Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 68

Chapter 68

The Girl and The Dragons Reunion. --

Milias scream seems to be from the other side of the cliff.

UsingRollto build in momentum forFlight, while pointing my neck downward I shoot Baby Breath backwards to gain speed, thus surpassing the cliff.

When I arrives on the other side, I immediately saw it.

A girl with chestnut colored hair, surrounded by three wolves.

The clothes are torn apart with the wolves claws, and although her body seems to suffer some injury, there is no fatal wound yet.

Although I havent fought with this monster before, it seems their behavior is the same as other wolves in cornering their prey.

This time, it is not a Gray Wolf.

Its physique was larger than a Gray Wolfs. The aura it emitted made it seem like it might be an evolution of the gray wolf.

[Mahaa Wolf: D- rank monster] (in the raws)

[It usually hunts by cooperating with nearby forces to corner the prey]

D-ranked is lower than me, but there are many of them.

Race: Great wolf

Lv: 9/28

MP: 35/35

Defense: 31

Quickness: 62

Group action: Lv-- third eye: Lv--

Earth attribute resistance: Lv2 paralysis resistance: Lv2

Normal Skills:

Fire Nail: Lv1

Title Skills:


What is this abnormal state?

Third eye... is that an attack or something?

The stats are lower than an Orange Monkey, but the abnormal state makes me anxious.

I stopped in surprise of this, but I could not afford to let my guard down just yet.


I raised a loud roar to turn the attention of the Mahaa wolf to me.

She had white skin, stark blue lips, and big, easygoing eyes which began to open wide.

" ......"

Somehow, she seemed have the kind of face whose wits could escape the devil when confronted with bandits.

Now that Ive found her, things are bound to get a little bit spicy.

I wonder whether I should have tried to evolve before meeting her, as a passing thought.

I approach - Milia is trembling, while trying to prepare to protect herself.

Since it was an ambush, I used baby breath.

Now, they have received the abnormal state of burn.

The two that avoided it by diving left and right came and attacked me from both sides.

"Guruua! "

The Great wolf came biting from both sides, and to prevent it I flick open and spread my wings quickly.

Anyway, taking into account what I have in my field of view, I should finish the fellows who are down, while I still have the chance.

With my claw I stabbed the two wolves, which were weakened bybaby breath, finishing them off.

[36 Experience points obtained. ]

[Lv of child plague dragon is now MAX. ]

If my Level rose a little earlier ...... I would not have to fight right now in the form of a child plague dragon.

If I evolved, would this crisis still be an issue, or would it have been settled by now?

If I evolved, the intimidating feeling i exert should soften somewhat...

Those gestures... could she be mimicking the gesture I made when when I first met Millia, possibly?

When I was a baby dragon, when I found my first human beings in this world, I can recall the memory of approaching them with my hands shaking with delight.

Perhaps she has understood that it was me?

My figure has changed since then, so the chance of her recognising me is very low.

However, I am beginning to thinking that it is a possibility....

"...... Gu, Guo'"

Milia says, imitating my cries.

I also raised my hands and tried to shake them, the same Milia.

My appearance might be like this, but the one inside is a man!

Well, to be fair, it does say that I am accepted beyond what is expected of me, but there is a feeling that I am being seen as an animal.

No, it is probably just me, because I am embarrassed after being touched so much.

Even so, why was she alone in this forest?

To the village no, it will only cause a confusion.

Milia might get in trouble too. Should I keep it at sending her near the village?

I looked back towards the cliff, and remembered that the Black Lizard had an injured foot.

I want to go to see how she is, as early as possible.

Its not even about my fears, it is literally impossible - it is not safe to take her to the other side of the cliff, because there is no guarantee that the Black Lizard and Orange Monkeys are not going to kill Milia.

To begin with, did Millia really come alone, or was she in the middle of something that I do not know about.

After a little bit of patiently trying to speak, I should be able to understand the situation.

"Gaa ......" "Guu Aaaaa Tsu!"

When I tried to listen to the story from Millia, I heard more cries of Great wolf and it cut off my line of thought.

They had a higher average level than the ones from a little while ago.

It's still easy to defeat them, but it could expose Milia to danger.

I bowed down, with a gesture tell to tell Milia to ride on top of me.