shave his head or beard unless he kills him.

In the end, the scene was Snape being rubbed against the ground by Hagrid.

friction friction.

In order not to let Snape wear small shoes in the future, Anton, a student of the Snake Academy, pulled Hagrid's huge coat with great loyalty.

Although useless.

But at least talk about your feelings.

"Don't fight!"

"Don't fight!"

"You will kill people like this!"

It's a pity that the little wizard is too weak and helpless.

Not only did Anton's cry and roar not help much, it also attracted a large number of students crowding the door to watch.

Until other professors came later.

There was no expression in Dumbledore's crescent-shaped glasses.

Mag looked at the two with a serious look, "Unbelievable, Snape, and you, Hagrid, you guys actually fought in front of the students, like a child!"