Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 576

Chapter 576

Published at 25th of April 2022 03:25:53 PM

I awake to the rays of sunlight filtering into the waterfall cavern. Looking to the side, I see Aro lying down and watching me.

Ah! Dragon-god-sama, good morning!

Aro happily calls out to me. H-how long have you been there?

I meant to stay half-awake, but it seems I fell into a deep sleep as a result of my relief. It might have been unavoidable, since I havent had a good nights sleep since fighting the slime.

But, its not over yet. Lilixiras betrayal and the slimes rampage were ultimately due to Gods Voice. Theres still too much that I dont know. Until Ive settled things with Gods Voice, I wont have truly avenged my partner.

My two clashes with the slime, the fight with the Hero in Harenae Desert, Lilixiras betrayal all of them were probably the result of Gods Voice pulling the strings behind the scenes. No, Gods Voice might have even had a hand in my arrival to this world.

I still dont know if Gods Voice is really an opponent I can fight. But, knowing what I know of their personality, Im sure Ill have to reach some conclusion or other. Even if I do nothing, Im probably going to get some message from Gods Voice as the last divine skill holder. As a result, I cant afford to ignore Umukahime.

Once everyone has woken up and weve eaten a breakfast of dried fenrir meat, I gather everyone in front of the waterfall cavern.

Im going to go consult with Umukahime about Gods Voice. Shes probably going to press me into taking an active role to fight Gods Voice. I still havent decided if thats what I want to do. In the worst case, its possible that relations between us could break down and I could end up fighting her.

At Hero Miia thought she could win, but was defeated. Gods Voice also doesnt seem to be scared of me in the slightest. If Gods Voice really were worried about me, they wouldnt have tried pushing me into getting stronger. Lilixira knew a lot more about Gods Voice and presumably gave the matter more thought, and she clearly thought that directly opposing Gods Voice would be impossible.

I dont want to say it, but.. Its possible that Miia and Umukahime deluded themselves into thinking that Gods Voice could be defeated as a result of their hate. I can understand.

According to the stone monument, Gods Voice induced Miia into destroying her homeland of the Harenae Empire. She became inhuman due to Noahs curse, resisted Gods Voices influence, and fought against Saint Lumira in a war that swallowed the entire world. It might have been inevitable that she would then devote her life to seeking revenge.

But I dont think we should go down that path. Lilixira request for me to resist without directly opposing might have been to prevent me from becoming a repeat of Miias tradgedy. If Gods Voice has some purpose in mind for me, then I might have to follow along to some extent. It might be possible to limit the harm.

I know what Gods Voice did is unforgivable. But, if its the same entity as the one who guided Miia, then theyve been spreading war throughout the world for hundreds of years. No, they might have been doing it for far longer. The scale is far too big.

I dont know whats going to happen from here on. I might end up fighting an unwinnable battle. However, I also think that settling things with Gods Voice is my duty to some extent. If you want to withdraw, then Ill take you wherever you want to go.

I look at Volk and magiatite-jii. Volk is a human, and magiatite-jii originally only wanted to take down the slime to make up for past mistakes.

I plan to fight by your side until the end. Ive already defeated Howgrey, who was my main objective. If theres a stronger foe out there, then I could ask for nothing more. Besides, I cant part ways now that weve come this far.

Noticing my gaze, Volk responds without hesitation. I bow my head down. He has saved me countless times in the conflict against Lilixira.

Volk frowns slightly.


Howgrey seemed to have some thoughts about Gods Voice. Ive only ever been fighting because I wanted to. I dont believe I have a duty to carry on the wishes of the defeated. But still, I want to see with my own eyes his reason for swinging a sword.

It seems something about Howgrey caught his attention. Howgreys way of fighting was different from anything Ive ever seen. He was probably seeing a different world than all of us. Id also like to know why he chose to help Lilixira.

I have also come this far. I shall accompany you on your journey until the end too.

I bow my head in gratitude to magiatite-jii.

Thank you, Volk, magiatite-jii.

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Then, should we go to see Umukahime straight away? As I think that, I see the tree spirit form treant-san has folded his arms and tilted his head to the side.

An opponent far beyond anything so far

Treant-san, no way

Aro looks at him with disappointment. He jumps up with a start.

N-no, thats wrong! Its not that I want to run away Its just, umm, Im not sure if Im going to be of much help.

His wings flapping in panic, he explains to Aro. She giggles, her face breaking into a smile.

I know. Treant-san is incredibly kind, after all. Even though you thought you had no chance, you went to rescue atlach-nacha all by yourself. You were just worried about us, right?


I see tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes.

Ive already heard what happened. After Aro was defeated by Aruane, he set out alone to fight Aruane alone in order to rescue atlach-nacha, and somehow managed to prevail.

I dont know how he managed to corner the rank equivalent Aruane. Apparently he rampaged mindlessly. But, whats most impressive isnt the fact that he defeated Aruane. I think his best virtue is his bravery to challenge Aruane for atlach-nachas sake, despite knowing he had practically no chance of winning.

Though in truth, I am a little bit scared.


Aro frowns slightly, as though let down.

Treant Umm, if youre scared, you could wait in the Lithovar forest

I-Im okay, master-dono! It was just a moments hesitation! I dont want to be left behind by myself again!

Restlessly flapping his wings, treant-san explains to me.