The Grey Wizard Of Hogwarts - Chapter 223

Chapter 223

The thunder and lightning the thickness of the thumb shuttled in mid-air, swishing along the air, looking particularly scary.

When they hit the body, the whole person will involuntarily shudder, and you can clearly feel that there are countless tiny currents surging in the place where the electric shock was struck.

It itches all over, and even has a unique feeling of swelling up.

It was as if it had been electrocuted.

Do not!

To be honest, it was really cracked by electricity!

Under the vision of the wizard's eyes, everyone started from an entire color block, and gradually turned into a pattern of countless colored lines, circles, triangles, mysterious symbols and dark green cracks.

This kind of pattern, Anton has only seen on magical animals.

Or when Lupin turned into a werewolf, there would also be this wonderful pattern.

In this regard, the old wizard's past research is a magical image drawn by some "knowing and not knowing why" observations.

The only thing that can make Anton more certain is that the 'dark green crack' is a trace of emotion. Wizards use emotions to drive magic, and Fiennes uses this trace to make 'spell slots' and 'ghost armor' (reverse Horcrux).

Maybe something can be observed in the Animagus state of the wizard!

Anton suddenly had such an inspiration.

Give it a try when you go back.

Finally, after rippling in the thunder of the mind for a long time, a strange tremor appeared in the depths of the soul, and the whole body trembled.

at this time,

Anton was stunned to see that those so-called lines and patterns cracked again and broke into smaller shapes.

- Countless black lines!

This stuff is all too familiar.

Lao Fu's Horcrux was tapped by an orchid finger from Grindelwald and pushed back to the depths of Anton's soul, but it remained in the form of black lines.

Anton remembered that Lao Ge had said that these threads were the composition of a wizard.

But now is not the most suitable opportunity to observe.

"Seize the moment, Anton, I see you trembling, come in quickly." Lupin greeted beside the stone gate.

That's fine, anyway, these mind mines can be studied again at any time.

Step forward...

Knowing the sound, the sun is shining and the wind is refreshing.

In such an afternoon in the woods, everything was just right, everything was so drowsy.


A dumb bird on the tree apparently fell asleep without grasping the trunk, and fell down.

After a while, the bird flapped its wings and flew back to its fingers, blinking with dumb eyes, observing the world curiously.

This is a big bird, bigger than an owl, with gray-black feathers, dark-green feather tails, fluffy gray-white feathers on the neck extending all the way to the head, and two dimples that are separated from each other. hair.

Obviously, this is an augury.

Anton raised his paw curiously, opened and closed it, and found it quite interesting.

When he turned into a color-changing wind bird, it was a bit like turning into a fluffy ball of wool, floating in a gesture of being blown away by the wind.

Or when Animagus transforms, the owl's animal will will overwrite his cognition and make him forget some biological instincts.

For example, when you see something to pick up, humans are accustomed to using their hands, and owls use their sharp beaks and claws.

Without this animal influence, Anton could easily have stretched his wings to reach for things.

But now it's a little different.

In his perception, it seems that there are two kinds of souls at the same time, one is his own, the other is the divination bird.

It was as if he had just fallen from the tree. His own instinct was to release the floating spell. The augury's instinct was to open his wings. In a very short moment, Anton made a judgment and opened his wings.

He raised his paws and took two steps on the tree trunk, only to find it very magical.

This feeling

Anton didn't know how to think about the ups and downs of Old Demon, the state of this person when he was possessed by Quirrell.

At that time, Voldemort had two states, one was parasitic, and the other was possessed. When possessed, he could control Quirrell's body.

Is it a reference to the current model? Or just learn from it?

This is really fun.

It's just that Anton looked at the auguries standing on the nearby tree trunks, and for a while he didn't know what to do next.

He recalled what Lupin had said, as if he remembered not to go against the instincts of animals, so would he eat worms too?


It's really hard to accept.

He began to quickly recall information about this magical beast.

It's a 2x Dangerous Fantastic Beast, which means 'harmless, tameable'.

However, wizards rarely keep divination birds. This animal has another name, the bird of death. It is said that their shrill calls herald death. Like the crow in his previous life, it was not so lucky.

Shy by nature, not afraid of life. If the wizard does not take the initiative to provoke it, even if he walks by it, the augury will not attack humans.

In addition, there is a saying in the books that the augury will call only when the heavy rain comes, indicating that death is a superstition.

They usually keep

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is a next page ^0^ The tree trunk of the teardrop-shaped bird nest built by thorns will not be too far away.

Shaking on the tree, Anton got a little bored unconsciously.

Lupin explained every point thoroughly without telling everyone what to do in this forest, with a mysterious smile on his face.

Soon, Anton began to feel the magic inside the augury's body.

The magic power in magical animals is not lower than that of wizards, and some unique individuals will be enlarged due to their huge magic power, such as the oversized rune snake that Newt kept in the school's forbidden forest, such as Black Lake. A terrifyingly huge squid.

Such a huge amount of magic power, but can't release the magic spell at will like a wizard, in Anton's eyes, it is a waste.

These magical animals each have their own characteristics, such as cat and leopard, which can hypnotize and legimize. Such as the owl, it can automatically identify the way and long-distance high-speed flight.

House elves, for example, are good at Apparition and household enchantments, and also have a small number of combat enchantments.

for example


The ghost knew that Anton suddenly thought of this product for Mao.

This thing is like a magical animal, it can only release certain magic spells, and it is a waste of magic power.


What is the magic of the augury used for?

There should be some kind of use, Anton is not sure, because many magical animals cannot release magic, such as runes.

At this moment, as if it was some kind of forest will, and as if it was a foreshadowing brought by a falling leaf, all the divination birds flew out of their nests.

It's time to migrate, let's go to live in the forest opposite the mountain.

So, the augury spread their wings, and one by one, they quickly flew through the layers of leaves in the forest to the sky.

Anton blinked, and simply followed.

This should be the quest Lupin said, remember that Lockhart was 'rewarded' with a 'forgetting spell' for completing the quest.

In addition, Rita is said to have failed to complete the task, but also obtained an Animagus.

The wizarding world has always been so wonderful and unique.

He simply cast the wizard's eye spell again, watching everything carefully.

At this moment, for some unknown reason, the flock of divination birds landed on the treetops beside a river, making a shrill cry.

One after another, it sounds weird.

What happened?

Anton looked around curiously.

Nothing special happened.

A boa constrictor slowly swam into the grass from a crack in the stone, and two birds chirped on the floating rotten wood in the river.

Several adult long-nosed dwarf bears opened their sharp claws on their palms and stepped on the pebbles in the current, and the fish waiting patiently passed by. Their cubs frolicked and played not far away, splashing high.

A quiet and peaceful place.

Anton carefully drew the magical images of the augury and the long-nosed dwarf bear. Since he didn't know what to do, he could follow his past habits. Maybe he could draw all the magical animals in this forest.

At this moment, a very fast black shadow flashed, and the two birds flew up in panic, and the floating rotten wood under their feet turned into a crocodile with a **** mouth.

The crocodile moved very fast, each of its two sturdy forearms held a proboscis against the bear, and held one in its mouth.

It was just a bite, and blood filled the river.

The remaining long-nosed dwarf bears ran to the river bank in panic, and another leopard in the woods jumped out, took the opportunity to grab one and ran.

In just an instant, the colony of the long-nosed dwarf bear was almost wiped out, leaving only one adult dwarf bear and a few cubs.

There are also pythons that are attracted by the smell of blood not far away, eyeing The cruelty of nature is just in front of you, and it is only a short moment when it is quiet and peaceful until death comes. Before anyone noticed it, everything was quiet again.

Oh, except for the shrill calls of the auguries.

Anton miraculously found that with the death of the long-nosed dwarf bears, strands of broken colored lines drifted out from them, attracted by the call of the augury, and floated straight here.

In the end, this strand of line fell into the mouth of the augury that cried the loudest, as if it were a bug that ran to its mouth.


Is it the food of the auguries?


So this is called a dead bird?

No, it even has the power to predict death a little!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^