Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 614

Chapter 614

Published at 6th of June 2022 03:08:53 PM

614 Hecatoncheir Countermeasures

I return to where Aro and the treant are waiting for me.

Its good to see you well, Master-dono But it seems you met an impasse with the statue?

Treant remarks in tree spirit form, a slight frown on his face.

Yeah. I want to hurry, but with my current stamina, its impossible. When I challenge the hecatoncheir next time, Ill need to preserve my MP throughout the day and fight it from full.

In other words, the next time will be fine?

Aro tilts her head to the side.

Thats right, but I cant do it alone. Its offensive abilities arent anything too scary. Itll be dangerous, but Im going to want two to fight with me next time. We might have to level you up a bit more first, though.

Got it! Well definitely help!

Aro declares enthusiastically.

Theres is something I can do against an opponent that even master-dono cannot beat?

I nod my head.

In fact, you might play the most pivotal role of all.

I-I will?

Treants body shivers, and he points to himself with his wings.

No way, master-dono Do you intend to drop me from the top of that tower?

I look up at the unseeable peak of the tower Well, yeah, I suppose if I were to drop him from that high up, he might easily do 10,000 damage, but hed get erased too. If anything the hecatonecheir would probably dodge, and hed get flattened alone.

Treant-san, is that what you think of dragon-god-sama?

Aro glares pointedly at treant.

N-no, Aro-dono! Its just that, of the things I can do, that was all I could think of!

He doesnt need to look down on himself that much. Its true that as a world treant, he has a min-maxed status. But, its preceise because of that, that as he can fight on his terms, he can be a significant asset even against a higher rank opponent.

You have [Death God Seed], dont you? Ill need you to use it for me next time. Without it, Im not sure its possible for us to get through that thing.

As a world treant, he has the powerful [Death God Seed] skill.

Normal Skill [Death God Seed]

Implants a seed that steals the targets mana.

The closer the user is to the target, the faster the targets mana will be sucked up.

Once the [Death God Seed] has absorbed all the targets mana, it grows rapidly, destroying the targets body.

Its a skill that gradually whittles down the opponents MP, and then destroys their body. The second half is gruesome to witness, but to be honest the battle is usually already over the moment the opponent runs out of MP, so its effectively just a bonus. The continuous suction of MP alone is powerful.

For this kind of skill, the effect is stronger on targets with a weak magical strength. For a Legendary rank, the hecatoncheir has a rather low magic stat. On top of that, the hecatoncheir forces battles of endurance. Its inevitable that the battle will be drawn out.

Itll be a battle over the hecatoncheirs MP. As long as I can fight while protecting treant, his [Death God Seed] will be a massive help.

ah, if thats what you meant, then leave it to me! This treant will undoubtedly fulfil this duty!

Ill want you to maintain [Death God Seed], and I want Aro to constantly fire [Dark Sphere]. Ill do my best to draw its attention and fight it in the battle of endurance that it so desires.

Magic skills are too inefficient. [Gravidon] wont hit, and the cost of [Hellgate] is way too much. Id just be wasting MP. Rather than going for big hits with magic, its better to go for several smaller hits with [Oneiros Mallet]. If Im just hitting it physically, my MP costs will be minimal.

Im not sure about [Dragon Mirror], but its probably better to avoid it. The continuous MP cost is too much. Even if I can use the buff effectively, its not as though its possible for me to close out the battle quickly.

These countermeasures sound perfect! It seems we might just win!

Yeah! Taking into account some more levelling that well do first, I this plan should be enough to cut down its MP by about sixty percent!

Yeah! Huh?

Treant excitedly flaps his wings, but then stops and tilts his head in confusion.

Dragon-god-sama, what about the other forty percent?

I think that with us alone, itll be impossible for us to do a hundred percent, no matter what. But, I have an idea about that.

An idea?

In general, there are three ways to increase the damage we can do to the hecatoncheir. First is raising our stats. Second is finding more efficient strategies. Finally, the third is finding additional allies.

I want to hunt the origin matter now. At our current strength, I think we can win.

In the first place, my plan was to challenge the origin matter if I got stuck. Our levels are already a fair bit higher than the last time I fought it. Also, both in terms of levels and the extremeness of their fighting styles, it makes sense to fight the origin matter before the hecatoncheir.

Of course, unlike the hecatoncheir, the origin matter is a very much an attacker-type. It wouldnt be strange for one of us to be blasted away in a moment. Even for me, Ill need to stay on top of my healing or I could be killed before I know it. In that sense, the origin matter is even more dangerous to fight than the hecatoncheir.

If I can defeat the origin matter, my level should increase by a lot. There should also be some more kesaran-pasarans, so Aro and the treant can get some levelling in too. But thats not all.

Characteristic Skill [Dark Frozen Prison]

Draws the enemy into a swirl of black light and seals it.

The target is forsaken from the passage of time.

As time itself does not move within the black light, it is of course impossible for the target to even attempt to escape.

The inside of the origin matter is cut off from the passage of time. Its possible that its the one and only way of escaping [God of Madness] in this Forest of Ngai. If there was ever a divine skill holder who intentionally made the choice to jump into the origin matter, its possible that they would help us.

I know this is wishful thinking. Theres no guarantee that [Dark Frozen Prison] protects those inside from [God of Madness], and nor does it seem likely that there would really ever be someone who would make that decision. Even if someone did, its possible that their way of thinking would be too different from mine, and we could end up fighting.

But, I have no other options at the moment. Its also possible that the contents of the [Dark Frozen Prison] could help clear away Aros or my evolution limit somehow.

At the very least, as we are right now we cant beat the hecatoncheir. We simply need to do what we can.