The Grey Wizard Of Hogwarts - Chapter 770

Chapter 770

Serrad Williams is a well-known reporter in the wizarding world of America. He can always get news that others can't.

A friend asked him how he did it when he was drunk, it was so cool, he always smiled mysteriously drunkenly, and then said his catchphrase, "In this business, everyone should have such a A little trick.

Sometimes things that seem mysterious are really lifted, and the so-called unique skills are so simple.

It's as if the mystery of the amazing large-scale magic trick is solved, and only one sentence will be obtained in the end, 'Huh? That's it? ', his unique skill is also very simple.

An ancestral hidden treasure box.

Of course, it is said to be a treasure box, but it should actually be said to be a mini coffin, which is a box used by an ancient wizard tribe to store the ashes of the "wisdom guide".

This box is so magical that no matter what spells are cast, there is no way to see or even touch it.

But it is so tangible.

After obtaining this, the ancestors of Serad Williams chopped off the head of the house-elf and performed secret techniques to keep it alive, put the head in a box, and found out many secrets for him, thus opening the history of his family. rich.

It's a pity that after the war, the secret technique to keep the house-elf's head alive was lost, and the family soon fell down.

In the generation of Serrad Williams, he finally found a great opportunity.

Muggle VCR!

That's way better than a house-elf's head!

What's more, their family doesn't have castles and big houses now, so they can't attract the arrival of house elves.

Serrad Williams considered himself to have made a contribution to the wizarding world. When magic cameras were still popular in the market, it was he who improved the complicated and difficult-to-use magic video recorder.

Until one day, he was selected by some bigwig in the wizarding world, set a trap for him to get in, and became a wanted criminal in the wizarding world ever since.

From then on, I could only help the other party find out the news with peace of mind.

Even if he is so downcast, no one knows that he has a hidden treasure box.

Later, the big man who enslaved him provoked a terrible dark wizard, and his secret was finally exposed.

The other party did not take away his treasure, but chose to let him continue to serve him because of his ability to search for information over the years.

Serrad Williams didn't know who this dark wizard was, or even what he looked like. The other party always communicated with him in various ways, and kept a mysterious appearance.

"How cautious!"

Anton smacked his lips and broke away from the memory in the brass basin.

He raised his wand to his head and began to clear the memory of the wizard.

It is not a good thing to overfill other people's memories into your own. If you are unlucky, you may even find that you are affected by these memories and change your behavior.

Memory is one of the three elements of the self, memory is affected, originally

I am really affected.

However, Anton still retained a short memory about the hidden treasure box.

With a flick of the wand, a box flew out from the hook of the opponent's belt and landed on the table in front of Anton.

It looks a bit like it's made of some kind of black animal skin, it's very light, and it's almost the size to hold a football.

This box is indeed magical, not only cannot be touched, but even the magic cast can penetrate through it.

Under the vision of the "Lake of the Soul", its magical image even has only one point, an extremely tiny point, if you don't observe carefully, you can't even see it.

But as long as you open the box and see what it looks like inside, from that moment on, this thing becomes an invisible existence in front of your eyes.

Anton gently held the box in his hand and put it in front of Anna, "Can you see what's in my hand?"

Anna looked at him suspiciously, stretched out her small hand straight through the box, and touched Anton's palm, "No?


She didn't know what to think of, and she leaned back, "You don't want to say something earthy and romantic, do you?"

Anton rolled his eyes, gently opened the box, and faced the inside of the box to Anna's eyes.


Anna exclaimed, and suddenly saw a black scaled box appearing in Anton's hands, "It's amazing!"

"I've actually seen a similar scene." Anton chuckled, "Pedro and Witch Volcanova took apprentices to teach wisdom, and after they left, the house was left to Fiennes.

"House?" Anna blinked curiously.

"Yes." Anton looked at Anna with a smile, and a stream of light flashed in his eyes. You must know that in the past, Anna experienced a history of time travel and possession in Aolaluo, and the strange thing is that Ped Neither Ro, Fiennes, nor Ana can remember that time.

"Similar to the Fidelity Charm."

"Except for the secret keeper and the informed insider, no one else can discover everything in the room, even if they put their eyes on the window."

"A particularly outrageous magic."

There are always some extremely outrageous magics in the wizarding world, which are completely unreasonable, and there are so many that Anton doesn't bother to count them one by one.

He was actually quite curious about how this magic was invented.

In this respect, he is obviously a failed wizard. Everything he has mastered now is extended from traceable magic theories, but it is clear that some wizards do not rely on this kind of magic theory to learn and study magic. of.

Maybe it's... imagination?

Of course, the most important thing now is not to study these.

Anton took out the magic video recorder in the box, looked at the complex magic image reflected in the lake of the soul, and frowned involuntarily.

He handed the magic video recorder to Anna, "Can you figure out how this thing works?"

"This person sent the photos and videos of me killing those wizard mercenaries to the newspaper. We don't think we have much time. It is estimated that Aurors will come to the door soon."

Anna took a sharp breath, "Why would he do that?"

Anton just shook his head silently, "There is someone behind him. That person obviously sent these wizard mercenaries to me, and he sent them here to kill me."

"First use a sniper to try to see if I can kill me, and then use the lives of these mercenaries in exchange for the opportunity to pull me into the conspiracy..."

"This person must know me very well."

"The mysterious power website may be just a smoke bomb. Now I guess it's not Grindelwald. This person will not treat his subordinates like this. After all, the 'second wizard' is also a wizard. He should count these people among himself in people."

"Besides, the price to be paid to transform a Muggle Squib into a wizard's ritual magic..."

"That's Voldemort!" Anna waved her small fist, "This vicious big devil can do anything."

"That's the problem......"

Anton narrowed his eyes, and grinned coldly, "Grindelwald first pushed fate, let Voldemort hold the Elder Wand, and let him completely fight me and Voldemort in order to completely defeat me and become the master of the Elder Wand. "

"As for the current scene, the final outcome seems to be developing in this direction."

"You think, after things like this, it seems logical that I'm going to trouble Voldemort, right?"

Anna frowned, with a bitter face, "It sounds so complicated.

"You study this magic video recorder first, and I'll see if I can find an excuse to prevaricate with the Magic Council."

"Then, UU Reading focuses on the person behind the command, I will find him out!"

Moreover, the current situation is chaotic, and it is not only Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Voldemort who enter the arena, but also the magic forces of various countries.

Ministry, Sir Merlin, various international wizarding organizations, Muggle forces, Muggle forces with wizard blood...

It was a mess.

"Counting on me?"

Sure enough, just relying on fame can really deter Xiaoxiao, but if the opponent's strength is not bad, he will always come over and tease him a few times knowingly.

Only by fighting with real swords and guns, fully displaying strength and murderous aura, can people feel awe.

And the key point here is the murderous intent.

The old ancestor said it well, villains are afraid of power but not morality, you are strong and others may not be afraid of you, but if you are strong and fierce at the same time, the other party will not even dare to provoke them.

"Maybe I wrote so many books and acted like a research scholar..."

"They seem to have forgotten..."

"I'm a dark wizard!"

Anton pursed his lips, gently rubbing the wand in his hand, his eyes gleaming fiercely.

He was only fifteen years old, how could anyone think he couldn't lift a knife anymore? Isn't this funny?