The Grey Wizard Of Hogwarts - Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Mr. Lupin was a very charming man, elegant but unassuming.

He can take care of the emotions of several female colleagues politely, and when those male colleagues tell vulgar jokes, he can also tell some funny jokes that are quite light and humorous and make everyone laugh. discourse.

In short, the effect of team building is very good.

Mr. Lupin got along with everyone.

"Goodbye, be careful on the road." Even though Lupin was drunk, he still insisted on watching every colleague get into the car and leave at the intersection.

Ilsa looked into the distance for a while, then looked at the moon hanging in the sky, and finally looked at Lupin in confusion.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lupin, I think I've identified the wrong person." Ilsa helped Lupin with some flattery.

Not to mention the few Aurors from the Ministry of Magic who just left, even she herself can confirm that this Lupin is not a werewolf.

Then, if it weren't for a werewolf!

This person is her real Muggle boss!

It's over, it's over, her work!

Lupin shook his head. Obviously, after drinking a lot of alcohol, the cold wind from the street made him feel a little dizzy.

But he still insisted on looking at Ilsa seriously, "You need to work harder, tell me with your grades that I can't fire you, because it will be a huge loss for the company. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ilsa hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

After talking about work, Lupin walked forward staggering with a bit of drunken eyes. Ilsa hurriedly chased after him to help him again, "Lupin, where is your home, I'll take you back."

Lupin laughed, spit out a breath of alcohol, and pointed to the upstairs of the company, "It's the fourth floor or the fifth floor, it's the top floor anyway."

He patted his stomach and was quite proud, "I made some money in France, and the first thing I did when I came to the UK was to buy a property for myself."

Ilsa was a little surprised. Although this street is a residential area for merchants, it is close to King's Cross Station, and the price is not cheap.

She looked up and down Lupin, although not very handsome, but very delicate, obviously a person who loves life. And it seems that after a lot of things, there is a kind of calm after precipitation. Most importantly, be in high positions, and be rich.

He has the conditions to intoxicate all girls!

Such a person, even if she is a Muggle, actually doesn't mind spending life together.

Unfortunately, she seems to have accidentally offended her.

Lupin didn't let her send it, insisting that she must go back first, Ilsa could only get into the car with three turns, bit her lip, and drove away a little unwillingly.

"Mom~ I'm finally gone!" Lupin suddenly became more energetic, and he walked quickly towards the corridor behind the company.

When he reached the corner, seeing no one, he ran up the stairs in three steps like crazy.

As if some ghost was chasing him, his face even began to blur.

Quickly opened the door on the top floor, rushed in, and closed the door.

The moment he closed the door, his entire body twisted.

In just an instant, he turned into a red-haired child who looked only ten years old.

Unexpectedly, it was Anton.

The sound of steady and rhythmic footsteps came, and Anna came closer with her clothes in her arms, her little nose twitched, she frowned, and did not speak.

Anton tugged at the clothes that suddenly became huge for him and asked, "How is Lupin now?"

"Mr. Fiennes (the old wizard) is watching, it's all right."

Then Anton nodded, took the clothes, and walked into the bathroom.

Not long after, he walked out with a fresh look.

She looked at the house with satisfaction.

There are six rooms and two halls, with a total area of more than 200 square meters, and there is an exclusive roof on the top floor. It should not be too beautiful.

Anton stretched out his hands, as if embracing the whole world, "Haha, I finally have a home of my own."

This is not easy. In the past few months, he has been in the name of Lupin in France. With his vision beyond the times and his incorrupt tongue, he has completed countless large orders that are considered miracles in the eyes of colleagues like crazy.

He has a loud nickname there - the money-making machine maniac who doesn't need to sleep.

The hard work was worth it.

With a house, it seems to have roots, and the whole person is at ease.

Anna stood quietly behind her, looking at his profile and smiling slightly.

The old wizard floated out from a room, "Since you have a stable life, I think our potions class can continue."

Anton nodded seriously, "Indeed, magic attracts me more than money."

"Let Lupin go to work in the future, and I will teach at home."

At this time, a huge wolf's head stuck out from the room, and the wolf's eyes were full of fear, "Am I going to work?"

"Of course!" Anton looked unhappy, "Lupin, you old man, would you like me to make money for a ten-year-old child to support you?"

"But..." Lupin swallowed in fear, "Muggle society..."

Anton quickly interrupted him, "I took you through the experience when I was in France, and you adapted very well. At least you know how to watch TV now, and you are also obsessed with 'The Countess of Charny'."

"I..." Lupin's wolf-headed expression was very rich, "The business of an information consulting company..."

Anton interrupted again, "You have a vicissitudes of temperament, as long as you dress according to the style I designed for you, the girls will eat this set very much, and you will be in no trouble. And I have taught you a lot of economics lessons."

Anton sighed, "Lupin, you are a very smart, excellent and charming person. Your only weakness is that you are too insecure."

Lupin was silent for a while, then he smiled bitterly, "You are right, I can't let you little guy feed, I will do it well."

"Hahaha, Lupin, be confident, you can do it." Anton smiled and hugged his werewolf neck, "Information consulting companies are an emerging industry, no matter what you say, no one will think it's wrong, no Some seniors will point your finger at you."

"Everyone is a beginner, and they are all exploring."

"Lupin." Anton's voice was faint, "Although I can't heal your symptoms, at least it won't affect your life. You can also start trying to find your own way of survival."

"Let's all start and embrace a new life!"

The old wizard let out a rattling laugh, "Yes, a new life!"

As a ghost, he doesn't need to sleep or desk, but the little guy Anton still assigned him a room, which made him feel extra satisfied.

He likes to float on the bed or in the bathtub at night, close his eyes, even if he doesn't sleep.

There is a huge floor-to-ceiling window in the hall, and the curtains are drawn at this moment, and Lupin can easily see the house on the opposite side that no one else can see.

12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius' home.

When he was young at that time, he used to come with Potter and Peter, and the four of them played here.

"A new life?"

Anton nodded with a smile, walked to the kitchen, and soon carried a bucket of food to a room in the corner.

Opening the door, a large snake crawled out from the bottom of the high bed left by the original owner of the house.

Anton poured the food in the bucket into a food bowl and touched the snake's head like a puppy.

"Eat it."

The big snake rubbed him affectionately, spat out the snake letter, lowered his head and swallowed.

Anton walked out, closed the door, and a magical light lit up.

He stretched and planned to go back to his room to sleep, but saw Anna standing quietly in the distance, waiting for him quietly.

"Hahaha, she won't crawl out of the room. What are you doing so far away?"

Anna shook her head firmly, "I was attacked by snakes when I was a child, and I was very scared when I saw snakes."

So Anton had to walk over by himself, "Is something wrong? Why don't you go to bed?"

Anna's eyes were sparkling, a little excited, a little scared, "The large-scale time converter is about to be ready, I, I have a place I want to go, but I don't know magic, can you accompany me to go?"

Anton frowned. "Time travel is a very dangerous thing. I'm not strong enough. You should wait for Pedro to wake up, or wait for your dad to come back. They are powerful enough to keep you safe."

Anna pursed her lips, and said steadily, "I just avoided them on purpose."