Starting With Real Madrid - Chapter 249

Chapter 249

After the two sides reached an agreement, the transfer procedures were handled quickly.

Gervinho officially left Naples for Arsenal with a transfer fee of 15 million euros.

Before leaving, the Ivorian made a special trip back to Naples, met with Gao Shen, and expressed his gratitude to Gao Shen for his careful cultivation in the past year, and Gao Shen also encouraged him to continue his efforts at Arsenal.

When it comes to training young players, there are many risks. In addition to uncontrollable factors such as injuries, adolescence, and personality, there is also a decisive factor, which is the development direction and positioning of the players.

Wenger, for example, likes to have young players try out many different positions.

The advantage of doing so is to be able to find out the most suitable position and position for the player and to give full play to his characteristics and advantages.

But the downside is that players can get lost in the repeated attempts.

Gao Shen is very aware of his own advantages. The reason why he trains players quickly and accurately is that he knows in advance which direction the players should develop, so he basically cultivates and uses them according to the direction of the players.

As a result, players can play more like a duck in water, and progress will naturally be rapid.

Therefore, Gao Shen told Gervinho that even if he arrived at Arsenal, he should continue to move towards the path he planned for him. He firmly believed that Gervinho could become an excellent winger in Europe. Arsenal played the main force.

Of course, Gao Shen has already cultivated the prototype. If Gervinho can't play at Arsenal, it will not be a problem of Gao Shen. It can only be said that Wenger is a bit unworthy of his name in cultivating young players.

Although it was only Serie B that performed well, Gervinho was able to spend 15 million euros on Arsenal, which also shocked the entire Italian football world. Many teams that were still playing with Naples players couldn't help but start. Secretly weighed.

The market value of Gervinho is around 8 million euros, but Napoli sold for 15 million euros, what about the others? If you don't have one thousand or eight million, are you embarrassed to come to your door to quote and poach people?

But on the other hand, before the new season started, the number one player was poached, which also put Naples' season prospects into question. Many media believe that sending Gervinho away will greatly damage Naples' strength in the new season.

Especially the frontcourt offense.

Turin Sports Daily even concluded that selling Gervinho proves that Napoli's goal in the new season is not the championship at all, but relegation!

"This is in line with their newly-promoted Serie B position!"

As to say, Napoli introduced Antonio Valencia from Villarreal for a transfer fee of one million euros, and no one cares about this transfer at all.

Valencia know, La Liga powerhouse, Bat Legion, but who is Antonio Valencia?

From Ecuador, he occupied a foreign aid quota, just to fill the vacancy of Gervinho's departure, but can he replace Gervinho's position?

More importantly, while Naples sold Gervinho, a group of veterans or old courtiers such as Cupi, Savigny, Grava, Vitale, Dara Bona were also sent away by Naples one after another.

This makes the average age of the Napoli first team even lower than it was last season in Serie B.

Everyone was puzzled that Gao Shen really planned to rely on a group of young players in their twenties to attack the Serie A championship.

But more people think that Napoli's goal has never been the Serie A champion, but relegation.

In the odds offered by the bookmaker, after selling Gervinho, Napoli fell directly to tenth in Serie A.

That is to say, in the data analysis of the bookmaker and the optimism of the fans, Naples should be ranked tenth in Serie A in the new season.

This is quite good for a newly promoted horse.

After returning to Naples from Madrid, Gao Shen began to stay out of the house.

The coaching staff also returned one after another, and everyone began to carefully prepare for the new season's preparations and strategies.

Every league has some unspoken rules for its schedule, which no one can avoid.

For example, in La Liga, the century derby is always determined first, and it is basically arranged at the end of November or December.

At this time, the league has reached ten or so rounds, just as the heat is in full swing, and the second round is just at the critical moment of hitting the championship. Such a schedule can make the Derby of the Century receive the greatest attention.

Too early, the situation is still unclear, and there is no attention; too late, the title may be determined early, and the suspense will be lost.

Other teams in La Liga are also accustomed to this, because they all have to admit that the matchup between the Western Super League duo has a great impact on La Liga, and they can also benefit from it.

In Serie A, no doubt the same is true.

Like the Milan derby, the Milan duo vs. Juventus, and the Milan duo vs. Roma, these are very attractive,

Naturally, it will also be highly valued in the schedule.

The league is all about ups and downs.

If these strong dialogues are arranged together, it is undoubtedly inappropriate, so basically they are appropriately staggered, and they are arranged in more suspenseful and attention-seeking sessions, which generally will not be the finale.

As a newly-promoted Serie A horse, Naples has attracted much attention, but its priority is definitely not as good as the Milan duo and Roma, or even as Juventus, so there is a worse situation in the schedule arrangement.

That is the 7, 8, 9 and 3 rounds. Naples are away against Inter Milan, away against Roma, and at home against Juventus. Three consecutive games are tough, and two consecutive away games.

Among them, between the two games to play Inter Milan and Roma, there are two weeks of national team games.

The same goes for the second half.

This format is very bad.

If it is three consecutive games without a national team game in between, it is actually fine, because the coaching staff can adjust through training to make the team perform well during that period of time.

Or simply stagger the conversations so the team can focus on each game.

But like now, the three games are consecutive, but there are two weeks of national team games in between, which is actually very unfavorable for the team's state to maintain, because the time interval is too long.

Do not believe?

You can look at the schedules of teams such as A Milan, Inter Milan and Juventus. The strong dialogue between them is at least two rounds apart.

To put it nicely, this is to increase the viewing and fun of the league, but why is it not taking care of the strong teams?

"The upper and lower half, these three rounds are all crucial!"

Gao Shen frowned immediately after seeing the schedule of the new Serie A season.

Not only him, but everyone in the coaching staff felt overwhelmed when they saw the schedule.

Especially in the first half of the race, the national team played two weeks apart in October, which was terrible.

"Three strong conversations, two away games, if we lose points, we will fall behind in less than halfway."

Gao Shen felt that this schedule not only did not take care of Naples, but also meant to make things difficult.

Is it related to his status as a public enemy of Italy?

It is a matter of course for the international players to go back to the national team and the national youth team on the national team game day. No one can stop them, but they must do their best to compete in these three rounds.

That's nine points!

"This season's winter break is longer, and the schedule of the Coppa Italia is more reasonable. There is a full 21-day truce period. At that time, we can arrange a round of physical strengthening training more generously." Buenavin Tula suggested.

The short winter break last season was mainly due to the Coppa Italia.

Like some other teams that don't play the Coppa Italia, they actually have a long winter break.

But this season Serie A will start on January 14, and Naples' opponent is still A Milan, so it is necessary to prepare for the battle with full strength and allow no loss.

And everyone knows that the first round of the league and the first round after the winter break are often difficult to play, because the team is not in the state and season rhythm.

"The schedule has been given, no matter what we think or whether it is beneficial to us or not, it has been determined anyway. What we have to do now is to make the best use of this schedule and arrange our plans for the new season, which is important. Play these three rounds and the other strong conversations."

Gao Shen pointed to the schedule and said.

In all the leagues that hit the championship, the strong dialogue is always the most important.

Many people will think that abusing vegetables can also become a champion, which is of course but it is difficult.

Because when you are abusing vegetables, your opponent is also abusing vegetables.

When it comes to abuse of vegetables, can Naples abuse Inter Milan?

In the past life of Gao Shen, someone asked why Ancelotti and Zidane's Real Madrid couldn't win the league title when they had four Champions Leagues in five years?

The reason is very simple, just look at the record of the battle between Real Madrid and Barcelona in La Liga.

If you extract the results of the two games of the two teams, you will find that it is these two century derbies that really decide the championship.

This is just the importance of league points. If it is related to the impact of strong dialogue on team morale, confidence, and the situation, it will involve more.

If you are interested in hitting the league championship, then the strong dialogue must be won.

Of course, there has been a wonderful team in recent years. They have achieved good results in the strong dialogue, but they just couldn't win the championship, because the abuse of vegetables is too spicy.

This is Benitez's Liverpool.

Therefore, all teams aiming to hit the league championship must not only be able to abuse food, but also be able to win strong dialogues.

Simply put, to be able to score points.

At any time, any opponent, grab the three-point first.

Gao Shen has experienced the strength of the Serie A team last season. He has confidence in the strength of Naples, but the team needs to be able to play and output more stably.

As for the strong dialogue, this is a test of the team's overall strength and the thickness of the bench.

All of these require advanced training and the coaching staff to hone the whole team into shape and adjust them before the summer training camp.

The most important thing is the right side of the team.

Be sure to help Lichtsteiner integrate into the team as soon as possible.

The 0-3 game last season was still fresh in Gao Shen's memory.