Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 611

Chapter 611

Published at 2nd of June 2022 01:29:45 PM

611 Trump Card

Wielding the [Oneiros Mallet], I charge at the hecatoncheir. I swing the moment I enter range, slamming the mallet into its body. The weighty impact knocks it back much further than my previous blows.

Great! This is definitely an improvement over fighting with my bare hands. The hecatoncheir raises its sword to act as a shield as I swing down from above.

The arm holding its sword is forced back. This is working! Even it cant fully block, and I have a reach advantage!

It seems Im able to attack without being hit back. As long as I can keep this up, I should be able to outlast it.


I roar as I send a heavy blow into its abdomen.

But just as I hit it, the suddenly hammer feels heavy. The hecatoncheir has wrapped its many arms around the head. I cant pull it back, the grip is too tight. Just how annoying can this guy be!?

The hecatoncheirs sword stabs into my neck. Argh! I allow the impact knock me backwards, flying away while wrenching the hammer back. I need to back away for now to keep the damage to a minimum.

I had thought it was overly slow to block with its sword this time, but it was so it could grab my hammer! Im sure it took some damage there too, but I came worse off from the counterattack. It took the blow willingly in order to stop my assault at any cost and cut down my HP.

I heal my neck with [Autoregneration]. The hecatoncheirs strength isnt impressive, but thats only for a Legendary rank. It cant suddenly take my HP all the way to zero the moment it catches me by surprise, but, if I take repeated critical hits without healing, I could still be killed awfully quickly.

But, Im sure the [Oneiros Mallet] has been the most effective method so far. If Im not able to find a way to reliably break through its defence, theres no way I can beat the hecatoncheir. Im not completely out of other things to try, but a single large attack wont be able to kill it. In that sense, the only method I have that could create a winning streak is this [Oneiros Mallet].


Roaring, I swing twice in quick succession. Again, the hecatoncheirs blade plunges towards my neck. Of course, I cant let it hit me in a critical spot again. Shifting the [Oneiros Mallet] to one hand, I raise my other arm to block. I activate [Autoregeneration] just before the sword hits my arm, but its a heavy blow. My arm is forced back against my body.

The sword quickly flips up and slashes at my abdomen. It tears through my scales, scattering blood.

The hecatoncheir has no wasted movement at all! In the end, even if it looks strange now, the hecatoncheir used to be an incredibly strong Hero. My own movements have gotten slightly duller due to the weight of the hammer, but Im falling behind due to the difference in fighting talent more than anything.

Even if I have to force it, I need to push it back now! I ignore my collapsing stance and swing the hammer as hard as I can. The hecatoncheirs counterattack digs into my body. But if I were to pull back now, the follow-up would only be worse. Ignoring the pain, I swing another time. Again, the hecatoncheirs counterattack cuts into me.

Finally, I pull back. If I held my ground too much, Id become manoeuvre away from the blows and would take unnecessary damage. If I were to keep taking hits like that, even my HP would quickly become empty.

For all the hecatoncheir has a low attack strength, its still difficult to compete with its 10,000 HP. Even with this strategy, I have no choice but to periodically fall back to recover.

The hecatoncheir doesnt chase me. Relieved, I use [Autoregeneration]. It seems to completely avoid taking any offensive action. That passiveness limits the ways I can attack, but it does also fortunately mean I can recover in safety like this. Of course, it did use [Shadow Dance] to pursue me one time, so I cant say for certain it wont attack, but its good to know that it seems it wont chase me too hard.

Still, I hit it quite a bit there. If this cut it down by at least twenty percent, I should have a of winning

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This has to be a joke Ive taken heavy damage myself. To then find out I havent even cut it down by five percent is too much for me to bear.

I was sure Id managed a bit more, but apparently its recovery skills are just too efficient. The recovery skills might even be more troublesome than the high defence and health.

At this rate, if I kept going as long as I can, the most I could possibly manage would be around thirty percent. Its beyond tough.

I finally realise. Until now, Ive been looking at it too naively, looking down on its low stats and lack of flashy skills. I had been thinking that, even if I couldnt see a way of defeating it, I could somehow do it if I tried, since I would have any number of opportunities.

I should have been more afraid of it being a maximum level Legendary, despite such a subpar attack strength. The longer I fight it, the larger the hecatoncheir almost seems to become.

No, Im not going to give up! Theres still more I can do.


My body shines with light, and I grow bigger. Its [Dragon Mirror]. Maintaining a larger body with [Dragon Mirror] costs a lot, so it could be a suicidal act against an endurance type like the hecatoncheir. But, to deal damage to it, I need to bring my base attack power up.

As I get larger, my body surfaces shifts to purple scales. My teeth and claws become thicker. Ive taken on the form of a diabolos. At the same time, I use [Ideal Weapon] to make my [Oneiros Mallet] larger.

In this form, I can get about a thirty percent boost to my attack power. Ill attack with the intention to burn through all my MP at once!