Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 682

Chapter 682

Published at 30th of August 2022 06:54:51 AM

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I have been rolling up up the spiral staircase for over half a day now. This tower is tall. Its seriously way too tall. Is this some form of harassment?

As an apocalypse, I should be faster than anything in the world, with the perhaps exception of Gods Voices [Spirit Servants]. My speed is 5716, after all. Considering that the fastest other speed Ive seen was Miia with around 3000, Its clear just how extraordinary my speed is.

On top of that, my [Roll] skill is much faster than running or flying. Even so, theres still no end in sight for this staircase.

I rushed out of the Forest of Ngai, only to end up stranded here The monotony is making it all the easier for my thoughts to be consumed by worry over what could be happening on the surface world.

Is climbing these stairs really the correct course of action? Its not actually looping endlessly with some sort of mysterious magic, is it?

N-no, I saw from outside that it had a ridiculous height. The top completely wasnt visible from below. If its physically connecting the surface world to the Forest of Ngai, then it cant be helped that its so tall that even as an apocalypse Ill take a long time to climb it.

I just need to keep climbing and not think about anything else. If I hesitate, Ill lose the willpower to keep climbing.

However after half a day, Im a little tired of [Rolling]. More than me though

Master-dono Please save me I dont think Ill be able keep my sanity much longer

Treant has become dizzy. Well, of course he would. Hes been made to spin around at high speed in darkness for half a day now. I hate to say it, but Im glad Im the one using [Roll], and not in his position.

Sorry, treant. Please hold on a little longer.

Is it that rough for you? Ive gotten used to it now

Aro seems calm at least. I wonder if the ear canals of a walpurgis are particularly resilient.

Am I the only one suffering like this?

Treant asks mournfully.

I-Ill stroke your head, treant-san.

Please do

Th-theres no sense of tension in them at all. Even though were about to head into a crucial battle that will decide the fate of the world As I smile wryly, focusing on the exchange between the two, a huge shock suddenly impacts my body.




I crashed into something. Desperately keeping my mouth closed, I flip through the air and spawl out over the floor.

Oww.! It felt like it was continuing on forever, so I let my guard down. It seems I finally reached the end.

I look behind me. A huge metal door is stood there. Broken chains and a lock are scattered over the floor.

Apparently I broke through it with the force of my [Roll]. That was for the best, right?

Are you okay? Aro? Treant?

I open my mouth, letting the two out.

If its for the sake of master-dono, this much is no problem!

Treant says as he crawls across the floor. A trail of my saliva is left in his wake.

ah Thank you.

After calmly stepping out, Aro seems to become a black mass for a moment, then she immediately reforms, clean of my saliva Her walpurgis body really is full of conveniences.

Still, its good that we got out, but where is this? Its clearly some sort of gigantic building.

Theres no sunlight, but a lantern hanging on the wall is flooding the place with light. Theres some kind of shining stone in the lantern. One of the walls has a grand mural carved into it, and theres a stone slab with writing to the side.

It somehow reminds me of the ruins I met Eldia in.

The mural appears to depict a city vista filled with strange-shaped buildings. Spheres and pyramids are stacked on top of one another, dotted by a huge number of windows. Perhaps it wouldnt be too strange for a city to have one or two buildings with such strange architecture, but the mural shows hundreds.

Master-dono What is this?

Treant walks up to the mural and tilts his head to the side in confusion.

I have no idea

Im confident my original world didnt had such strange buildings, and Ive never seen anything like them in this world.

The only city Ive seen here was Alban, the capital of Ardesia. But all the buildings there were within the bounds of my common sense. So where could a city like this possibly exist?

Its little hard to tell from the carving, but it looks like the buildings have antennas on their roofs. If this city really did exist, then I get the impression that their technology was probably far ahead of my original world.

Its clearly unlike anything Ive seen in this world so far. The only one I know who could possibly build a city like this would be Gods Voice. If Gods Voice really did build the Ngai Forest and the sky-piercing tower, then it wouldnt have been strange for them to have built a city like this too.

The problem is, I have no idea what this means. In the first place, I dont know where in the world I am, or what this mural is supposed to signify. Rather than something to do with Gods Voice, it might simply be a depiction of the myths of this world.

I look around at every corner of the room. At the far side is a set of stairs. Its too small for me to pass through as an apocalypse, but its no problem if I humanise. If we continue up a little further, well probably get outside.

Dragon-god-sama On the ceiling, could that be the monster that Umukahime-san and Miisan were talking about?

Aro says, and I look up. A huge eyeball-like monster is carved into the ceiling. Its a simplified depiction, but the dread of the person who carved it clearly comes through.

Evil God Foren The monster that Gods Voice is trying to revive. Based on the size of the city, it looks like Foren would be several hundred times larger than me.

The fact that Foren is depicted above it probably means that this shows a fallen civilisation from the past.