The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought - Part 74

Part 74

510. MuLLER, F. MAX: Natural Religion (Gifford Lectures, 1888). London, 1889. six, 608 pp. 8vo.

511. MuLLER, F. MAX: Anthropological Religion. London, 1892. 486 pp.


512. MuLLER, F. MAX: Physical Religion. London, 1891.

513. MuLLER, F. MAX: Theosophical Religion. London, 1892.

514-515. MURDOCH, J.: Ethnological Results of the Point Barrow Expedition. _Ninth Ann. Sep. Bur. Ethnol_., pp. 3-441.

516. NELSON, W.: The Indians of New Jersey. Paterson, N.J., 1894 168 pp.


517. POLLE, F.: Wie denkt das Volk fiber die Sprache? Leipzig, 1889.

518. Popular Science Monthly (The). New York. Vols. I.-XLVI. (1871- 1895).

519. POWERS, S.: Tribes of California (_Contrib. to North Amer.

Ethnol.,_ Vol. III.). Washington, 1877. 635 pp. 4to.

520. RALSTON, W. R.: Russian Folk-Tales. New York, 1873. 388 pp. 8vo.

521. RAND, S. T.: Legends of the Micmaos. New York and London, 1894.

xlvi, 452 pp. 8vo.

522. RAU, C.: Von Martius on Some Points of South American Ethnology.

_Journ. Anthrop. Inst._ (New York). Vol. I. (1871-72), pp. 43-46.

523. RECLUS, E.: Primitive Folk. Studies in Comparative Ethnology.

London, 1890. xiv, 339 pp. 8vo.

524. RIGGS, S. R.: Dakota Grammar, Texts, and Ethnography (Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol., Vol. IX.). Washington, 1893. 239pp. 4to.

525. RINK, H.: Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo. London, 1874. xiii, 472 pp. 8vo.

526. ROLLAND, E.: Faune Populaire de la France. 6 vols. Paris, 1877- 1883.

527. ROSKOFF, G.: Das Religionswesen der rohesten Naturvolker. Leipzig, 1880. xiv, 179 S. 8vo.

528. SARTORI, P.: Sondersprachen. _Am Ur-Quell._ V. Bd. (1894), S.

72-78, 99-100.

529. SCHULTZE, F.: Fetichism. A Contribution to Anthropology and the History of Religion. Trans. J. Fitzgerald. New York, 1885. 112 pp. 8vo.

530. SCHURTZ, H.: Grundzuge einer Philosophic der Tracht. Stuttgart, 1891, 148 S. 8vo.

531. SESSIONS, F.: Three Epics of Heroes (Folk-Lore Topics, No. 1).

Repr. from _Gloucester_ (England) _Journal_, Jan. 6, 1894. 8 pp.

532. SIMROOK, K.: Deutsche Mythologie. Sechste durchgeseh. Aufl. Bonn, 1887. xii, 643 S. 8vo.

533. SIMSON, A..Notes on the Jivaros and Canelos Indians. _Journ.

Anthr. Inst._ (London), 1879, pp. 385-394.

534. SMITH, MRS. E. A.: Myths of the Iroquois. _Sec. Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethn._ (1880-81), Washington, 1883, pp. 47-116.

535. SMITH, W. R.: Lectures on the Religion of the Semites. First Series. Fundamental Inst.i.tutions. New York, 1889. xii, 488 pp. 8vo.

536. STEINEN, K. v. DEN: Unter den Naturvolkern Zentral-Brasiliens.

Berlin, 1894.

537. STEINMETZ, S. R.: Ethnologische Studien zur ersten Entwickelung der Strafe, nebst einer psychologischen Abhandlung uber Grausamkeit und Rachsucht. 2 Bde. Leiden, 1894. xiv, 486; vii, 425 S. Gr. 8vo.

538. STEVENSON, MATILDA C.: The Sia. _Eleventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol._, pp. 3-157.

539. SWAINSON, C.: The Folk-Lore and Provincial Names of British Birds.

London, 1886. viii, 243 pp. 8vo.

540. SYMONDS, J. A.: Popular Songs of Tuscany. _Fortn. Rev._ (London). Vol. XX. (1873), pp. 596-613.

541. TARDE, G.: Les lois de l'Imitation. etude Sociologique. Paris, 1890. viii, 431 pp. 8vo.

542. TEMPLE, R. C.: The Legends of the Panjab. 2 vols. London, n.d.

xxvii, 546; xxii, 580 pp. 8vo.

543. THEAL, G. McC.: Kaffir Folk-Tales. London, 1886. xii, 226 pp. 8vo.

544. TURNER, L. M. Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory. _Eleventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol._ (Washington), pp.


545. TYLOR, E. B.: Primitive Culture. Researches into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Language, Art, and Custom. Third Amer.

ed., 2 vols. New York, 1878.

545 a. VANCE, L. J.: The Meaning of Folk-Dance. _Open Court_ (Chicago). Vol. VIII. (1894), pp. 4069-4070.

546. WALLASCHEK, R.: Primitive Music. London, 1893. xi, 326 + 8 pp. 8vo.

547. WEIL, G.: The Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud; or Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans. New York, 1846. xvi, 264 pp. 8vo.

548. YARROW, H. C.: Introduction to the Study of Mortuary Customs among the North American Indians. Washington, 1880. ix, 114 pp. 4to.

549. YARROW, H. C.: A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians. _First Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol._ (1879-1880), Washington, 1881, pp. 87-203.